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 Mar 2016
phil roberts
I came out of the north-west
Staggering from the storm
The surgeons had repaired my body
And my mind hung by one hinge
So I headed for the coast of Wales
To assume the healing rhythm of the sea
And breathe the briny air
Where no-one knew me
Nor called my worn out name
Sweet freedom in isolation

And so, in smiling solitude
I walked and smoked too much
Staring at the moody ocean
As we all inevitably do
As though it holds answers
And indeed it does
The answer is "being"

One hot but breezy day
I followed the coast from north to south
Not too far but far enough
Until I came upon a harbour
Tiny and insignificant
But a harbour nonetheless
With a clutch of small boats
Bobbing and swaying lazily
On the backwater slack water tide
And somewhere close by
A nautical bell tolled the rhythm
Of an endless heedless movement
And an oddly comfortable melancholy
Rocked me in it's arms
Lost and found
Beginning and end

In as much as everything matters
Though nothing matters much
This place was nothing to me
No more than countless others
But that harbour bell
So patient and so constant
Touched something deeper than knowledge
Perhaps it was the state of my health
Or the glowing heat of the day
But some vulnerable receptor
Vibrated to that gentle toll
I've been in many places in my life
And seen wondrous famous sights
All seared into my minds eye
But their memories will last no longer
Than the haunting harbour bell

                                                By Phil Roberts
Written last summer in Wales. It was the first poem I'd written for 4 or 5 years. Sorry it's so long but that's how it wrote itself :/
 Mar 2016
A Lopez
Wild and free,
Climbing the earth
In nature's tree.
Sipping the suds
From bubbly seas.
Creating love
Out of detestation's
Seethe. Scribbling
Quick the words
I know, I am the
You seek
To know.
My vibes you
Take in, from them
You grow, from you
I glow, because you
Are all
My inspiring
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley
Mayest thy body be healed
By Jehovah's hand's
Of heaven's field's;
Wherein his tonic
Is spirit, light, and

Mayest thy ailment's
Leaveth, and thy
Sickness to
From the source
Of all creation, compassion,
That cometh from above.

Mayest Yahweh's Angel's,
Around thee be vangled,
As thine husband comfort's
Thee, breathe easy in and
Out, remember by Christ's
Stripes thou were made
Free, not just from sin;
But all thing's of Satan's

Mayest the seraph's
Be sent to thine heart,
Mayest the demon's
Depart, who feed off
The living, whom
Breed on sickly
Planning, though
Remember Mrs. Sardua;
The Almighty's word's- Fear thou not, for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley \ Mrs.Sardua dedication ( Jane's mother, Mrs sardua) prayer dedication
Vangled-or vangles is a word I made up meaning ( protective source of gods power, protecting angels of gods highest degree and healing power...)
Yahweh- another name in Hebrew for our Christian God just like Elohim, or the almighty, or great I am. Or Jehovah.
Wherein- means in which.

KJV bible-
Isaiah 41:10 - Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not dismayed; for I [am] thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness....

Jane told me her mother was vomiting all. Morning and was very sick. Her mother's getting older as is her father... Any Christians out there who pray I ask you can pray for Jane's mother Mrs sardua for her sickness and vomiting to go away. Would be a nice gift for Mrs sardua especially on Easter Sunday. The day representing our Savior raising again from the grave Yeshua ha'mashiach- ( Jesus the Messiah)  raising the third day being seen by many the fourth day and even after that for fourty more days.... If you can pray for Mrs sarduas complete healing physically and healing for Jane and her families worries would be a blessing... Thank you very much.
Sincerely Brandon Cory nagley.....
When the dusts settle from the last wheel
and the sickle moon stoops on the bamboo grove
the dead rise in the whispers of the southern breeze.

You may hear them splashing the canal's water
beneath the hazed halo of one quarter
by nocturne music of barn owl and crickets
in lights of glowworms from darkest thickets.

