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 Aug 2015
Poetic T
Words are an engine,
Our minds are the fuel.

Lets take a trip to a imagined place
Let us travel roads of thought,

Words are an engine,
Our minds are the fuel.

We have the power to take us,
Take us to any given place.
One kind word can change a person's entire day,
but beware, for unkind words can do the very same.
 Aug 2015
poetessa diabolica
Secrets drowning in blood
         steeped depictions,
cunningly smothered
  of familial tied executions,
heredity oft an unkind
     sacramental entanglement,
deeply rooted in
   disparaging divisions,
disintegrated 'neath ashes
      of unresolved deliverance
 Aug 2015
with my craftsman skill
a huge wall between
what I portray and who I am
Those who sit on judgment
sit uneasy on their guilt.
 Jul 2015
The Anonymous Joker
Inner Weather Report:

The silence weighs heavily around my ears and it is difficult to focus

Stare at the ceiling but it moves as I end up head-first on the floors

My heart doesn't stop racing as I wonder and double back to crossroads left behind. Self blame is a slippery ***** which I already slithered away on. There wasn't much left and I feel like the hollow impression of smoke of an extinguished candle. My enthusiasm lurks behind corners as I run behind it but I tire out and stop for a drink at the stream of cynicism and depression. A sound resounding throughout my head as I imagine the worst and maybe that's not even the worst. College might not even pay-off.

How can I confide that I am worried because I don't see myself alive and going there means to sign a contract saying that I will not die?

It is a difficult reality and I worry so much.

A girl told me that I don't deserve to be forgotten the second I leave the room; that I deserve people caring and thinking about me.

She forgot everything the next morning.

As someone else sinks into depression, a whole group launches into discussions to help and I launch myself into it, a smaller part of me wondering where they were when I had asked.

It creeps onto me every day- an old friend. I've been comfortable living inside its haze for this long. How can I live without you my dearest friend? You have given me insight and clarity, given my feet direction even if just to throw myself off cliffs and I don't think I'll be me without you anymore.

How can I bid you goodbye? I was never good at those, preferring to walk out leaving bitterness and unsaid hellos and farewells behind me.

No promises and connections.

I've survived in you this long. How do I move on from you?

You are the only thing that has ever been mine, dancing in my tears and depression, asking me to cut a bit deeper, a bit more to the left. My four walls, ceiling and floor- you are my Home. Organically, growing, nestling in the veins of my sins, my existence. You are not a cancer but my closest well-wisher, you are me. To know you is to face myself. How can I breathe without you?
 Jul 2015

what can we do
to bring light to
these dark, dark days?

what switch can we turn
to illuminate the way?

there's nothing but war
and hardship and want
children who starve
demons that haunt

we all need a
love resurrection
just a little divine intervention
we all need a
just a little divine intervention

what can we do
to restore the parched parched land
teach us to harvest
and bring good seed from our hands

let's be optimistic
and say we won't toil in vain
if we pull together
we can soothe each other's pain

we all need a
love resurrection
just a little divine intervention
we all need a
just a little divine intervention

inspired by Allison Moyet
See Allison Moyet's video
on YouTube
"Love Resurrection"
for the backup music to
this song

Thanks for reading!

 Jul 2015
Joe Cole
I soar on eagles wings
Watching humanity implode

I glide over what were happy streets
But now see fear and suspicion on every upturned face

Children now escorted by parents
Even schools and churches no longer safe havens

My journey takes me further
Out over bloodstained sand and rock
To places where religion fights religion
In the name of religion

I am raptor, a winged killer on the wind
But I **** to feed my family
I **** only to survive

But humanity has taken the road
That only leads to death
I soar above on eagles wings
Watching humanity implode
 Jul 2015
Francie Lynch
My OFF switch is off,
Which means it's on:
I may have brushed it,
Flicked it in full sight;
I didn't throw a shoe at it,
Or ***** during the night.
But that's how my switch works
When I'm not attentive.
The OFF goes ON,
And then I'm done,
I head towards the cave,
Alone and dark,
With my finger on the switch
To flick, when feeling fit,
When I've had enough of it.
i want to write
a happy poem
the ink of this pen
is color gray
and blue*

 Jul 2015
 Jun 2015
Joel Frye
isn't it odd
how we can know
human nature
well enough
to write poems
that move others
to tears
yet must hear
the words of others
to cry
Peter, Paul and Mary - "No Other Name"
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