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 Jul 2015
Ann M Johnson
Somewhere in the middle is the place I don’t want to be
   I wonder what happened to me?  It is not like I want to repeat my awkward teen years especially those strong emotions and my bad acne
  It is just that the years seemed to fly by too fast
It seems like in a blink of an eye I was 20 than 30 than 40, Oh my!!
A neighbor recently told me “Over the Hill starts at 28”, man alive I hope she’s wrong. If she’s right I’ll take a big breathe and be strong
This road of life that I travel on, speaking of roads, I don’t want to be in the middle of a road either. I once heard a comedian say,” In the middle of the road is yellow lines and dead skunks (I say, oh gross!) If I find myself in the middle of the road my friend’s, I will quickly cross.
  If I am in the middle I will cope at all cost. I will live the time I have left to the fullest I can. Make the best of every opportunity and learn all I can.
  I will make a bucket list in case I kick the can. I will live in the moment but still plan, plan, plan.
  I will continue to let my loved ones know I love them and my friends too. To all you who are reading this I want you to know I appreciate you too! Please forgive my babbling, I recently had a birthday which made me take in account the years that have rushed by
  Well I could live another fifty years, maybe even more, “they say that time fly’s when you are having fun”, I am not sure if it is true or not, but watch me as I try
Recent birthday brought this to mind
I walk across the landing
and through the double doors
and aim towards the lift shaft,
that's where I'm going, of course.

It's as if it hears my footsteps
and needs no company
as that old elevator
shoots down to level 3.

Every single morning
as I approach its doors
it disappears pretty quick
down to those lower floors.

I swear it sees me coming
and doesn't like the look
so as I rush to hitch a ride
the **** thing slings its hook.

The doors are on a system,
computerised I read.
But whenever I get near them
they change the ****** speed.

I stand alone here waiting
and it just isn't fair
'cause I am stuck up here
when I want to be down there.

It speeds down to the bottom
and sits on the ground floor
you can here it taunting you
with the movements of the door.

Then after what seems ages
it gradually starts to rise
giving me some hope at last
as I can hear the noise.

Then it makes a pit stop
at another floor
and seems to take forever
to open and close its door.

Each and every level
seems to get a viewing
as if it wants to **** some time,
with my mind it is *******.

And then it reaches the sixth floor
as if it is my saviour
and finally opens up the doors
as if it's doing a favour.

It seems as if this machine
requires me to stalk
so now I've found the stairwell
and instead I'm going to walk.
9th July 2015
© Copyright Christopher K Bayliss 2014
This is a True Story of one elevators aim to cause me STRIFE!
 Jul 2015

this isn't a dress rehearsal folks
I'm sure I'm not the
first one to tell you
we're on


don't **** the messanger
I'm just doing my job
like the Blues Brothers
on a mission from God

we're on a massive stage
we all play bit roles
don't care who you are in the world
don't care what you own
don't care what you do
don't care who you know
or where you been
don't care what you think of me


life's hard then you die, right?
some people seem to have it easy
they have it all
but really? they put their pants on
one leg at a time like the rest of us
they have their own problems
they have fights with their wives
friends and relatives
they have problems on the job
they have to see the toilet
people they love die

nobody gets out alive

so what is the POINT?

do you have a purpose?

how do you fill that HUGE ENORMOUS

that the winds of change blow through like a hurricane season

I'm not the first one to tell you
we're in this play, see
it's called LIFE

if we are all bit players
who is the Director?
three guesses and the
first two don't count

what would happen if all
the actors decided to do
whatever they felt like?
right. CHAOS. well.
what do you see all around you???
who's in charge of this fiasco?
guess what?


admit it
some things that happen
defy explanation

He's up there alright
shaking his head
sometimes laughing
sometimes crying
sometimes FURIOUS!

do you think

look around. do you think

so what does He WANT ANYWAY?

that's an excellent question
what do you think He wants???




is that so difficult?

well. i really actually may be
the first one to tell you this
but it's not only what He wants

it's what He REQUIRES

so you don't want to do
what He requires?
guess what?

you are a bit player
you can be replaced at any time

I am talking to
Christian people as well
especially them
what gives you the right to
judge anyone when you go to
Church one day and act the devil
the rest of the time?


H Y P O C R I T E S ???

That's what you are
and in the end you will
go to the left
 Jul 2015
Mande Thul
Traumatized puppy
Physical wounds healed, scarred over
scared again and again
Noises startle, passers-by threaten
Fear is real, not imagined
Stunts your mental health
Love and compassion can not cure all
Horrific consequences of sustained trauma
You are not to blame
Health whole in body and mind
Zooming, happy baby dog
Together we will be in Heaven
Baby dog, my angel dog
Missing you until Death
 Jul 2015
Mande Thul
Homemade, buttery-crusted pasty boats
Two many eaten and it's as if I'm a bloated goat
that can not float
I knew eating a second pasty wasn't a good idea, however the deliciousness tempted me to ingest another one.
 Jul 2015
Mande Thul
Purple-green Bug smug like a pug in a jug
flowing, glowing in lightening paths
Cutting iridescent swaths swirling in delight and show
 Jul 2015
Mande Thul
Amphibian cuddles
holding on tight with all it's mite
'Love you, Mama' expressed
in frog licks and chirps bird-like
for crickets which are a frog's lively brunch
I am an amphibian enthusiast.  Aquatic frogs, fire-bellied newts, and tree frogs share my home.  I may add more to this poem as I feel it's unfinished.  I am new to writing poetry, so we'll see.
 Jul 2015
Mande Thul
Extinguishes your fear
Understands the choice
Troubling ways, reflecting trauma
Healing sleep, in too deep
Angel free, watching me
Never to fear again
Agonizing choice
Sweet Heaven's estate
In strong faith
A**waiting our fate
Letting go of my troubled, rescue dog to protect him.
 Jul 2015
Mande Thul
Pale butter, creamy yellow
Dreamy spread of delight
Coat my taste buds in
A comfort so smooth as a frayed
Cotton-combed, sleep shirt
All right for sneaking rye bread
In the night
Live and let butter be a balm for the soul.
 Jul 2015
I pace.
When I am confused,
I pace
 Jul 2015
Ann M Johnson
You may think I am too sensitive
   I am just sensitive enough to cry to a sad song
   I am just sensitive enough to sing along to a song that touches my heart
   I am just sensitive enough to cry while watching a Hallmark movie
  I am just sensitive enough to listen to other’s troubles and either empathize or sympathize with them
  I am just sensitive enough to be a shoulder to cry on
  I am just sensitive enough to be a good friend
  I am just strong enough to not feel like apologizing for being sensitive because it is a part of who I am
Sometimes in the past somebody complained about me being too sensitive. I know longer feel like it is a character flaw. I believe it is good to care about others even if people think of it as being too sensitive.
 Jul 2015
Kelly Rose
Lonely and filled with sorrow
Self-hatred burns bright, loss of self is profound
Defeated, she feels there is no tomorrow

Abandoned, she is left to beg, cheat and borrow
Hope is nowhere to be found
Lonely and filled with sorrow

She is torn asunder and on the morrow
She will stand firm and hold her ground
Defeated, she feels there is no tomorrow

As her heart is pierced by an arrow
The ground crumbles; she feels drowned
Lonely and filled with sorrow

She is bereft and feels quite hollow
Life makes no sense, leaving her confounded
Defeated, she feels there is no tomorrow

Hopeless, feeling despair she wallows
Afraid she’ll never rise up and be found
Lonely and filled with sorrow
Defeated, she feels there is no tomorrow

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