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 Aug 2020
Neowise comet 07/2020 dearest
take me along with you to another world another galaxy.
Take my children and their kids on your brilliant geneologic vast RAIL.

I have sought thee with all my heart till my orbit yanks you in view
Oh Neowise what a ride that would be
Comet so intriguing beloved!
How I love your great long brilliant cool expanding vaporizing tail.

Please ride me along on your diamond dust trail n tail, let my Aries fire adjoin to your fire ball head's glare!
O what a ride indeed dear
O rescue me and loved ones along
drop us all off into your peaceful galaxy world O graceful heir!
I can't wait 6,800 years for your return Neowise mystery ancient traveler.

Oh sweep me of my feet accept my tender warm wise song
for truth and grace define me alone
ever so strong
" I dreamt that I was a Photon of light streaming through space."
By: Karijinbba
In memory of a great true love best father best husband best lover best friend ( 1974-75-1995.)
Despite its age, scientists discovered Neowise commet only very recently. NASA astronomers detected the snowball on March 27 using a space telescope, also called NEOWISE,
the comet's namesake.
(The name stands for Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer.Jul 19, 2020.
Great name.
 Aug 2020
Mr and Mrs Andrews
Beyond thought is the going
when downloading begins by the universe and in silence,
is best where G** speaks,
right into my
open mind's eye,

His grace is downloaded
Into my minds eye
With light coded
eagerly grasped into my
downloading mind
joyfully perceiving
in awareness
as it's conspiring presence
Manifests, I am eagerly high. .
By:Mr and Mrs Andrews.
 Aug 2020
You're my reality, yet I'm lost in a dream
You're the first, the last, my everything.
heart of gold King of hearts
Dear twin flame twin soul
we are lost and found again
profile after profile I seek thee
let's bless, the curse
darling to heavenly grounds
transition our fated paths.

No more sadness your joy and pain is my own into the forest land we roam free at last, nothing can break us apart

No Naga snakes can deceive me
to strange geek sociopathic Medea infested lands mislead ****,
nor poison me.
I feel safe in the dream scripted
for us crafted

I know there's only,
only one like you
There's no way they could have made two we are uniquely tied in one dream
St JudeOhpat my Saint
you're all I'm living for
Your love I'll keep for ever more
King of Hearts Adam true love
I am your Eve lover.
Thine beauty Eve is me Karijinbba
from here to eternity.
Ye paint mine own Heart's divinity;
two spirit souls forever one in unity
my first love my last
oh my everything!
glued together babe oh babe
sweet baby oh darling
I love you.
By; Karijinbba 08-2020
there's only one of you and one of me.

— The End —