If you stop on the Rotwood Bridge
can hear them sing in gay abandon
though we're now all dead old spirits
the night can't make us anymore forlorn

The twin moon may from the ripples broken
beckon you and if your spirit awakens
take a plunge for a joyous down go
amid cheers from the watery hollow.
 Mar 2016
Star Gazer
Where did that little girl go?
The one who ran around tirelessly
Till she spewed up the juice she drank
As she darts a happy eye
Towards me and says
'Don't worry I'm on a juice cleanse'.

Where did that teenager go?
The one who ran around tirelessly
Trying to solve the problems of the world.
"No matter how hard you try dear,
You're never going to save the environment,
No matter how hard you try dear,
You're never going to cure AIDS right now,
No matter how hard you try dear,
You can't fix every relationship issues,
No matter how hard you try sweetheart,
There's just no way you can do all that alone."

But she tried, oh how she tried
and as tears ran down her cheeks,
she held a smile
with her eyes
still shimmering of a fading light
she said
'You watch me. I'll do it all,
I'll prove you wrong
I am a ******* champ'.

Where did that teenager go?
The one who objected to the ideas of impossibility,
The one who did her best to prove everyone wrong.

"She's never going to make it to 18."
they said derisively towards her,
they said holding barbed wired words
across her shattering heart.

Why didn't you try to prove them wrong.
Where did THAT teenager go?
Why didn't you prove them wrong?
~7th grade conversation
We were so strong younger and as we grew older,
Our strength slowly diminished.
We tried standing our grounds but life
Only became a bigger battle ground,
A deadlier war,
A heavier boulder to carry.
Lend me these hillsides where I might find solace amongst her fauna
To abate my scorching thirst from the ample cistern of knowledge and direction .. A reservoir whereto chalice the unknown , purging the acrid , barren desolation of opinions imprisonment , to drink freely thereof .. O'er the Live Oak promenade , privy to 'Mother Natures' exacting architecture and abundant goodwill , along the rustling banks of the Flint Basin .. My flourishing , cascading 'Educator '..
March 26 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Mar 2016
Denel Kessler
Ten black crows
in a red-budded
cottonwood tree
basking in the eerie
glow of the waning sun
bruised, livid sky
weighted air
waves shush, shush
on the receding tide
serenity reigns
but I can feel it
hovering offshore
a curled fist
wound tight
ready to strike
 Mar 2016
Thomas clark
In the deepest darkest corner
In the recess of my mind
I built a little cupboard
We're my skeletons can hide
Then I imagined an electrician
To give my cupboard light
And gave all my little skeletons
A nasty little fright
Now they have no darkness
No place that they can hide
My skeletons can,t hurt me
I just brush them all aside
 Mar 2016
Ignatius Hosiana
 Mar 2016
Robert Blankenship
Often my thoughts turn to the Cross
The beautiful Cross of Calvary
Upon which my saviour bled and died
To give eternal life to me

It's wooden beams bear the scars
Of nails that pierced his hands
His precious feet were riven to
And from his side blood and water ran

The Cross has stood over two thousand years
And even today it stands
As a bridge from heavens door
Down to the heart of mortal man

O the precious blood stained tree
That old and rugged nail scarred Cross
I count it as a gift of grace
And all I am as loss

Luke 23:34
And Jesus said,
"Father forgive them
they know not
what they do."

Thank you Lord.
 Mar 2016
Robert Blankenship
A cross alone would not bear
The weight of mankinds sorrows
The pain the grief the tears
That fill all men's tomorrows

It could not hold upon its limbs
Hate and lust and strife
Not bear one dark misery
That steals so much of life

The cross alone has no strength
To hold sins true weight
Under this crushing load
The cross was bound to break

Until God sent us his only son
His purpose to mend the broken beam
Nails driven through his hands and feet
He sealed the broken seam

The cross is now made whole
No more a broken limb
Because of the blood of Christ
The cross is made whole through him

 Mar 2016
Eddie Starr
To the cross , we cling with his mercy and grace.
He strengthen us, to stand firm in times of trouble.
To reach to those lost and barely surviving here.
We lay down our wills to grab ahold of his will.
For through Christ is the way that leads to his Hope.
The cross which lead us toward his salvation.
Only some of us shall find the path that leads to it.
You have to see outside the box to see the road.
That's to the cross and leads toward heaven as well.
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