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*******, complaining again.
Well, that group doesn't exist except when bigots speaks.
And when they speaks, it's to the group that created racial mistakes.

Who feels they still should be treated like royals?
When in truth they facing destructive backlashes for their past.

Oh, those Mexicans, them wetbacks just coming here illegally.
Strange that many gets hired by the forces in power4.
And paid less to achieve their required purpose.

Then when they are exposed as cheap-scapes.
Then trouble arises to ship them back.
And the excuses begins that many was unaware.

Yes, excuses from one group isn't nothing new.

Discrimination they drive upon.
Especially if they the ones gaining from it.
And they still trying to demand respect.

What the heck?
Like slave-masters they barely got their hands *****.

So most likely that nut might win the election.
 Jul 2016 Cloey Olson
Mary Pear
i sit and watch
The rain
And love it
Silently falling,no storm,no stir, no chill;
The beautiful copper leaves
Holding their breath as they
Standing still to be washed.

And the birds
Sheltering,watching from high nests

I, still
And silent
Following the flow of my breath,
Waiting for the stillness to engulf me
Empowered by the stillness
Strengthened by the silence.
People we rely on like

clothes that we try on

don't always fit.

I sit the next dance out


what life is all about


she wants to take to the floor.

so I do a slow foxtrot

a spot of the tango

and I know

where that leads me to

into her chamber where

the barrel points at me

and her finger on the trigger

ready to pull,
Both with two syllables
Both with such strong means
“I love you” “I hate you”
They can both be said by the same person
Which one hurts more?
When they say “I love you” how can you believe it?
When they say “I hate you” how can you not believe it?
Both of these four letter words can break people
Four letters.
Two vowels
Two consonants.
Linger whisper the air so sweet
And the pillow talks down the street
No one knows what they share
If they dare to intertwine bare
If they do sizzle and bliss
Is it something that you resist
If clothes unwrap and we  titillate
Will we rature and seal fate
And waterfalls sprinkle over our skin
We'll waken tomorrow and start again
If desires sizzle in the dark
We'll come together igniting those sparks
If you're ****** and feel ashamed
Do in dark among the rains
 May 2016 Cloey Olson
Bor ehgit
She was the hand that shakes with age, stubborn to turn the page. She was set far in her ways just routinely passed her days. I loved her for a year and she never knew me near. When she dreams it's shooting stars, burning bright like flaming cars. Everything she touches grows inside except her heart she always hides.
a clean sheet
for a longtime
like me
like my soul
like my mind
no thoughts
soft shadows
slivers of me
matched  letters
in a forgotten language
 May 2016 Cloey Olson
Laura Duran
I know you'll never know exactly what you've done for me.
You'll never know the light you lit inside.
You were simply being you,
And yet, you made me better.

With every smile you lit my world.
With every witty remark you made me laugh,
And through this laughter, I found my way.
Out of the darkness....I found the sun.

I know you'll never know exactly what you mean to me.
You'll never know the important role you played.
You were simply being you,
And yet, you gave me hope.

With your charming ways, you won me over.
With your beautiful heart, you made me fall in love,
And through this love, I found my strength.
Overcoming fear....I could stand alone.

You'll never know you were my strength.
You'll never know you were my light.
You'll never know you gave me hope and made me better.
I know you'll never know....but I do.

I know you did so much, by simply being you.
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