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 Apr 2014 circus clown
"I wish you well."

                                         ­                                     (but not too well without me)
I like 10 word poems because it forces you to summarize your thoughts  to the point where you're really only saying what you mean.
Maybe I should try using that same theory in my own life, haha.
 Apr 2014 circus clown
Witness your family
stop loving
each other.

Understand what people mean
when they say
the world is not fair.

Be struck with
the realization that
you are not special.

Hurt yourself.
Don't tell

Let strangers
see parts of you
your friends never have.

Decide that being deep
is more important
than being happy.

Cut all your hair off
without asking
your parents.

Let your ex
boyfriend see
all your scars.

Go to counseling.
Do not cry.
Not here.


Feel empty.
Try not
to cry.

Let yourself
be defined by the
honesty of numbers.

Do not
fill your emptiness
with calories.

Pour out your
heart, soul,

Restrict yourself.

I'm only doing this because I want to feel less helpless.
 Apr 2014 circus clown
I said;*
let me
take my
hair down
for you, let
me slip my
sweater off,
let me leave the
doors all open
and leave the
lights all on
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
Lately                  my                  brain
has been fuzzy and I don't know
how to tell you in c a s u a l
words that I've got this
c    a    n     y    o    n
in  my  left  lung  in
the shape of your glasses
that t h r o b s  and  deepens
every time you are away from me.
What I mean to say is that I love you so
much it scares me,   that the fact that I
have  to  go  to    bed    without  your
fingers in    reaching   distance is the
main       reason  I  have       trouble
sleeping, that I am  obsessed with
the way your  mouth tastes like
home  and how  your   words
have  promises  of  forever
s e e p i n g  out  of their
endings.   Please  don't
a            ­    
o u t   of   l o v e
with          me.
after we ended things
you stayed on my clothes and sheets
like cigarette smoke
and i didn't mind
but i guess we don't recognize
things that are toxic
when they comfort us

and the thoughts of you
lingered in my brain
like the coffee stain
on the passenger seat
of my car,
maybe we didn't get as far
as i had hoped
but i wouldn't trade
that summer for anything.
 Apr 2014 circus clown
i. you told me that my eyes are moonbeams, and
that sounded wrong because my eyes are small and
scared like an animal cowering in fear of a predator
and you used my tongue as a punching bag whenever
we kissed and bruises started showing up on the
toughest parts of my skin but maybe that was because
you painted them there to remind me that it's okay
to be scared /
to be vulnerable /
to be human

ii. it's easy to think that i am nothing but a
jigsaw puzzle of bones wrapped in someone else's
skin with a corrupted mind and a half a heart and
you came along with your crooked smiled and your
conflicting morals and i didn't understand you, but
that was okay because i didn't understand myself, and
that was okay because you showed me that understanding
yourself isn't important, and that's where things started
to go wrong

iii. you smelled like nicotine and honeydew and you
were cliché in such a subtle way that nobody noticed
and sometimes it felt like you were a figment of my
imagination and it took me too long to realize that in a
way, that's exactly what you were because that's all i
allowed you to be

iv. sometimes falling in love feels good, but other times
it means bleaching your skin so when you're laying in
an empty bed for the first time in a sixteen months, it
still feels like it's your own and that is something i know of,
but may never understand because i still feel the need to
wrap myself around you every night like a caterpillar that
doesn't want to become a butterfly and you tattoo my body
with your ink stained finger tips and it's safe to say that i am
poisoned by the constant thought of you

v. i don't know how much distance is between us but
there is always a home for you in the back corner of my
left side brain because you were really the only ******* thing
that made any sense to me
long story short: you drove me crazy

 Apr 2014 circus clown
We always leave before the sun leaks through the faded curtains
Throwing clothes over our raw skin so the sky doesn't see us.
And you mostly pretend to sleep soundly on the bed, inching towards to crease where I fall asleep.
Because you're okay with leaving.
And because I've done it enough to prefer it.
Dances like ours aren't meant for the light of the day or the twinkle of the stars
But for the pitch black, utter, endless darkness of a windless night.
You are a cold breeze on my otherwise warm afternoon, giving me goosebumps and making me shiver.
Something I haven't decided if I like or not.
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