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 Apr 2016
Alyssa Underwood
The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want
I dwell in fields of green
Led by His hand I may drink my fill
From streams where few have been
Though I may walk through death's shadowed vale
His presence calms every fear
Through the dark dangers He sets a feast
Whenever my foe comes near
His goodness and mercy shall follow me
Throughout my days here on earth
Then take me home where forever my eyes
Shall behold all His glorious worth!
Sung to the tune of 'Cloud-Shadows' (music by James H. Rogers)
fast running brook
trout sparkle underneath
light blue ripples
O Blessed Savior, you are always renewing my strength.
You are always renewing my Faith as well and Blessings.
Who am I , that you love me this much that you never give up on me.
That you accept me with all of my faults, all of my baggage as well.
You whom saw the earth at the very beginning of time and said this is good.
You whom loved king David after he let you down with Bathsheba.
You whom turn your enemy  Saul into your warrior Paul the apostle.
For even through all of our wickedness , you use it to encourage others.
Whom struggle with obedience and disobedience before you here.
 Mar 2016
Tom Blake
It's a Summer's evening
I sit beneath the sky
I have my guitar
I sing my song to our God
In the beauty of this day
And words come from my heart
I convey with a melody.

Hear my voice, O Holy One!
Let my hymn please your ears
Let it fill your Heart with joy
A gift from me to you
I just want to TOUCH you!

As I continue to sing your song
My eyes are drawn to the sky
Among the clouds I see
Singing in perfect harmony...

A Celestial choir to accompany me!
 Mar 2016
empty and glass
cold and fragile
it doesn't beat like it should
but sometimes it catches the light nicely
as long as it's beautiful
never mind that it doesn't work
hook me up to a monitor
and you'll hear nothing
but press your ear to my chest
and you might just hear the ocean
 Mar 2016
Night isn't a void
It's possibility

It is the breath before a verse
The undisturbed lines on a sheet of loose leaf
A canvas still the shade of eggshells
Sleeping strings on an old guitar

Night isn't death
It's birth

A glance shared across a room
A tentative smile, a kiss, a touch
The first of many bitter drinks
Meant to wash away the mask of the Day

Night is freedom

You can’t read the rules without a light
And They can’t see you in the dark

Night is bass lines that keep your heart beating

Night is smoke

Night is gasoline and glitter

But above all
Night is the promise of escape
From the pretense of Day

When the sun is your stage light
And the world is your stage
 Mar 2016
Melissa S
When I think of you and me
I think of a tree

Sometimes that tree is full
full of life
So full it reminds me of the stars
Where we sit on a blanket and count them
Where we think they are all ours

Sometimes that tree is empty
Each passing day
more leaves
fall to the ground
Until one day
all that is left is one
Saddened by what it has become
 Mar 2016
Karina Norris-Veirs
Blindfold on
Hands *******
Feathery delights
Scalding touch
Deeper still
Up to the hilt
Hands on neck
Don't need to ask what's next
Breathless lungs
Come undone
Hand prints bare
Claimed what's there
Over again
So many times
No longer a sin
Galaxies collide
What a hell of a ride
#fantasy? #ride #collide
Postcard countryside
sunlight crowning hedgerows
partly cloudy sky lighting-
poetic fervor , heating imaginations
Copyright April 1 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Mar 2016
phil roberts
If something needs to be said
Don't let it stagnate in your head
Don't chew your lips or bite your tongue
Just sing it out 'till your song is sung
It may end in love or even a fight
But at least you'll know the truth in the light

                                   By Phil Roberts
 Mar 2016
Commuter Poet
You are black
Your mother is white
You emerge from warmth and safety
Into the cold winds of March

Amnion clings to your coat
Shiny, bubbly
And you struggle to stand
On the soggy field
Searching desperately for milk

Your legs give way
But you stand again
Close against the chill of the cross winds

A cord still connects you
And while your mother grazes
You drink

You are together
United by birth
And this spring afternoon
29th March 2016
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