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 Mar 2016
brandon nagley
(Greek translation \version)

Ischyró, sígoura
tha aposvestoún

Parelthóntos, en afthonía,
lefkí stefáni tou


paratiritís kípou
Pýli tou katóchou;
Chrónos ágnosto.


Ékti aísthisi, Pra shatrent,
Eyne tis astrapís;


Ái tis pragmatikó, ái
tis símaine. Pántote
i feeleth; zontanós
kai to periechómeno.

(English translation)

Puissant, certes
whittled on


Yore, galore,
white corolla's


Garden watcher's
Gate keeper's;
Time unknown.


Sixth sense, Pra shatrent,
eyne of lightning;


Aye tis real, Aye
tis meant. Aye
i feeleth; alive
and content.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou)
Puissant- means powerful or almighty ..
Certes- means in truth or certainly .
Whittled means like carved ..
Yore- former times! Long time ago.
Galore- in abundance
Corollas are like petals same thing...
Sixth sense- a supposed intuitive faculty giving awareness not explicable in terms of normal perception.
Pra shatrent- is a word I made up meaning ( Aware of all spiritual things and non spiritual, aware of both ...
Eyne - archaic for eyes.
Aye- is yes in old form.
Tis- it is ....
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley

Today, O' today
I got her letter in the mail;
Filled with pictures of mine
Queen, she sent me
Poems done by me, in her


Today O' today
I got lipstick kisses on
Her notes, the red stood
Out of all she wrote;
As her amour was
So fine.


Today O' today
Anon mine spirit's soared,
That fashionable vellum
O' I adored. O' Jane Sardua,
O' Jane of Earl. O' rose of Asia;
The Luzon's pearl.


Today O' today
I smiled again, because mine lover,
And mine best friend. Her ardent sonnet
Displayed her touch, grabbing mine soul,
In heaven's blush, silently tear's came to
a rush; from joy's overtaking.


Today O' today
O'er the blue, I made mine stay.
Consatero, ah veray,
Queen Jane, Queen Jane,
Of Asia's praise;
Today O' today
How I fell in
Love again.

©,Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou)
Vellum- smooth writing paper...
Anon- at once, or immediately.
Blush- not of embarrassment... Meaning as of color...
O'er- over in archaic form .
Consatero- is a word I created meaning... ( blissful in sound and color)
Ah veray - is another word or words put together meaning- ( venerated ( meaning regard with great respect) and elevated in honor and glory ..

Note- I made this poem about the amazing love letter Jane sent me in the mail. The old fashioned way of sending love if ones far away how it used to be sent and still should be sent. Though everyone's so inter-web connected now they've lost touch with humanity in themselves and others... As big reason I took break from poetry sometimes we need it. Now I'm back. Plus I've been sick lately and not doing best but I'll be OK with God with me... Jane sent me a lovely envelope an envelope I've never seen before with a beautiful skin texted layer... Her handwriting is so beautiful, and her message in the two page letter touched mine soul where I did have tears because seeing how much she loves me really makes me feel blessed again and again daily!!! And she sent me three pics... Older ones. One of her as she was a little girl. One during elementary school and a later one... Alll so beautiful and queen like!! And she is a well know calligraphist and getting better by the day. Though really a starter shes already professional as she's getting professional lookers looking her way ... Calligraphy is the old fashioned style handwriting practiced from long ago. Like the beautiful old way of writing you used to see in poetry. She sent me poems that are mine own poems though handwritten in her calligraphy!!! Such a gift it was as I was very down yesterday and this was a pickmeup!!! A blessing!! And a treasure I will cherish until we meet and beyond!!! Thank you so much mine Reyna Jane... Soulmate... Best friend!! Lover...alll... My àgapi mou. Zoi mou, anasa mou!!!m se letrevo queen!!!!!

Note - wanna follow Jane and her calligraphy on Instagram you can find her I believe at yellow_majesty or Earl Jane sardua maybe that is try Earl Jane Nagley... But try yellow_majesty first. Also Earl Jane Nagley on fbook. To ask her for info on her calligraphy... As she needs support ... Thank you friends!! And thank you for all of your support!!! (:::
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley
Consider the lillies of the field
Mine love, they do not toil
Nor spin;

Consider God's love for
Both of us love;
Heaven we shalt get in.

Consider the lillies of the field
Mine love, they do not worry
Of the morrow;

Consider ourn blessing's mine
Love, for we art preordained,
Predestined, exladranes-
Some calleth us mad,
Crazed insane.

