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 Sep 2017
Irving MacPherson
last night
I lost the best friend
I ever had
I think this is a line from an old blues tune. I titled it Pine Top after a really cool blues piano player by the name of Pine Top Perkins
 Sep 2017
Irving MacPherson
I hold myself
in contempt,
or I don't.
Either way
my day is spent
doing what I want,
wanting what I do.
 Aug 2017
Victoria Jennings
I will love you

I cannot handle friends
As lonely an abyss as it may be

Your eyes will start to scream forever

Your mouth will start to promise it

Time flies and it feels like we're on a seesaw because nothing is ever good or bad long even if they feel like the longest days of my life

We are sharing a bed
We have named our children the ones we don't have

You hold me every night
Make love every day
Until the time comes you don't do either

You are slipping and I'm suppose to catch you but I'm falling apart and you're sending mixed signals

Because even after years of being lovers and friends you cannot be honest with me

We will end over and over again
You will break my heart so many times

I will come whenever you call or text
Because first love isn't one you forget

I will climb into your bed
Make love half a dozen times
Sleep beside you
Hug you back everytime you hug me

One day you won't invite me over anymore

One day you'll have a new woman
Make new promises you'll break
Name new kids
Or say you never wanted any to begin with

You'll message me to complain some days
Other days you'll message me almost as if to gloat the nothingness I have

I will still love you

I will never really stop


I still see the world in your eyes.
 Jul 2017
There are two half-full cups of coffee on my desk
(and one in my car).
But you'd make me more in the morning
If I asked.
Like how you would drive my car in the rain,
Because I can't see the road
(even though I never told you I couldn't)
And then make me watch bad movies.
You're better than the rain,
You're the whole monsoon season,
Shaking the whole world up with yourself,
And making it better every time.
 May 2017
Cecil Miller
I should have asked you to take me for a drive.
I never had a moment alone with you.
We should have sat and cried.
There's little more to hold on to.

I hope you're feeling peaceful,
Someplace where you are loved.
The time has come and gone.
The time has come and gone.

I should have told you all
My deepest secrets.
I wonder what you'd have said
When I told you.
You would have love, I bet.
There is little left to hold on to.

I hope you're feeling wanted,
And that you're having a ball.
I hope you're where you want to be,
Or you're nowhere at all.

I should have had less
Fear of loving you.
We never had a moment
To clear the air.
I'd weep into your shoulder
Like a little child.

I hope you're feeling peaceful.
Someplace where you are loved.
The time has come and gone.
The time has come and gone.

I hope you're feeling wanted,
And that you're having a ball.
I hope you're where you want to be,
Or you're nowhere at all.

I hope you're feeling peaceful,
Someplace where you are loved.
The time has come and gone.
The time has come and gone.

I hope you're feeling wanted,
And that you're having a ball.
I hope you're where you want to be,
Or you're nowhere---
The last week has been difficult to process because of Mother's Day, and because their were three deaths of people who touched me closely, be they directly or indirectly. (Emotions can be like that)
This morning, I was thinking of my brother.
He passed about 7 years ago. I wrote these lyrics in one sitting, just now. It's how I process.

(The music I am working up for it is like 90's alt-rock. Pretty straightforward bass, guitar, drums. - I don't compose music well - It swells at the bridge until the final refrain that is interrupted...when I drop it like an unresolved feeling.)
 May 2017
Victoria Jennings
My love,
As much of it as there is,
Will never be enough
To make you love me back.
We will not end up together. You do not love me
And saddest of all I know I will always love you.
 Apr 2017
Realeboga M
Somebody save me,
Before I pull my walls up and before my pride takes over.
I'm in need of saving.

Usually I'm not one for these humble words,
I'd rather ramble, stutter and diverse the topic
Throwing jokes in mid air for you to catch and forget the situation
Only to quickly build walls and listen to my inner demons telling me that I'm alright and that they'll save me.

Somebody save me
Because who I was is not who I am
And that's terrifying,
It's petrifying
And I can't help but shake.

Okay stop.
Truth is right now as we speak, I'm building walls.
Regretting every word that utters,
My inner demons are telling me to stop, they are telling me that I'm fine.
That these thoughts are just non existent.

And trust me I want to believe that.
I want to be able to follow their instructions,
Because truth be told they are the greatest distractions.
But these subliminal thoughts are killing me,
Taking away everything that defines who I am.

I don't know what to do.
'Talk', they say.
' I do' believe me I do.
But talking does not help when they don't listen and try to understand.
I am on the verge of losing myself.
And I keep talking, talking but they keep brushing me away.

"It'll get better, it's all in your head", they say.
Sometimes to be spontaneous they throw half heated "sorry" or "Wow, I never knew", but they did.

Somebody save me.
Because my inner demons are fighting my subliminal demons and it's tearing me to pieces.
One minute I know I'm not okay and the next I say I am.
A few seconds later I'm ****** up and I want to cry and the next my own tears make me feel awkward because I'm okay.

I'm afraid of going home.
The thought is bitter,
It makes me sour.
My inner demons say that it's because I'm a city kid it's a phase feeling.
My subliminal demons tell me , I have not accepted and therefore I'm haunted by what is not home.

I'm afraid of being alone.
Sure my inner demons are on high alert.
They make sure that I am distracted.
That I'm always busy, fiddling, reading,  something.
But the minute I zone out,
Like now, I don't breathe, I Witness my pain,
I feel it.
I'm not alright.
But thankfully just like now. My inner demons take those thoughts away.

Nobody save me.
I'm alright
Finally over writers block. I think
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