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 Feb 2017
there's a price
to every choice
not every payment
equates money.
Dear Readers,
I always thought that every decision we made is a free one. But now i realized that it is not the case, there will always be something of a price or a higher effort that equates every move & choices we make. Some are visible to perception and some are unseen, never noticed. It is like cause and effect, or you paid this to gain that or every choices has its own consequences either good or bad.

Thanks for reading ...

 Feb 2017
Chloe Zafonte
You are not

A ****** for being a man

A racist for being white

Homophobic for being straight

A terrorist for being Muslim

Or a bigot for disagreeing

Stop generalizing
You're not anything unless you commit the act
 Feb 2017
Valsa George
The old man gazed at the sun about to set
And its molten core soon to dissolve in the sea
Scratching his head with tremulous hands
And running his fingers on the stubble of his unshaven face
He held once more tight to his wheel chair

Casually he had a glance at his hands
Those dry, weak and shriveled hands
Gone wrinkled with passing years!
His hands once so busy are now limp
His days once so brisk are now long and dull

He noticed the discolored patches on his skin
Under them the lattice of tortuous veins on the dorsum
They run down to join with the bigger ones
Like small rivulets flowing towards larger rivers

      He remembered how the streams from summits
So vigorously come down with a gush
Also the noisy cataracts somersaulting down,
Leaving reverberating echoes all around
But they produce only a soft musical sound
As they join with the rivers and pass through plains
And finally end in a kind of hushed stillness
Just before merging with the sea!

The old man philosophized;
Life too, is like a river
Fierce and ferocious when one is young
Gentler and sedate after middle age
And slow and sloppy in old age
With this calm acceptance of the need to de accelerate
Wrapping himself in the shawl against the growing cold
He turned away from the window.

Pushing his wheel chair,
He moved forward,
Knowing no haste…..
Towards his bed for another night’s tired sleep!
Though I dread old age, I love old people especially those who are uncomplaining, spending the evening of their life in quiet resignation! I was inspired to write this after a visit to an old man- a distant relative of me, now on a wheel chair!
The one
that used to hold you up
can often end up being the one
that buries you,

Deep down
beneath the damp, cold,
lonely ground,
you are placed
with your broken lifeless heart,
your ripped-out soul
and what ever else
is left of you.

By Lady R.F ©2017
 Feb 2017
We've lived to expressed those wonders
we thought and felt,
in the depths of our emotional journey,  
our words sours
in highs and lows.
a fine balance
at crucial times
equally stable
in fate and its tales.
essence of time
solidify our strength
through choices predicts our
future yet more often
never to the exact extent.
our old sheets may fade
and our ink might run dry
we should never
lose ourselves
even the smallest
drop of hope
creates big ripples.

 Feb 2017
Ola Radka
Let the silence in you
Be your everyday guest.
 Jan 2017
Kelly Rose
Shrouded in shadows
Comfortable in the misty fog
Her soul quivers
Yearning for light
To bless its grace upon her form
Fear of pain boldly strikes
Her soul slips easily back
Within its comfortable mist
Hiding on the fringe
Secretly hoping to
Feel the caress of light’s grace

Kelly Rose
© January 12, 2017
 Jan 2017
In Particles of Mind
And Waves of Consciousness
The tissues of Thoughts are forged

By increasing matter and fact
We secrete the thoughts that lack
Our issues are always at war

No matter particle or wave
These dimensions contain
Emotion will always resist

Life is aware of every breath of air
And the magic of reality is this
Our energy will always exist
Traveler Tim
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