Consider the lillies of the field
Mine love, O' how ourn Lord
Taketh care of them all.
As he taketh care of us
Fairest Jane of them all.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
exladrane- a word I made up meaning ( extrasolar travelers on a path to a destination most men and women can't go)
Morrow- means tommorrow..
Lillie's of field I got from this-

Matthew chapter 6:25-34 king  James bible.

25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

This is telling gods children as Christ is one speaking...
Tells us why worry of tommorrow? Arent the lillies of the field clothed? Don't the birds have homes and nests... Arent gods creatures taken care of? So he tells us not to worry. But instead seek God's kingdom first and his righteousness and all other things will be added onto us. Though we must seek first gods kingdom. Christs father Gods kingdom....this is telling mine Jane don't worry of tommorrow or the next day. But just think about today for the morrow worries of itself.. And truth! I have problem with worrying so this message does go for me to. Lol I seem to forget alot God is in control and is in charge ...not Me. Him!!!

Toil- means overworking in short terms...
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley
The glacé savor, O' e'er how I needeth her so. O' she's the candelabra inside of me, sparking fires to maketh me whole. What's mine is her's, as what's her's is mine. Colonstias courting, O' to Highway Banadero; mine feet do I find. O' she canst healeth the blind, as tis I once was, mine sight is returned, as doth God through her work, didst thou not knoweth? She's a seraph by birth. Aloft the star's, she went through Apotheosis; hostess of the holy missives, O' how I received her amour long ago, afore the times of humankind's admission.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedication
glacé- means glaze with a thin sugar-based coating, or .
(of fruit) having a glossy surface due to preservation in sugar.
E'er- means ever.... And ever means( at all times, always).
candelabra- means a large branched candlestick or holder for several candles or lamps.
Colonstias- is a word I created meaning ( superb and captivating)
Courting- be involved with romantically, typically with the intention of marrying., to ask her hand in marriage in other words...
Highway banadero- is a main highway in Osamis city, Philippines that leads to mine Jane's Home!!!! Mine queen!!!
Canst- archaic for can.
seraph- or seraphim-an angelic being, regarded in traditional Christian angelology as -belonging to the highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy, associated with light, ardor, and purity.
Apotheosis- making divine, something, someone ... Meaning like divine being of God. From God... No not being God, as we're gods children but she is his angel .. (:: this word comes from Greek tongue...
Aloft- up in the air. Overhead-
Missive-a letter, especially a long or official one, message!!!
Afore- before...
Admission-the process or fact of entering or being allowed to enter a place, organization, or institution. Admittance...
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley

Mine forefinger is tapping the olden transelic piano Key's,
The room Grecian white, with an oriental shorite; her voice
Is soft, her halo's aloft the lid of mine musical box. As tis I playeth "Unchained Melody"'by the Righteous Brothers, ourn pupil's art jubilant; soulmates igniting together.       Brandon! Brandon!


She calleth out mine name.
The aria gets louder,
The habitation wherein we liveth,
Smileth upon us;
As affections groweth fonder.


Ourn flesh wrapped like nests,
Of a bird's home in wonder.
Gazing up into the the hereafter,
One day happiness there we to shalt


As mine angelic host
Lift's me up to the celestial yonder;
I heareth her feather's flapping with the cherub's,
Ourn amour splitting sky's, as lightning with the thunder.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( agapi mou) dedication
Transelic- is a word I created like I always like to do. This word means ( transparent and angelic) or transparently angelic.
Grecian- anything to do with Greece.
Shorite- word I made up means ( a shining light so beautiful, It can bring anyone to tears.)
Aloft means- overhead.
Aria means+ a long, accompanied song for a solo voice, typically one in an opera or oratorio.....
Wherein- means in which.
Hereafter- life after death. ( looking forward to heaven together, as being here together.. )
 Mar 2016
Earl Jane

My love flourishing,
Bona fide saccharine taste,
An empyrean spice.

This infinite scent,
Of aroma filled your lips,
Oh, savoring bliss.

My king caress me,
Reviving my weak being,
Better self reborn.

You are my solace,
Seeds of  triumph you've unleash,
Elation heightened.

You being with me,
Completion of my being,
You're what I needed.

My king, life and all,
We're eternally bonded,
With bond immortal.

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3 <3
I love you so much my kingggg, ssoo sooo mucchh!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley

Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, enlighten me and Jane's way,
For the juncture through the gunchern
Is wailing, therein the opening of the seal's
Art displaying their stage.


O' cornerstone, which the builder's hath refused, I beseech thee, and thy protection, sendeth me and jane thy perfect correction;
Fixing ourn sight's on thee.


O' heavenly dayspring, we seeith the harbinger's of the time's, in the great high blue, underneath the crumbling glue, of planet earth's loam confine.


