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 Apr 2017
Ann M Johnson
When heroes are perceived as villains and villains are considered heroes our perception is skewed
Once too many lines are crossed and boundaries are removed. Then cauos ensues and is thus free to rule.Would this even be displayed on the 6 o clock news?
Or would it just be considered necessary collateral damage?
Who would still be left to calculate the final cost on all of us?
I recently watched a movie at a friends house in which the villains were precented as the good guys. That got me to thinking and writing this as a result. I would appreciate your feedback on this poem, my friends. Thank you for taking the time to read this poem.
 Mar 2017
Mysterious Aries
At last,
Realization came to him
A sudden blast
Enlighten what's dim

Now, he knows what to do
Must forgive and forget
Truth must not skew
Else a ton of regret

What happened
He never thinks of such wisdom before
Because the pure white he used to blacken
He enjoyed the face of others down on the floor

Now he feels lighter
Ready to seeds good deeds
A color of cotton or even whiter
Will response help to those in needs

No more heavy metal song
Just soft and sentimental one
It's time to correct what's wrong
To hear the words "Well done"

He saw a man fall down
The song he sang is fresh
Suddenly he realized the sound
That he was no more in the flesh...

March 16, 2017
Mysterious Aries
 Mar 2017
Find peace with your baffled mind
Induce equanimity in between your struggling breaths
Remedy the desolation with your flowing tears
Resign to the solitude with your dispirited shadow

Catch the glimpses with your swollen eyes
Wear a smile with your shivering lips
Seek solace in between your trembling fingers
Walk the steps with your hesitant feet

Gather strength from your shattered pieces
Feel your existence amidst your aching soul
Endure the sorrow with your feeble self
Preserve the love in your failing heart
 Mar 2017
You were blonde-haired and blue-eyed
I came to know this was what poison disguised itself as
Made up of a million broken pieces
And I swear to god you reduced everything else to a blur...
To absolute irrelevance.

You met my stormy skies and turned the greys into blues
And brought my racing thoughts to a crawl
Turned muffled cries into symphonies and shined the sun onto everything I did...
Everything I saw.

But in this stillness you silently disappeared
And my skies went from blue to wine-stained and the sand on my beaches turned to cigarette ash
You took the heart you created and the soul you introduced me to...
And left.

But I promise, had the poison not already killed me
I'd gather the ashes you shattered me into
And spend forever getting back to you for *one
 Feb 2017
Denel Kessler
fallow winter does not bring
peace to the restless soul
finger-licked, waiting
on subtle winds shifting
for the tropical taste
of exotic droplets of rain
a salt-stained remembrance
in this time of dreaming

red-light ladies hatch
in raftered minds
a mass awakening
beneath hardened shell
freedom awaits wings
a collective opening
an essential
 Feb 2017
Denel Kessler
seeds lie barren
on the hardpan
of a soul craving

seek absolution
on scarred knees
search for bliss
in the brief bloom
after sparse rain
believe these offerings
are not in vain

seeds lie dormant
 Feb 2017
Jack Jenkins
I had a gift for you, once
Wrapped perfectly and in pristine condition
It was the absolute best gift ever
Nothing else could compare.

But first, I was convinced to open it for another
One who wanted to show me how to use it
Then came the second, to show myself I could use it
And the third, to master the use of it.

Now I don't know how many times it's been used
It's well worn, half broken... tainted...
The wrapping paper is gone
And it's value is less than a dime.

I was supposed to wait for you
But I wanted fun and pleasure
And now, this night is here
And my gift is not yours alone.

I'm so sorry...
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