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 Apr 2016
I am but a nation,

Torn to pieces

My poor broken heart

left to scatter apart

Like a flag,

Abandoned to the breeze

And the mercy of whichever way

The winds may take me.

My colours are faded

And split apart

Representing the many different parts

Of my life.

Red is my passion

And love in my heart,

White is where my thoughts and feelings

Are at their most pure,

Green is for growth

And my love of nature,

Yellow is my cowardice

Of which I am ashamed,

And black

Contains all possibilities.

In singularity each only represents

Part of me

Only when colours unite together

To unify my soul

Will you ever

Get to see me whole.
RIP Nelson Mandela
 Apr 2016
Emily B
i learned how
to diagnose myself
along the way


so many words
to describe
who i may be

words i don't talk about

i worry about
in waters
no one can see
but me
i watched "The Fisher King" last night. It got me thinking.
 Apr 2016
Busbar Dancer
These are not the times
for poetry…
For lofty prose or
roses budding in
warm sunlight
to gently perfume
the wind with
a delicate reminder
of tenderness.

These are the days of
****** knuckles;
chipped teeth.
The days of beating the truth from strangers,
then strangling that truth
with a piece of garden hose.
The bad days, the ugly days
when poets take up fighting and
fighters take to ******.
The goddammitfuckyou days.

Welcome to the clinched fist.
Beautiful things must be whispered.
 Apr 2016
Karina Norris-Veirs
I do pretty good most days
Battling my loneliness
Today is not one of them
I really need your hand
*I want to hear your words
Reverberate in my ear
I want to just lay next to you
Feel your skin upon mine
Warming me from outside in
I hate myself on nights like this
When my need for you gives in
This is definitely one of those times
when I wish you knew my kids
Then I wouldn't have to be lonely tonight
I could rest with the taste of you kiss
Missing my friend, lover, muse.....
 Mar 2016
Arouse me from this winter slumber
For I've been too long in this wasteland

I yearn to frolic in feathered meadows
with childish glee
Eden calling me to her garden
Intertwine your roots with mine
Bury seeds deep in my flowerbed
**** the nectar from my petals
Your rising sap mixing with the
Quiet lapping of my Spring flood
Chain your daisy to my buttercup
Sit quietly by my babbling brook
Swimming in the sunshine of my gaze
Accompanied by nothing
But a gentle fluttering of butterfly wings
And the sound of a serene awakening

In an afternoon of
Spring delight

(C) Pixievic
Still getting lost in fantasy!!
Listen on Soundcloud
 Mar 2016
Denel Kessler
I recognize
this ground
laced with stones
and poisoned barbs
hike barefoot here

a barren desert
feels like home
when there is nothing
to be lost or gained

I have been here
many times before
stripped down naked
in the noonday sun
watching vultures
wheel and dive

as I dangle
twist and spin
ever the enabler
 Mar 2016
Matthew Berkshire
In Florida sometimes it rains so hard
that you believe that it can't possibly stop,
that it will just rain and rain forever.

Sometimes I'd wake to a storm late at night,
and I'd sit out on the porch.

You could smell the lightning, and the coolness of the storm would
make your hair stand;
I'd feel so alive.

Some nights I'd go out, and my father
would be sitting on the porch already.
Lost in the storm
or maybe
called to it.
We wouldn't talk,
but we'd be lost together
in the rain and thunder.

Sometimes I wonder what of him
is left in me.
I am not sure
if I am more afraid of there being
very little
or of there being a great deal,
but when it rains
I think about him on that porch;
 Mar 2016
Terry Jordan
I take a deep breath to staunch
That constant clang and clatter
Be still and follow the hunch
Before it’s too late to matter

I need a quiet place
A shift in space, a change in stealth
My next breath can create
Some room to gaze at something else

Soon I must take a break
I can’t settle down or think straight
Wrestling with those demons
I know not the time or the date

Looking back looks so abnormal
Deadly games of Red Rover
Spawning pages from my journals
Replaying over and over

I know not steps to take
On pathways for planting the seed
Peace, her elusive face
Turns away whenever I plead

Time to build that Safe House
Only I have the key to the door
Where peace and bliss abounds
I meet each holy moment and soar

Seek a new vision there
And learn to think more about others
Let go my tormented memories
Seeing All-my Sisters and Brothers

I find that peaceful space
Just to release what I don’t need
Replaces all my soul has freed

Filling up my Heart Space
As soft as a sweet baby’s kiss
Some name the feeling Grace
I feel a sense of peace and bliss
Fleeting moments of peace while meditating;  staunching the clang & clatter of my monkey-mind.
 Mar 2016
Terry Jordan
I ask this of you, Lord
In your hands my fate lies
I've wandered in blindness
Please Lord open my eyes

Let your love fill me
Let your love heal me
Don't let life steal me
From your tender love

I prayed to you, Dear Lord
With these sighs my words poured
Please clothe me in your love
And hear your ev'ry word

I was tired and so lonely
My mind broken in shame
Until I was led to
Calling out in your name

Like gardens need water
Oh we reap what we sow
Your light in my path, Lord
Helps me see my faith grow

I feel heartbeats of Spirit
When it holds me so near
It's God's grace that saves us  
And erases all fear

I sing to you dear Lord
Like a child just been born
For love, strength and wisdom
You've been here all along

I let your love fill me
I let your love heal me
I won't let life steal me
From your tender love
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