O' door to everlasting life, showeth thine light betwixt me and Jane's life. Helpeth us to showeth other's what's right; in the midst of this global panic. Helpeth us to show thou art the one and only way, the path narrow, not broad, the road to Paradise wherein prophecies art coming reality, from the word's of thine father God.


O' king of king's, and Lord of lord's, mayest thou maketh a way for me and mine lass, showeth Jane we hath a bigger purpose. Not just to love eachother, but to showeth Thine amour to one another, to Christian sister's and brother's, and those with no vision, and with none hope. Worketh through us, to be thine cloud's that float- to sprinkle promise; to those without.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry \prophetic poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
Yeshua Ha'Mashiach - is the name Jesus would have been called by in Hebrew and Aramaic tongue. Meaning ( Jesus the anointed one, or Jesus the Messiah.)
Gunchern- is a word I created meaning ( broken firmaments, or broken sky's.
Juncture means- a particular point in events or time....
Seals meaning - seven seals of the bible.- The Seven Seals is a phrase in the Book of Revelation that refers to seven symbolic seals that secure the book or scroll, that John of Patmos saw in his Revelation of Jesus Christ. The opening of the 7 Seals of the Apocalyptic document occurs in Revelation Chapters 5-8 and marks the Second Coming... Also there are seven trumpets as well.
Therein- in that place.
Cornerstone- meaning : (Psalm 118:22) The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner. The cornerstone is Christ who the ancients refused... and others still refuse today. Yet he is the cornerstone not just of the church. But of all....the one who offers salvation. The one WHO IS the only way to salvation... For as our word sais. ( there is none other name under heaven by which men MUST be saved.)
Dayspring means - (Luke 1:78) Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us,... ( meaning jesus that came to die for our sins.
Loam- a fertile soil of clay and sand containing humus.....
Harbingers- forerunner of something, warnings, signs.
As Johnathan Cahn explains about our coming financial collapse that leads back all way to ancient isreal in his book the shemitah also found all over YouTube as wallstreet knows it's meaning and has a while every time shemitah date was on, financial collapse has came over the last 100 years either on the shemitah date. Or months after every time!!!!! As their is coming great economic collapse worldwide... This has gone back to time of the ancient Jews who defied God by building tower of babble.. Jonathan Cahn spoke of the ( nine harbingers that already occurred in America since 9/11... Matching everything the ancient Jews did when they built tower of babble. Note; Johnathan Cahn is Jewish though is a convert to Christianity a prophet Id call him of today's age speaking of christs truths. And how ancient Israel is being played out in America 100 percent. For any Christians suggest you watch Jonathan cahns( the shemitah ) and if can find him on youtube with shemitah in cbn show. He shows what america did just as ancient jews did....showing coming collapse. as If you look around the globe you'll see the world is collapsing money wise... And it will collapse and be apocalyptic!!! As wall Street bankers are saying and all over the globe economists are saying SELLNOW because they knows what's coming .. Shutdown of the world's economies leading into new world order and an Antichrist to take over ( bringing in martial law as all are seeing being practiced in their streets by police in military gear.. As dhs just bought 1.6 billon rounds of hollowpoint tip bullets ( for a reason) as USA gvt just bought 50,000 guillotines. 30,000 in Georgia. 20,000 more all over USA military bases as soldiers are letting that outta the bag... Before calling me crazy look it up... News is out there... As there are thousands of coffin liners stacked in Georgia!! Pics all over web and news well known long time let out... This is what's coming this is what matches revelation of an Antichrist beheading many during new world order ... Stated revelation 13 mark of beast... And the ten king meaning what united nations already has set up. Ten kings are gonna be ten division world when new world order hits. As USA Mexico and Canada will be one nation. Big reason the walls don't matter anymore for protection. There is no protection. Elite want a one world order with a one world religion... What false messiah Pope's been pushing to whole world bringing all religions as one... As pope Francis was predicted by two Malachi's to be last 113th pope. As signs of what he sais and does shows he is contrary to gods word 100 percent!!! As same day pope was elected an asteroid the size of the empire state building passed. live on CNN. Sign from heavens... Also another asteroid hit in Russia same day causing damage. as pope was elected March 13 2013. All thirteen as you know anything about 13 always been a bad number spiritually and biblically. Showing another sign.... With ten division world coming during Antichrist and false prophets reign together.... Ten nations . look up united nations ten division world  map already created and ready to come to play. Look up online YouTube why Obama just bought a 4.9 million dollar mansion in UAE. In Dubai. And( 7 year tribulation) when many won't accept the mark of the beast... Antichrist mark.. Already created Obama's new healthcare Law... It's called RFID chip. Will have all your health information on it... Also money info... And you won't be able to buy or sell If left here during tribulation. Unless having that mark. One issue. If you take this mark of the beast ( Antichrist) you will be branded Satans own in other words for taking that mark... This is reality... Already implemented in baracks own healthcare bill. As bilderbergs ( secret society) real group well known... Member Henry Kissinger one of many... Said by year 2017. They want all humans chipped. as bible sais in the right hand or forehead. Already being used... Soildiers have it in their arms... To scan at stores... Monkeys are being subject to experiments of the forehead chips being practiced on in labs... This is not underground no more!!! This is reality.... And in wanting what's coming... What John the Revelationist said years ago.. And prophets before him... And Christ spoke. I'm just relaying their message what's happening in your world now and what's coming... Awake... Awake to truth. Open thy eyes.... Don't be blind anymore....find Christ!!! Find him many I know won't like this poem because either not their style that's fine. Or because they call us Christians ( nuts, Wacko) lol though every prophecy spoken of is happening now!!! Right before thy eyes!!!! And many are being deceived by the world. And things of it!!! Though prophecies already came true. And still are and more is coming!!! More bad!! Every religion main ones believe their messiah is going to show between 2012-2016... Every religion but Christians .. This isn't a messiah coming... It's an Antichrist!!! The son  of perdition the false one...I suggest for you Christians learn what's happening... Look up RFID chip by 2017. Look up Johnathan cahns the shemitah!! Look up Tom horns ( zenith 2016) part one and 2 he speaks on who masons really are... And what their goal was all from beginning... And what mayans really said about 2012... Not that there would be end of world. But a new and last cycle occurring starting 2012. As internet liked to spread to many rumors during that time... Plz look this stuff up. Factual stuff....see what syria war really is about... How all gameplayers in bible are set up in Syria now. For bigger coming war.. Check out which shows why USA is in Syria and why? Not for isis!!! Find out facts!!!

