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 May 2017
Jack Jenkins
I still can't really process
you left.
My best friend, through the
hard times and the good.
You just left.
Violated my trust and then left.
Blamed me and then left.
I put everything on us and
you just left.
I'm too scared to cry.
I'm too scared to breathe.
My mind is just in a fog
can't understand you.
Were you looking for an excuse
to leave?
Was I that bad of a friend to you?
Did you suffer the same hell
I went through for you?
Seven years, and the one time I desperately
needed you, you tell me to *******?
Do you not understand I would
do anything for you?
That you were one of the reasons
I didn't pull that trigger last night?
You leave,
block me,
don't respond,
just like that...
And that hurts me more
than my friend who killed herself,
or the second,
or the third...
the lover I lost,
all the rejections,
the family issues,
the PTSD,
all of it combined...
You never even asked
why I was suicidal last night.
What did I do to you
to think of me with such
little regard? To discard me?
We talked everyday.
I supported you through
every ****** boyfriend you had.
I did everything I could
to make sure you were okay
when your mom had the stroke.
I've written you hundreds
of heartfelt poems
(that you never would read
unless I sent them to you)
and you leave
when I cry out for help...

**Who have you become?
Because you're not the woman I knew.
I've never felt so much hurt before.

I've never known betrayal like this.

I'm shellshocked.
 May 2017
Unable to sleep
Though my eyes are so tired
From having to see all the pain
I pour in the mirror
Day by day.

(They've never felt better than the last time when your face was reflected in their blue shade).

I switch from side to side
In this bed where your absence
Makes me feel like I am in the middle of a snowstorm
While I'm trying to run from all those monsters
I once told you about.
The ones your voice would chase away at night
Just by calling and saying that everything is all right.


I miss the way your arms around me made me feel warm
On that Friday night
When the worst monster was the train taking me away from your side.

And I miss you.

But that's something I am not suppose to say.
Not now.
Not now that the Universe has decided
To place our hearts at a safe distance one from the other.

And under these layers of skin and flesh
I can feel my soul turning into a pile of dust
wearing the scent of your embrace.

After all,
I guess,
No distance is long enough
For a heart filled with longing.
and pain.
 May 2017
she's a corrosive story
Hidden within a mirror
Never to be heard again

As I gulp down my favorite cheap *****
I wondered  with amazement at my ignorance
And the vicious adage that crippled me
love is blind

You were a ruthless callous soul
and still
remnants of your cold heart still linger in my thoughts
loving you was devastating
 May 2017
Logan Robertson
Lost Love

He remembers that day
many sad years ago
it was sunny out,
but soon a storm raged.

He returned home early
from work,
to rest and nurse a cold.
to see his gorgeous wife
fix him a delicious soup
and give loving care,
a remedy not.
He caught a surprise.

Was it then a hallucination?
To see her ex's car
in front of their house,
fanning the flames in his heart?
Or to imagine the house shaking,
or to hear love noises howling
from the rafters of contempt,
as her fireplace warmed tempest.
He sure hoped then... it had been a misfire
it wasn't.

He slowly opened the front door,
walking decrepit and sad,
like he was in hospice care.
He could see the final script
playing out,
more so the tragic ending
the trail of clothes,
her ex-boyfriend's scent,
and approaching closer
the devil speaking louder.

He opened the bedroom door
to their parts caught in honey jars
and scarlet red on his tainted wife
over bed sheets of shame.
Their eyes catch,
both flush, and tearful,
as breathing stopped,
his melancholy eyes asking why?
What about the future  lily pods,
our family, house, kids
... and you sell out.
What about being fresh
out of college with our dreams,
passion and
What about the bonds,
pinky swears, pricking of blood
marital vows.
Her eyes had no answers.
She cried, loudest
as her ex-boyfriend bolted
not before passing the mill.

He closed her door for good
that mournful day,
dismissing darkness,
opening his wrath for her
in his mind, yet
what words or light can be exchanged?

Uprooted and lost, he walked
scarred over and over
by her promise and lost love.

That was thirty years ago
and he still walks with her
ghosts, and it still pains.

My mind has switched off
without giving me
any notice at all,

I find myself staring
into thin air,
I've blended into the wall.

My thoughts are blank,
I'm lacking motivation,
my inspiration is bleak,

I'm lethargic and dull,
I'm feeling very, very weak.

I'm not myself,
or maybe I am,

I'm beyond confused,
my soul is tired;
exhausted is what I am!

I want to cry,
but I 'm too tired,

I want to scream,
I'm frustrated;
I feel like
I need to be rewired.

I'm on edge,
my knees are shaking,

Sweaty palms,
my heart is breaking!

I'm never going to get
my **** together,

I've been trying
for what feels like

As tired as I am,
I know I'll never give in,

I'm too determined to quit,
even though I know
I'll never win.

My mind has switched off,
I can't figure anything out,

I'm full of emptiness,
I'm going through
an emotional drought.

I want to cry,
but I know my tears
are all in vain,

I'm mentally exhausted,
I feel a terrible sensation,
a mental strain;
a relentless
invisible internal pain.

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
 May 2017
Poetic T
I'd just fixed the echo of
tears that
                grazed within me.

Then coalescing before me,
                            you smiled,
                                it was a hit & run.
Thrown back in ruination
as my emotions bled.

You never even checked,
you just proceeded,
and I again
                  was a broken seashell.
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