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 Dec 2016
Raj Bhandari









SOUL­ !!
 Dec 2016
Ju Clear
Human Kind
Stand up for your rights
Pete sang
Nelson served time
The world carried on
Humanity celebrated
Peace on earth to all
Gods and godless unite
To  fill our world of love
For all those living on planet earth
kindness rules to save humankind
Human writes day
Tyranny oppression with the help of force and coercion
Social animals have degraded humans down to animals  
With the faces and hearts of hypocrites with the assertion
The devils present themselves in the garb of sacred angels

On the name of human rights they ****,****** humanity
This is how for their heinous designs they play ***** tricks
They keep humans in their vested chains by declaring free
Their forts are constructed as bulwark with human bricks

Humanity ,humanity is but in shackles of hunters like hounds
Life has become a source of bargain and just fun in front of guns
Vicious in their circles **** blood and eat flesh on all grounds
To cover their sins, crimes they celebrate the day as champions

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
 Dec 2016
uzzi obinna
An iron fist is dealt the middle east,
Her children are torn by the beast,
While nobles sit and feast;

Disaster has hit her really hard,
The outcome is very sad,
Nobles continue to deal the card;

The game is hard to understand,
You can't tell where her children stands,
If they are deserving of a tough hand;

Some say it is karma,
And once they slaughtered others,
But do they deserve this dharma;

Ashes and smoke of burning flesh fills the air,
Whatever their fault may be - this isnt fair,
Oh how she wishes the world will truely care;

Brace yourselves oh children of the east,
Within your walls are also ravenous beasts,
Who by your anguish have made accounts from which to feast;

So let me show you where you ought to begin,
Your politicians are the beasts within,
Undo with them and you'll begin to win;

Do not be decieved by their sad countenance on tv,
They do all that so that you wouldn't see,
Because when you see then you will be set free.

I might not be completely wrong or right,
But no one goes into anothers house and win a fight,
They must be let in before they can smite.

And external powers fueling this fight,
Remove your hands and do what's right
Aid the east into the peaceful light.
 Dec 2016
Mike Hauser
As you're keeping tabs
On all that you have
Have you ever once thought
Of giving some of it back

Will you then pay heed
To what could be your greed
And give a portion to those around
That are desperately in need

Don't make the season that we're in
The only reason for giving
Unless it is to start
A better new beginning

In a life long plan
With what you have been blessed
And what a blessing that would be
To give part of it back
 Dec 2016
Lexander J
Sashes on the pavement, lovers in a ditch
singing their own love songs in the highest pitch,
the Heartbreak City banks, full of disgusting ****** and tramps -
welcome to your new Empire of dust, forever lit beneath low phosphour lamps

strutting down those streets with your hands on your hips
filthy smile smeared over those tempestuous lips,
stinking of the latest high maintenance fragrance
the ****** arrogance that flips and fits

the hottest ***** I've ever seen
from a nobody to the penultimate Killer Queen,
champagne, diamonds, expensive tastes,
spending money on luxuries and other waste

oh I love your exotic ideas, your shattering impatient thoughts
spreading the *** craze that warps and distorts,
your people slumber in poverty, weep at your knees
instead of mercy you gift them with drug addiction and disease

children crying upon high streets
lawyers demanding prostitutes for tax receipts -

oh here they come -

the worst is un-seen

oh here they come -

both unjust and un-clean

the beautiful people are mannequins and they hide in shadows
birthed from ****** within Satan's abysmal gallows
clicking fingernails rotted and curled
whispering everything makes sense in a senseless world -

this perfection is not what it used to be
your quest is useless, for can't you see -
the beautiful people are plague, and they hide behind trees
and sooner or later they'll catch you, steal and contort your dreams.
 Dec 2016
Ju Clear
For Now
Be still
Two in three out
Stay calm
Now is the place
Now is the time
put down
put out
Shut down
turn off
Two in three out

  in the
Inspired by the beat lkj
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