Look up RFID chip by 2017 all over internet and YouTube. Social media.
Look up house bill HR3200 for RFID chip.
Look up NBC news even telling you in broadcast for news. Americans being chipped by 2017. Look uop bilderbergs telling you SAYING 2017 they WANT all chipped.
Look of Barack Obama buying house in united Arab Emirates. UAE. In Dubai worth 4.9 million dollars.. Which btw is legal to do as president you can't buy a home overseas as a president..
Look up Barack Obama Antichrist facts all over web.
Look up last pope Francis ( false prophet) church deciever said by saint Malachi over 500-800 yrs ago. Last 113th black Jesuit pope. Black dont mean skin.and Francis is first and only Jesuit pope as predicted. Also said by father Malachi a priest who said same thing of Francis.
Look up Muslims by thousands having visions of Jesus Christ right now all over middle East in HIGH numbers.... Christ is telling all who he loves equally in middle East through visions\ dreams to Muslim people to ( come to him he is the way truth and life) biggest reason Muslims are converting right now to Christ. Look that up online. As mainstream news don't tell what's happening because their run by six major elite corporations. Six elite men running your mainstream news and media. As Rockefeller owns Washington post. New York times. CNN, fox news, msnbc, mainstream news he works through. One who pushes for new order. Through council of foreign relations. Trilateral trade commission... So on. Just like the rothchilds own fifty percent of worlds money... Their worth 500 trillion meaning rothchilds worth!!! Running world with Rockefellers, and bilderbergs 500 richest families in world... Also look up skull and bones society as George Bush SR and his son and **** cheney and John Kerry all were in that secret elite society in Yale started in 1832. Well known group....
Look up near death experiences all seeing Christ... And his father God on a REAL THRONE!! In A REAL THRONE ROOM... As bible said Christ is always on right hand of his father...children by dozens seeing JESUS also called real name ( Yeshua) in gods throne room and in heaven period. And seeing angels by massive numbers... Suggest you look up ( heaven is for real, with colton burpo who died left his body in appendix rupture at hospital. He told his dad what his dad was doing while colton was in surgery. Seeing his dad way across hospital yelling at God! His dad being a pastor. Colton saw christ in heaven. Also seeing his sister in heaven who came up and hugged him. A sister he never knew about *** she had died prematurely in coltons mothers womb at Birth. As he told his mother as she asked him what was your sisters name you saw??? Colton said " mum you didint name her yet, she told me so.." As mother was stunned *** parents never named his unborn sister!!!! Colton met who he called "pop" his grandpa who was his dad's dad. Who died long ago. Coltons dad freaked... Colton said yeah dad pop told me how you and him used to shoot guns and work out ijn the field. How would a young boy five know this? Actually around four of age .. *** I was REAL!!!! Coltons dad them asked colton, ' son what did POP look like" colton saw pic of pop when pop the grandpa was older... Colton told his dad.  That's not pop. Then coltons dad showed colton younger pic of pop with no glasses!!! Colton said YA DAD that's POP!!! As everyone who dies and comes back say were all usually around age of thirties early to mid thirties!!! Ironically *** I think we're seen like that up there do to Christ died 33 years of age .  mine own guess and makes sense...not to old not so young.. As many are seen all ages there... As well but also many describe around thirties... Alot!!! Colton describes like all do, the singing angels who thousands sing all at once in gods throneroom!! Which every story I've watched or read all say the angels singing is beyond mind blowing... One man put it in a heard more match him. He said imagine all the world's radios turned on all at once..all the most beautiful tunes turned on at once. To us humans we wouldn't be able to understand all songs at once. And couldn't comprehend all lyrics at once from all songs... He said but up in heaven. A thousand songs even angels can sing at once ( which btw are all happy songs, no sad singing there. Complete peace. No fear. Pure love and joy as bible speaks of. All tears would be dry there, and no guilt. And no remembering past sins.  