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 May 2020
the present
forever shifts

yet remains

claiming and
re-claiming us

a sequence
of stillnesses

flux and

finite and
‘It is almost banal to say so yet it needs to be stressed continually: all is creation, all is change, all is flux, all is metamorphosis.’
- Henry Miller
 Mar 2020
Had hit five hundred pounds
my wife and I
living in our tiny bunker of concrete
waiting for the food truck to deliver to our door.

The outside world had a startling hum
of trillions of insects which were
******* up all the air
we knew it was just a matter of time.
Darkness often descended
and all we knew was our hot breath
breathing on each other
in the tight small space
breathing each other's moist air.

The bunker was heating up
hotter and hotter
which meant the fans
were clogging up
with the bodies
of the insects
in my horror it meant
I would have to go
to clear the vent.
Outside Outside
I had not been
For I can't remember when.

The encased cave to the ladder
the walls closing in
while insects smacked their bodies
against the sides
trying to get inside.
I crawled with suffocating breath
Mice rats bats
Sewage dripping
as the walls tightened
around me.

Finally a tiny light lead the way from the cave
to the ladder
which would take me up
to the top
where the vent was clogged.

I climbed that ladder up up up
choking and gagging and spitting out wings
Spiders crawling
On my skin
And my nostrils in
looking down
falling down in my mind
with each and every step
and having to stick my hand
the squished and smashed remains
to find
the screen which  kept them out
and us inside.

I wasn't sure how I would survive.
Finally my task was achieved
and down the rickety shaking ladder
I went back through the cave
to our tiny shelter
and as I went inside
my wife
in her excitment knocked us over.

We lay rocking on our backs
like two turtles
unable to get up.

And there we lay
total helplessness
in our last days.
 Mar 2020
Francie Lynch
"Sorry for your luck," wheezed Gaia,
"But I'm long overdue for a breather."
The birds over the world are breathing easier.
 Mar 2020
Edmund black
“True self-care And happiness is not salt baths and chocolate cake, it is making the choice to not build a life you don’t need to regularly escape from.”
 Jan 2020
Francie Lynch
Life is terminal:
It's one Stop
On the eternal journey.
loving a ghost boy,
brown, gentle eyes,
dark flowing hair,
you magnetise me,
love soft as the sky,
enigmatic, beautiful,
out of a shadowy night
your love finds me,
and i find you,
ghost boy,
boy that i love.
 Sep 2019
Ya but what if....
What if it's much more complicated
The distance to truth
What if it's equal to eternity
How long shall one search
Didn't all the paths lead here!
Traveler 44 ☪️
 Sep 2019
When the sound of gunfire
Is followed by a stinging bullet
Perhaps we should have done more...
 Aug 2019
How can thoughts be real
They're not solid enough to touch
So how can someone manifest
A feeling such as love?
Can you
Hold it
Breathe it
Squeeze it in your hands
It's forcing us to trust
In the invisible
Once again

Because although you can't see it
  It can still disappear
Love is the sad song
That left you crying in your beer

Blind sided
It can hit you
And you best believe it's true
Love is as real
As the way I feel for you
Traveler Tim
Dedicated to:
Everyone in the known universe!
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