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 Jun 2017
South by Southwest
She rose from the waters

Of couse she was wet

Her hair mingled in moss

rigor mortis ? not yet !

I stood for cautious

My heart cried out in fear

FOOL ! don't go any closer

This is certainly most weird

She left watery footsteps

As she ascended the hill

To the abandon cemetery

Where all rested so still

There on a knoll

She spread out a cover

Sat down and awaited her lover

A screech by a cat

A hoot of the owl

And in the air

A stench so evil and foul

She rose to her feet

As he appeared in the gloom

They embraced

By the light of the moon

His eyes were live coals

His breath sulphur hot

His clothes were impeccable

His skin dried and taut

Together they sat

But there was nary a word

When he bent over and kissed her

There was a sizzling heard

He stripped her bare

of her watery rags

And they made unholy love

It sure made me gag

The clouds in the sky

How quickly they flew

The moon was so embarrassed  

That he turned blackest of blue
 Jun 2017
Am human who has fallen
This world is too big
my thoughts vanquished

Am too small
always deluded with it's little things
am chained as an admirer
forced to hang myself with it's excitements
and  enchanted into slavery

My heart 'spoke' it's truth
silently,but my actions remain dreadful
the deaf calls to my ancestors
bore no fruit.
Maybe I don't have a guardian angel.

I seek engagement in it's small
and i  pay with my sanity
Still choking on the weight of my
I woke up and swore never again
but am just a lung full of smoke gasping for more air
 Jun 2017
I hate this world, the more I am in it, the more I feel the need to look for a way out.

But that is no way to go for a man as great as I, I will wait and see what fate has in store for me.

When the world wakes up in the morning, the first thing they see is the beautiful sunrise.

They feel the warm rays on their face and breath in the fresh air.

When I wake up in the morning, I just feel the weight of my existence pressing me.

Pulling, pulling and pulling and I am afraid, for the time will come when there's nothing left to pull.

So tell me is that a way for a man as great as I to live?
the same never-ending,
winding corridors,

Dimmed lights,
***** white walls,
no windows,
no doors,
square-tiled floors.

for what seems like
an eternity,

Stupid girl!
Her mind in a whirl!
Holding hope for an exit,
dreaming about
what it would be like
on the other side of those walls--externally.

Accustomed to the restrictions - sadly!

Hurting, defeated, anxious - badly!

Imprisoned mentally!

Acknowledging it, finally!

No denial, there, nor here!

You'd think she'd be over the fear;

Well, she's not!

She still hurts alot!

All alone in her mind
with her messy thoughts
and her regrets,

She's given away so much
unconditional love,
her heart and soul
have many outstanding depts.

She's had way too much time
to think about
all of the ****
that she's been through!

She hasn't healed,
those ***** walls don't understand,
they listen,
but they haven't any clue!

those same corridors,
never wanting to look back,

With only one direction,
you'd think it be impossible
that she would get so lost...
I mean, after all,
it's a one-way ****** track!

But she did,
and she always does, too!

Getting confused, and lost,
for her, is nothing new!

She found herself
in those deserted corridors
at a very young, tender age,

Don't know how or why
it happened to her,
I can't even begin
to try to explain it
on this page.

I wish i could,
it would probably help her alot
if i did,

But it's a very long story,
winding and never-ending,
just like those corridors,
so it's best that I don't lift the lid.

She doesn't want to look back,

the same

By Lady R.F.(C)2017
 Jun 2017
I loved her,
As if she was,
Only she was.

Now only this *** remains,
How only this sum remains,
Me + her memories = doom.
My HP Poem #1572
©Atul Kaushal
 May 2017
Keith Wilson
I was sad  so sad
To see you go
Sad to hear
That whistle blow

I saw you sadly to the train
Knowing I'd never see you again

Another Lost love
Another Lost love
No farewell kiss
No tender hug
Just a heart of pain
And a waiting train

Lost Love Lost Love
Love Lost Lost Love

We hadn't long together
We changed just like the weather

As your train speeds away
There's nothing more to say

Another Lost love
Another Lost love
No farewell kiss
No tender hug
Just a heart of pain
And a waiting train

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere. UK  2017.
This is a re-write of an older poem and will become a song lyric
 May 2017
Valsa George
A king fisher
swooped down
over the silent lake
A flash
of amber and blue
Bobbed up
with a sloshing silver fish
from its beak
like an ornate pendant
Something that surprised me and a sight that I really enjoyed!
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