Or wrongs from you or others..) Anyways angels sing a thousand songs at once. Though YOU can comprehend each song and all lyrics to each song... Because the soul is no limited as body is.. So can do way more!! Someone else stated this, it's like all the earths choirs together. Times infinity. Beautiful beyond words of a humans mind!!! People Seeing a real heaven. Also a real hell. Listen to what they all say Christ sais... ( tell mine people I'm coming SOON) tell others to love another... Tell them I'm COMING SOON!!! As many see angels in death experiences.. I don't like it called ndes when their not near death their dead... Brain-dead and heart for minutes even up to hour... Or more!!! This is reality... The ones who pass and come back don't speak of Muhammed or Buddha!! Or Hindu dieties ( demonic beings) all these false gods... They only speak of Christ... May say oh just made up stuff.. Yeah so made up all these peoples stories collide in same direction. All different in one way or another... Though all same seeing Christ. Weather their Buddhists. Muslims, Christian. Atheist, no God. Not sure of God... Scientifically minded people... All see Christ!! All say same thing... Or match stories with angels.. Hell, heaven!! God!!! See loved ones gone for years whether mum or dad.. Or generations of family waiting for them!!! describing all same thing... Heaven and hell are A THOUSAND TIMES more REAL!! WITH SIGHT, TOUCH. SMELL. TASTE. FEEL. JOY IN HEAVEN! Pain in hell .... All senses you are billion times more real because your in real form soul. Not limited body!!!! This is reality!!! Pay attn to what all say... This isn't made up comedy!!! This is reality!!!! Even those who deny God their whole life... If you notice while on their death bed... INSTINCTIVELY KNOW there's a God. Because they cry out for God alot to save them. Though I thought they were atheist? And agnostic?? This is truth!!! Find Christ ¡!! I won't be politically correct!!! I won't hide truth!!! I love all beings... And want all beings to see Jesus Christ ( Yeshua Ha'Mashiach) is the way truth and life...and no man comes to the father God.( but by him)).... Pray you find Christ and find him soon...because alot is coming to planet earth... And many will be deceived. Scared... Not knowing who to turn to. Turn to Christ now... While there's still hope and time... Bible said anyone who calls on the name of the Lord, shall be saved... We must believe Christ died on the cross... Rose again the third day. Was born of a ****** màry... We must believe Christ is who he said he is.. As proof now shows by the buckets archeology wise.. Physically wise.. scientific wise... All facts show... We must believe it's by gods grace we are saved.. Not by our works that any man should boast the bible teaches... But by Christ dying on the cross for our sins.. We have a chance to come to christ for salvation. Because gods mercy and gift and grace to us. Through his son Jesus... Want to accept Christ? Or know more of him??? Inbox me... Because the time is short... The world knows it... every religion knows it worldwide.. Jews know it. Muslims know it... Everyone!!! This is reality!!! I pray you make the right decision today... If wanna find salvation in Christ and trust him as Lord and Savior look up online prayer of salvation and what to pray... And you must believe Christ is your Savior... Born of a ******. A sinless son of God who took on flesh form . died on the cross... Which nails of his are in museum in Israel found in priest who killed Jesus Caiaphas tomb. The crosses of Christ the murderer and the thief three crosses were found during Helena( ceasars) mother. During her hunt for the cross of Christ and the two next to hims crosses. written down she did find those crosses... That's where she built over a pagan place a church of christ which is known as chapel of St Helena in Jerusalem which is built in the lower level of Church of the Holy Sepulcher.... This is reality friends!!! So much facts I could give you it's mind boggling!!! I've studied prophecy for over 12-13 years... Biblical prophecy, as other religions prophecy to match to gods word in bible... And it's all coming true... It's all happening at an alarming rate!!! Christ spoke of the wars and rumors of wars!!! Just click the tv on... See that happening. Bible spoke of syria happening now one of many things before christs calling of his people ( rapture) and his return second time to earth.
A Prophecy Against Damascus in Isaiah...
17 A prophecy against Damascus:

