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Megan H
Megan H   Member
27/F/Texas    Life, with its rules, its obligations, and its freedoms, is like a sonnet: You're given the form, but you have to write the sonnet yourself. …
Laurent   Member
“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only …
poet ninja
poet ninja   Member
Welcome to society, We hope you enjoy your stay, And please feel free to be yourself, As long as it’s in the right way, Make …
Just Melz
Just Melz   Member
Rome, Ga with DaSH    Message me anytime to chat or collab :) ~27~MADLY IN LOVE WITH DASH ❤❤❤❤ mother~writer~reader~lover~fighter~dreamer~15 years experience~grammar nazi~hilarious~silly~modest~sarcastic~POET ~caring~speed reader~excessive follower~Johnny Depp Fan~long hair~tall~bbw~artist~aspiring photographer~smoker~loyal~honest …
moss   Member
23/Non-binary/Void    I only write poetry when I'm mentally deteriorating.
GaryFairy   Member
54/M/Cleveland, Ohio    Creator of the "Quantum Loop" poem. I study English, science, and mankind. Shemale and he-she. Asian/black/arab/white/americaN.
Leyla Jude
Leyla Jude   Member
France    Just trying to find the reasons of life...
Thescientist   Member
CA    I could be someone's true beauty if only we loved things truly.
betterdays   Member
F/east coast australia    (*please note all of the work i post here is the intellectual property of betterdays and affilliated names and is covered by copywright law.)
Tapiwa Individualist
david mungoshi
david mungoshi   Member
Gweru, Zimbabwe    The face of Mary Is my moon tonight As I am intoxicated By the rhythm Of the dance without legs (From the poems of Omah …
Traveler   Member
62/M/Traverse City Mi.    Photo of my family Banshee, Wicca and Lilly, we hunt and forage the northern forests. Try to keep up with us if you can… I …
mk   Member
“i write only because there is a voice within me that will not be still”
Eiliv Advena
Eiliv Advena   Member
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SE Reimer
SE Reimer   Member
Pacific NW    poetry... it's in my blood; and when impassioned most, i bleed... easily! mostly i write to and of, they who offer this heart safe harbor. …
Impeccable Space Poetess
Life♡Love    I'm no good at BIOS etc But~this is SO--GOOD:);):)<333 ...thanks for posting xour lovely poems... ❤ IMPECCABLE SPACE POETESS
MonkeyZazu   Member
The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their …
Nicole Corea
Nicole Corea   Member
burbank    I write raw . I love to write . Read with me and make me become a better writer :)
Sjr1000   Member
Humboldt County Ca.    Life on the Mad River. Through lines: poetry. I went into psychology with two questions: how do people work and what is the source of …
mzwai   Member
NV   Member
19/Cisgender/find me at a cemetery.    does growing up count as childhood trauma
damsel in distress
damsel in distress   Member
17/F/Dreamland    Some days my poems are sadder than I am.
Gaffer   Member
United Kingdom    I like all types of poetry, but sometimes the simplest form hits home quicker.
Chloe   Member
Singapore    My heart is burning and fiery red, glowing, red-hot with unbearable heat. A reflection of life, yet so close to death, that if I'm not …
Heartbreak Motel
Heartbreak Motel   Member
France    There are roses in between my thighs and fire that surrounds you
Rapunzoll   Member
hannah   Member
Gwen Pimentel
Gwen Pimentel   Member
the best way to get over someone is to turn them into literature // where my unsaid things go
Mark Parker
Mark Parker   Member
Elkins, WV    I was born in the USA, and spent my childhood in Sibiu, Romania. During my teenage years, I lived in Osaka in Japan, Texas in …
Kim Yu
Kim Yu   Member
M/South Africa    "Carpe Diem Quam Minimum Credula Postero"
Sundas   Member
19/F/UK    ...
Wordforged Fool
Wordforged Fool   Member
20/M/North Carolina    What am I to try capturing that which is so far out of reach?
Jamison Bell   Member
Hic erit dracones
Day   Member
21/Genderqueer/St Louis   
Vanessa Gatley
Vanessa Gatley   Member
27/F    share some of my work, if you like FOLLOW BACK love ya keep writing rock on Message lot of people who have seen my work …
xmxrgxncy   Member
21/F/the forest    but broken is beautiful and fixed is the future
Star Gazer
Star Gazer   Member
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