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 Jun 2017
are you my lover
in a dark heaven
come to me my beloved
kneel at my feet
as i penetrate your veil
that shrouds cryptic ravenous ardor
and ask of me
your hearts desire

dissolution you say
that i may be eternal
for loves sake
bowing at the knees
as you tremulously brush and sweep your fragrant  hair
over my thighs
and run your pink tongue across
my butter filled velvet sheath
our kisses will be born over and over again
a spinning ring of desire

are there not the debts of love
will you promise not to anguish to much
as one harm heaps upon another
you swear to give yourself fully
thrill to kisses crepuscular
aching to be bitten and bitten
and bitten through
your scent
blood perfume

everything about you excites me
long stretches in a stained white gown
wet summer fruit
and spilling seed
your body filled with waters mellifluent
and lush
yield unto me
you are a titillating voluptuous awe
of wild torments
dancing on a floor
that melts scorched feet
hallucinations invisible shadows
of burning witches *******

sweet girl incandescent
ridge pole bending
throat swollen parched
crude hair pulling
Medusa vipers in the grip of a god fist
loving you
with a hard drubbing
your all squeals and caresses
stay with me through the long night
of tender kisses and worship
and then prepare for release to paradise
shall it be fast
will you spread wide
and plead
for all and more

what does it matter
fluttering with wild abandon
in the temple of rituals dark
to see you writhe
inviting ruin
we are a party of hydras
writing in blood and thunder
in the book of wonders

our hungers endless
Gods and Devils
thrill to our theater
of mortal coils unraveled
in the thick torture tuileries
of Dark Heaven
 May 2017
Sally A Bayan
some moths dare
hang around a light,
dim, peeping....a lone
terra cotta lamp........not
bright guide a
journeying mind.....through
some dark
more  lamps could help stop the
tripping..... .on life's many humps,
it makes the air....stale......with sighs,
uncomfortably moist, with  cold sweat
the window curtains are a shield, a weak
wall, pregnant  with longing
and apprehension.......soon
it will collapse, more moths
will fly free........the fleeing
the healing.......could make
nights longer...........the air this dark
Evening rain  showers  merge with the
humid air.......the strong scent of the
growing pine tree...the scarce light
the aroma of chicken, simmering
in a mix of vinegar, soy  sauce
...............garlic and spices
penetrate my nostrils and
infuse the atmosphere,
and.....disconcert  me
i'm taken back, i gulp
i salivate...a late solo
of  wine.......beckons
i give in....i sit by the
garden table.......raise
my wine glass.......i say
.................not so full moon shy............and hazy
as i hum....Patsy Cline's, "Crazy."
::::Sunday moon, May 1, 2016:::::


Cop­yright May 1, 2016
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan older poem, edited...
just recalling some night...the moon of more than a year ago....and the food on the table that night...
a poem shaped like my terra cotta lamp in the garden
 May 2017
grumpy thumb
Sometimes I feel
I belong in the twilight
as it falls into night
amidst the silhouettes of trees and vanishing birds.
Just before the darkness  
completes its full shroud.
Its nature hushes me
like the final rotation
of a spinning coin
or the last inhale
before a kiss.
 May 2017
S Smoothie
What do you feel when theres no empathy that could possibly resonate?
What do say when no words can offer comfort?
What can you do when words freeze at the edges of your lips and dont dare come out because it doesnt begin to cover gape left open?
They might as well plunge to the depths of the abyss.

What can you do?

You hug.
 May 2017
Mike Adam
You are not a

What is it?

You are you-

Biddy you slept
In the crook
Of my legs.

She was gone.

Who are you
 May 2017
Sally A Bayan
An evening breeze
.....blows obey,
........and move your lithe body
you sway left.... right...up and down

giving in to the blowing whispers,
...the breath of fire...that starts the dance
your pride of red-yellow-orange,
..........rises.........then falls......
do you know
that you brighten, dim, and glow?
dilating the pupils, rousing the mind even more...
your changing colors, your fiery, wavy movements
blind...and hypnotize.........bringing back to life
dormant desires...of one, entranced...captivated...
........i am lured..........i am tempted...
..................i am dance with you,...
........enfold me...while you're ablaze......
....................singe me......i'd take the heat,
            ...........for....i am your,


Copyright May 6, 2017
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Guys, this isn't much...another nonsense, from me
...just one night with power failure,
watching moths dance around the lighted candle...
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