“See, Damascus will no longer be a city
    but will become a heap of ruins.

Syria is in ruins and is
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley
Afield from thee, tis true,
Though I shalt abide;
Betwixt space and time,
Awaiting thy side-to be
Next to mine. Seven
Month's hath passed,
Another seventy-seven
Lifetime's I awaiteth
To catch, to catcheth
Mine eye's on thine.
An immortal's life-
Time; we shalt
Quobrasine in
This and the
Next life- happy seventh anniversary
Mine soulmate, àgapi mou, zoi mou, best friend. Godsend.
Mine Jane sardua.
Mine wife.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou) dedication
Afield- means (  away, especially from home)
Abide- many meanings to it. Though I mean ( wait)
Thine- yours.
Betwixt means- between
Thee- you.
Tis- it is.
Quobrasine- word I created meaning ( connect in spiritual form)
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley

Zoi mou, how mine nourishment
Cometh from the great I am;
As his sentience he gaveth
Thee, to breatheth life in-
to me; for before I was
Just a man.


Beforetime, mine
mien was gloom-
And doom, no albedineity whitewashed mine room,
Amorevolous was just a word to be spelt, not having it close to me; just a moment of REM sleep.


Agapi mou, now I've been broken loose,
Mine once dolor, hath formed with color;
It shineth of yellow, and angelic ivory


Anasa mou, I'm purring now, pofray swathes
Mine veins; Moro mou of younger shade.
Matia mou, O' Matia mou, mine Jane hath
Entered, inside mine blue's.


Jane O' Jane, sayest I
Thelo to thou, thelo to thee;
Omorfia mou,
Kardia mou,
Psihi mou,
Thelo O'

©Brandon Nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou) dedication
Zoi mou- means my life in Greek tongue.
Sentience- means - sentience is the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively. Eighteenth-century philosophers used the concept to distinguish the ability to think (reason) from the ability to feel (sentience).
The great I AM means- God ...
Beforetime- means formerly
mien- means a person's look or manner, especially one of a particular kind indicating their character or mood.
albedineity- means whiteness.
Whitewash- paint (a wall, building, or room) with whitewash( paint room white...)
Spelt- past tense of spell.
Amorevolous- affectionate, or loving.( feelings of) is what I mean.
REM sleep means- a kind of sleep that occurs at intervals during the night and is characterized by rapid eye movements, more dreaming and ****** movement, and faster pulse and breathing.
Àgapi mou- means my love in Greek.
Dolor- great sorrow or distress.
Pofray- a word I created meaning- love scented Cologne\fragrance...
swathe- means like to wrap like fabric.
Anasa mou- means my breath in Greek tongue.
Moro mou means- my baby Greek tongue.
Matia mou means - my eyes Greek tongue.
Mine blue's - means my eyes . baby blues my blues.
Thelo- means I want you Greek tongue.
Sayest i- means I say.
Omorfia mou - my beautiful in greek.
Kardia mou- my heart. Greek tongue.
Psihi mou- my soul. Greek tongue.
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley
The most beautiful, stunning creation I've ever seen.

Earl Jane, O' Earl Jane;

The most wondrous aglow, from her shoulder's doth flow.

Reyna, O' Reyna;

Paradise lies, betwixt her eye's, I'm embellished by her presence.

Vasílissa O' Vasílissa;

The most beautiful, stunning creation I've ever seen.

O' how I'm blessed to hath a Queen;

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( pookie) dedication
Aglow- means glowing.
Doth- does or do. I mean does.
embellished- make something more attractive.
vasílissa is queen in Greek tongue.
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley

Iniibig kita
Mahal Kita;
Minamahal Kita,
Iniirog kita.


Here do I cometh, I'm on mine way. The skies art clear tonight, just a tint of fine gray; though I spread mine plumage, fracture the tone, I knoweth one day, O' verily one day- I'll findeth mine way home.

And I thinkest, when I findeth the bungalow, I wilt rest, after long
Passage alone. As thou I wilt bestow, mine Lip's on thy own; quietly humming, Sayaw tayo?


A Tagal na ah, a Tagal na ah, now I'm here mine love, I've made it mine queen; some sayest dream's don't cometh true, Only if the other's couldst find; they discern science, just not the sign's of the times.

