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 Aug 2017
grumpy thumb
She asked,
"What are you thinking?"
But I was just being
staring at the ceiling.

Wouldn't let it go
so an old thought was recycled
about life and an icicle
unsure of the season
and if it knew the ozone was bleeding.
Should it be busy worrying
or thinking,
or carry on simple enjoying
being freezing?

She shook her head, "Honestly, is that the best you got
for me?"
I shrugged and went back to my ceiling
happy and content in the presence of her being
 Aug 2017
of all the words issued forth from scholars
noted pens  front pages of the New York Times
all the tabloids
any of Hemingway's novels the best
I heard was her petite pretty
mouth say
I am Coming
 Aug 2017
August tans on the strong armed roofers
the black concrete dudes
even in this day seem to  
now with the sun hotter
than ever
constructing hovels and trying to pay bills
we may not  
seem poetic but we were
we helped build this country
piece by piece
and I salute me I salute the people who sweated out the sun in
blue jeans and overalls
carried your shingles up to the roof
two squares at the time real men
not those naughty little
pencil pushers
that lift weights after a nine to five day
in a suit
or accountants in a cubicle that get
carpal tunnel syndromes and act like they
are dying
come work for a day with real men
those of us who sweat in the sun glisten
we make women ***
 Aug 2017
Ma Cherie
cast your fears
upon the blueness
an give no weight
to worry deep
find a place
of dear contentment
an let your mind
drift fast asleep

go dream a dream
of new tomorrow's
possible -
is ANY thing
so dream a dream
an make a wish now
to send upon angelic wing

ask above the needed answers
cast your worry to the sky
ask it boomerang
right back here
to answer in
your fervent cry

your folded hands
in desperation
I pray you find
some peace tonight
as you seek
in divine answers
you will have
your needed sight
an then your feet
will finally rest then,
no longer you
afraid of night

you are ready
to go
and LIVE  now
the dream in it's
life giving light.

Ma Cherie © 2017
Aren't we living the "dream"? I am not religious as many of you know but I do connect with the divine. I know I am living the dream every day! You can always change your dreams.  this is just ramblings. love you poets ❤❤❤
 Jul 2017
phil roberts
Do not dream too loudly
You may awaken your conscience

                                        By Phil Roberts
 Jul 2017
Happy thoughts are nice
Negative thoughts are lousy
Postive thoughts RULE :-)
I have learnt in life to always be your happy self and never let no one ever tell you any different *** inspired by spending time with my beautiful family who love and accept me for me xxxxx
Feeling so blessed <3
 Jul 2017
Lora Lee
applying his
              lingual buds
   to the smooth
lush of her
thighs she rippled
         as a lava lake,
          no stone skipped            
melting milk, lapped up
in hungry pulses
cream of silk
   pounding thunder
        in consonants of
             taut skin drum
                nuances in vowels
         uttered in
animal dissonance
his bristled breath
all over her
salivary intentions
over rim of lip
feeding the emptiness,
a holy vessel
more ancient than
        before time
              now ready
              to be filled by the
           essence of feminine
pineapple juice drizzling
firebud glistening
in fuchsia exposure
open gateway
      to divine outpour
a sacrificial altar
of unmasked psyche
completely stripped of
                     any pellicle
his palms firmly
planted in hot muscle
thumbs parting
            glory's hole
deer at the saltlick
lost in the velvet
just pour it in
thick molasses
not stifling,
only honeyed bark
multi-hued like
      eucalyptus deglupta
in buttery tips
dripping love,
all over her lips
and just like that, in
slick-painted dabs
of their own
acrylic-drip art
just like that
in the wild
            and thick
explodes the ache
of her
 Jul 2017
Ma Cherie
I wish to touch your face
it's true
though more
to touch your soul,

I wish to see the inner you,
it is my only goal.

Ma Cherie © 2017
Just thinkin ;)
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