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 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
Hemophilia runs in the family
A bleeding disorder
I was fortunate
My sister got the gene, not me
She is a carrier
and has mild Hemophilia
If she had been born a boy, it would have been far more severe
But even with her mild disorder
She spontaneously begins bleeding
Without anything even happening to her
I spontaneously begin bleeding too
Even though nothing is happening to me
But you can't see that bleeding
It's internal
Not inside my body
But inside my soul.
Or something.
I'm not really sure where it hurts, all I know is that it hurt a lot
People say, just be happy!
Don't you want to be happy?
Can't you just ignore it?

That's like asking my sister
When she spontaneously gets ****** noses
Just stop bleeding!
Don't you want to stop bleeding?
Can't you just ignore the fact that blood is pouring out of you?

just because the pain is not visible
That is why I'm trying to find a distraction from the pain
Because when my sister gets a ****** nose, she just goes and distracts herself with a movie, so she doesn't pay attention to the bleeding
My point is, though
I can't just "be happy"
I'm bleeding too
And it is spontaneous and inexplicable
sorry, just getting sick of people thinking depression is the same thing as sadness
Like a disease of the mind is something you can CHOOSE to ignore
To feel or not to feel
To suffer or not to suffer
It is not for attention
It is not for any other reason
Than Brokenness that you can't explain
And wish it would go away
If you wouldn't tell someone with a bleeding disorder who is randomly bleeding to stop bleeding, they are being overdramatic,
Then don't say that to someone with depression about their sadness.
 Jan 2015
Ena Alysopriono
Sometimes people are so quiet
They are almost invisible
It can take days
Before they realize they have been noticed

Sometimes people are so scared
Of being hurt again
It can take months
For them to say "hi" back

Sometimes people are so sure
No one will ever love them
It can take years
To unbury their hidden self

Sometimes it can take moments
Repost this if someone has taken a moment for you. Then Pay It Forward for someone else who needs it.
 Jan 2015
If I show my emotions
My issues might try to escape
I can't seem to keep up
With her formalities
Normality I have to fake

Kisses to me feel awkward
Please don't touch me while I sleep
Exhausted are my conversations
She just can't seem to go that deep

But there are times
When life come undone
She is there, my voice is gone
And my empty heart
Weighs a ton
Even if I neglect to show it,
I love you.
 Jan 2015
I gave her my heart
Yet she tore it apart
I wish I knew why

But before I could ask
She said
"Good bye."
 Jan 2015
Joseph Schneider
In the wake of giants we sing
We see no boundaries
We see no walls of abhorrence
Only prevalence
If we are not chasing a dream
We are helping someone else catch theirs
We think our dreams are too far fetched
We think because we are us we can't
What separates us from prosperity
Nothing but one fact
While we say "no I can't"
Those who prosper say "yes I can"
It's more simple than we imagine

- Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
From musicians to professional athletes nothing separates them from anyone else but heart.  The only person keeping anyone from their dreams is themself.  The person who says I can, and the person who says I can't are both right.
 Jan 2015
SG Holter
I am an old dog.
Fur thick from winter nights
Under stars, paws hard from
Scratching at the
Insides of doors.

Sad old eyes see through
Actions and words, reading
Intentions and tendencies.
Biting only to teach
Or carry.

I see the kicks behind your steps.
The nervous punches behind your
Invade my space, and I'll make you
A cat person.

I don't have time for your
Self-pity and negative meditations.
Reincarnation has finally granted
Me this simple existence of

Picture a leash, and I'll
Never walk at your side.
Free from your two legged
Two-facedness; anything human is
Puppy to me.

Don't try to force me. Or own me.
You'll only fail. You'll always
Fail at taking the animal
Out of the

I didn't come this far
To be tame.
I didn't work so hard at not
Needing, to end up begging for
A full bowl.
 Jan 2015
SG Holter
My father gave me the
Last of his wine.
Thus leaving the rest of that
Habit behind.
His eyes, once blue like skies
Over sea,
Were grey with regret when
He gave it to me.
The older you grow, the
Better it sits,
The bitterness clouding both
Wisdom and wits.
I'm glad he won't know
How well I understand
How much the bottle can
Steal from a man.
If anything's off in your
Body or soul,
If angry or lonely or
Not feeling whole,
The first things to toss so your
Boat doesn't sink,
Are the barrels and bottles marked:
Too Much to Drink.
 Jan 2015
The Noose
Some are born balanced
On a precipice and remain
Tethered for the rest of their days
Overlooking barely there
Mental images
Fragments of a lucid dream
Of a conjured up past life
Once etched on skin
But no longer there
They speak of
Violent reinvention
And escape
While the hollow speaks
And catapults into spaces
Better left unknown

Psyches wrapped in denial
Running the gamut of habitual sins
Perpetuating legacies of pain
With hands that carry
The burdens of forefathers
In the twilight of dreams
Willing for the heavens
To send a spring that blooms

Hearts whose pounding
Reverberates endlessly
inside of ears
Eyes that get darker as they close
Meet with ours
A look
A sigh
Ascertaining a mutual recognition
Of the familiar
Shadows that plague.
 Jan 2015
Ena Alysopriono
I can imagine these moments so well
They make me happy
But they also make me really sad
I can imagine them
I am just afraid
I will never
Live these moments
Writing stories. idk
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