Though we behold, the spirit and soul, and ourn creator, the crowned head of the world's; Hallowed be his name, Yahweh, father Jehovah, known also Elohim. His son Yeshua ha'mashiach, English language "Jesus the anointed one". The son above all son's. Jane, mine queen.


Iniibig kita
Mahal Kita;
Minamahal Kita,
Iniirog kita.

Tagal na ah
Tagal na ah;
Now in thy
Grip, with
Mine kiss,
On thy Lip's
I place mine
Vow's. O'
Yadid, yadid,
Never let me go
Agapi mou-
Zoi mou,
Se latrevo
Mine queen.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou) dedication
Iniibig kita.
Mahal Kita.
Minamahal Kita.
Iniirog kita--- these  are all ways to say I love you to Jane in Filipino tongue. Last one I used is the ( old fashioned) way to say it. (;.
Art- means are.
Plumage- collection of feathers. Feathers collectively.
Verily- means truly.
Hallowed means- to honor as holy.
Bestow- present (an honor, right, or gift).
Sayaw tayo- means would you like to dance with me? In Filipino.
Tagal na ah- means long time no see in Filipino tongue.
Couldst means - archaic for could.
Behold means- archaicliterary
see or observe (a thing or person, especially a remarkable or impressive one).
Crowned head means- king or a queen. This I mean God ( KING)
Yeshua ha'mashiach- would have been what ançient Hebrews would have called Jesus. This is his real name in Hebrew tongue and history. Fun facts about his real name
Today in English our Lord is commonly referred to as "Jesus Christ", as
if "Jesus" was His first name and "Christ" was His last name. In
actuality, His name in Hebrew and Aramaic (the languages He spoke) was
"Yeshua", which means salvation. During His life on earth, He was called

At the time Yeshua lived on earth, kings were given their authority in
ceremonies where they were anointed with olive oil. Yeshua was known as
the "Mashiach" (Messiah) or The Anointed One having been anointed with
God's authority. Thus He was known as "Yeshua Ha Mashiach", or Yeshua
the Anointed One.

In Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, "Yeshua" was translated as
"Iesous" which was probably pronounced "yay-soos" in ancient Greek and
is pronounced "yee-soos" in modern Greek. The word "Jesus" then came
from an English translation of Greek manuscripts of the New Testament.

The word for "Mashiach" in Greek is "Christos" meaning anointed. This
word is usually brought into English as "Christ".

Unfortunately, through these translations we've lost the true meaning of
our Lord's name. Which btw Jesus means ( safety) for you ones who are christs own. Good knowing gods son is named safety isn't it? Because he is our peace and our safety. Also his name means ( salvation) many didint know that. Also ringing true. He IS our salvation, and the only way to salvation!!!
Yadid- means beloved one in Hebrew. Beloved- means dearly loved.
Àgapi mou- means my love in Greek tongue.
Zoi mou means- my life.
Se latrevo- means I adore you in Greek.
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley
From thy neck
To thy visage;
As thou doth
Ache, and thy
Head pound's;
Like a clock
With none
Ending. O'
How I want
To healeth thee, and sprinkle God's
elixírio upon thine twinging. As when I shalt,
In thine ear's; thou shalt feeleth ringing. The chiming wilt be
Of the prognosticator's breathing, as Yahweh's sovereignty, shalt explode through the poverty of the wrong's all flesh maketh. O' ourn Lord shalt giveth, not taketh, yet when he taketh; it's for the good to those that loveth God. His will unknown, a holy applause. As we wilt clap ourn hand's and bow to his throne. On knee's, head looking to his features, fulsome and overwhelming in the most amastery shown. His figure monumental, all ardent, upon his seat. Omnipotent in his pity; as therein lies the metropolis of the spiritual Host's, wherein none dead is aloud to enter, nor fearing, nor ghost's. Tis only a toast of the blueprint map of the city of King David, the new Jerusalem awaiteth to cometh down to earth. As thee mine vasílissa Jane, Elohim shalt cureth thine pain's; mayest the Almighty's name be praised, as right now the sickness is leaving thou, and returning to Tophet from whence it came.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedication
Visage - persons face. ****** features.
Thou- you, doth- do or does.
elixírio- elixer in Greek.
Twinging- suffer sharp pains.
Prognosticators are like prophets.
Yahweh- what Christians call God - Hebrew word for God.
Amastery is a word I made up meaning- mastering in godly way.
Ardent means- archaic literary burning; glowing. Which means enthusiastic or passionate which gods is both definitions.
Omnipotent- having unlimited power; able to do anything, also means God!
Therein- in that place. Archaic form.
City of king David ( christs ancestor was as king Solomon David's son, Jesus was related by blood to both  of them fun fact and christ was sent in form of flesh as humble poor carpenter man like christs earthly father Joseph. Jesus took form of humble poor man even though his ancestors were rich because he was showing humbleness and he is king of kings especially after he died. He was also showing he is The Savior of not just poor. But rich all alike! He told all to come to him. Not poor or rich! ALL.... A mericful loving Savior to all of us.. A humble Savior...
vasílissa- means queen in Greek tongue.
Elohim- another word for God in Hebrew tongue Christians also use. Also( the great  I am) also Eloah. Also El- shaddai. Or El. Or jah. And Jesus gods sons name was originally pronounced as Yeshua written like this hebrew way (ישוע) yeshua means ( safety and peace. in old Hebrew tongue,) also ironically yeshua or jesus' name yeshua means ( salvation) as he is our Savior so his Name Matches who he was and forever will be and forever is!!! The Savior! Our salvation in which our hopes firm for those who know him! And those who don't know him or seek truth. Christ spoke ( I am the way truth and the life, NO MAN comes to the father ( meaning God) but by me. John 14:6....  Also he spoke there is no other name under heaven by which men MUST be saved. Goes like this exact.
Acts 4:12King James Version (KJV)

