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My dear BELOVEDz
You have played festivals of colors
With me through centuries
I've been your Romeo, Rumi, Radha
Zuliet, Layla, Heer, Sohni
Majnun, Rabia, Ranjhanaa

I am standing in front of YOU
with your colors in my heart
Can YOU play colors with me?

Without YOU
Without your colors
I can't find
Lyrics in my songs

YOU are the naughty, cool
Fragrant color of my life

Why are YOU always in such a hurry
It is so difficult to calm YOU down

Color my dreamZ slowly BELOVEDz
Please play colors with me BELOVEDz

At every shore of every ocean
On every flora of every forest
On every bird of every sky
Everything is covered with your colors

I can smell your fragrance everywhere
But I can't see YOU anywhere

I want to melt in your colors
I want to be covered with your colors

Till now YOU've been so tender to me
Hiding and throwing colors on me

I keep on calling out for YOU
Oh.. my BELOVEDz
Oh... my BELOVEDz
Come and apply some more
Colors of your LOVE on me

At nights YOUR whispers color
My heart in BLUE
During days your presence colors

Your hide and seek laughter
Resonates music around me

Let us be together and play
This festivities of colors

I can't see you in worldly crowd
Be brave and come out in front of me
And apply some COLORS of LOVE on me

 Mar 2019
Roses are red,
violets are blue.
If you truly love me as much as you say you do,
then how come you no longer treat me like you used to?
A short poem just to get your mind thinking..
 Mar 2019
I want you to chase me
when I walk away.
To put in a little effort.
Show me you care,
Show me that you want me around.
Show me you want me here.
I need your reassurance,
Preferably yours.

I want you to pay attention to me.
I want your time.
No scheduling,
No planning.
I want to see you whenever we’re free.
No sneaking,
No meetups.
I want someone to see
When I wake up.
Day after day,
Month after month,
I want years with the same one .
I want to appreciate every single second
Every breath I take in your presence
I want to
Cherish every accidental touch
Every smile that lights up your face
Every word that makes my heart race
I want the same
Friday nights movie dates
I want the “I’m on my way home ,
You want a milkshake?”
A “text me when you make it home,
So I know you’re safe.”
I want there to be no distance between our minds.
I wanna know all of your thoughts ,
And I want you to want to know all of mine.

I want you to have time for me .
Don’t make time when you’re free,
Like you have to put a reminder in your schedule
Just to see me.
Saying you miss me
Knowing you only miss the pleasure
I can bring you.
I want you to want my mind
as much as you want what’s between my thighs.

I want to be known
By you.
I wanna fall in love with your words
because I know they’re true
not because you’re only saying them
because they’ll benefit you.
I want more from you than you can offer me.
Even if I have to beg,
I’d beg
For you to **** me instead.
Just off me!
Only two things I plead
The fifth and insanity.
I want more things than I deserve to want.
Because the thing about “I deserve”
Is that you don’t deserve a thing
In life, except the right to breathe.

So, what do I want you ask?
I want someone to want me.
Everyone kept asking me what I wanted for Christmas and all I wanted was to feel wanted. I didn’t get that though.
 Mar 2019
Edmund black
can you see
Through the tears? 

I can see the pain
Through your smile
You think you hide

I could see past
The illusion
in your eyes

Dry your eyes
Rise anew
Because baby
I see you
I feel you
With my soul

It is not an illusion
I want to love you forever
In a billion different ways

My only only fear

may not be long
 Mar 2019
aubrey sochacki
if tomorrow our sky is no longer blue
it would be
the color of your eyes
the night you kissed me
under the red, green, blue lights
the way your soul lit up
when you looked at me
for a second,
i forgot the world existed
i forgot how to breathe
i want to remember
the color of your eyes

they’re not even sky blue
but i wouldn’t mind
naming the color of the sky
after them
 Mar 2019
Nikole L
I woke up with ray of sunshine on my cheeks
It's warm, bright, and comfy but I didn't care
I closed my eyes and slept
I dreamt of  a voyage on the clouds
A quest finding that ray of sunshine

Someone warm enough to hug me tight
Someone willing to be a clown just to make me laugh
Someone who brightens up a dark day
Someone who finds it cool to hang out with my crazy clan
Someone comfortable to be with me even if I'm awkward
Someone who lifts my chin up on tough times
Someone who will never leave me like how the sun sets, when I'm at my lowest point
Someone who sees the challenge in my complicated mind
Above all, someone who brings out the sunshine in me

That ray of sunshine who will make me see,
that every sunrise is worth waiting for
He, who will make me realize as I wake up with ray of sunshine on my cheeks,
I love how it makes me feel
Warm, bright, and comfy.

My ray of sunshine, Where are you?
there is uproar in the kitchen.
you would think some restaurant was over-
booked and a weary chef was fighting
to deliver ten covers at once.

all i said was “i can’t get to sleep.”
he has decided to save me.
my valiant knight on horseback
is in the kitchen making something.

i yawn and sit pretty on the sofa.
it is nice to be saved and spoilt.
i start to drift away to some
distant land trying to ignore the blender.

he arrives with a large cup.
he gives this to me and hovers.
i must taste this though
i know it will burn my lips.

i can’t leave him hovering forever
so i take a sip, burn my lips
and melt with the softness of the milk,
an intimate pleasure.

my cup of love, hot milk,
cinnamon, honey, all blended
to froth and he has grated
nutmeg on the top.

i smile up at my valiant knight
and he relaxes, all is well.
i have been saved
no more dragons to fell.
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