(12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.) You don't know him? Wanna know his love mercy and what he's about and his Salvation? Plz write me and ask. Because he is the only way truth and no life is given but through gods son Christ. I won't be politically correct on mine faith. If I didint tell you of christ I'd be more of a sinner than I already am our duty here on earth is to tell of Christs gospel!! And big purpose of loving and forgiving all beings, yet the world's in chaos because Satan has many demons working overtime to temp and hurt and persuade people. Not me.. I deal with very ( real ones) that scratch me. Curse. Mock God. So on. Not people. REAL demonic forces, and dark beings... This is reality. You can choose the way of Christ ( life) or death and hell... A real place and reality. Though what do you choose? Life? Narrow path in Christ? Or death( hell) broad path many take.? Not mine decision we all have free will.
Tophet- another name for hell in Hebrew...

PS; originally wrote this for Jane sardua mine queen, or Jane Nagley as you know her, because she's been getting many headaches for long time now. She doesn't like taking headache pills which I understand why. So much junk in pills though we were given medicines to help us, and for curing and illness. And we have choice to use even natural stuff doesn't have to be nonsense from a store... Jane denies medical treatment unless I beg her to take headache meds... Lol. She won't see doctor and always has head pains. Either from tension from stressing over school constantly which sorry Jane that's sad, that our world puts education before others ourselves and God and family. Though it helps while on earth, though when doing education you must balance education, and if you let mainstream false education run your life you will get sick!!!!!! And get illness beyond words... You need balance since doing schooling as you know I back you 100 percent for engineer schooling... Hard for anyone who hasn't seen what engineers do that's what Jane does hahahahhaha mine smart Reyna!!! So anyways. Jane doesn't wanna see doctor. For headaches, plus she's been getting cold out of nowhere. All this poem is for you Christians who pray and would like to pray for Jane! I ask you pray for janes healing physically woith headaches and her healing with sickness and cold she's been having as she's losing her voice to. Plz pray for Earl Jane Nagley. Also know as earl Jane sardua( yellow majesty) in some places.... Thank you friends...
God bless
Brandon Nagley
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley
i.                                                               ­                                                  iii.

                                                           ­                      Daliythers expand,
Afore man's image,                                              bridging Nova's.
                                                         ­                        Twin flame heat;
                                                           ­                      Extra-amourials,
                                                ­                                 lantern's to be the
There were writing's.                                          Star's.
On the wall's; carved
Afar, betwixt the jar's,
Wherein tear's art
Stored from children's

ii.                                            ­                 iv.

Exuberance aroused.                          Me and mine Jane
Dark matter to ourn halo                   O' mine twin flame;
                                                          ­       Me and mine Jane
                                                            ­     From the heaven's whence
                                                          ­       We came.
Head's; bairns of the super-
Natural, never born, never

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedication
Afore means- before archaic form.
Art means - are archaic form.
Betwixt - between
2 form of long what I used means- have a strong wish or desire.
Wherein - in which.
Exuberance means-
the quality of being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness; ebullience.
Arouse means- evoke or awaken (a feeling, emotion, or response.
Bairns- young children.
Ourn is our.
Daliythers- is a word I made up meaning ( delightful feathers)
Extra-amourials- is a word I created means ( extraterrestrial amour or love bringers......) Also meaning- bringers of amour from heaven.
Whence- means from which.
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