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 Apr 2014 circus clown
Our best night was the night my phone broke.
We had to message each other on Facebook
so we looked through each other's old pictures
and bragged about our relationship status to our friends.
That was the night I called you from the home phone
and I laughed when you told me you once ate human flesh
and I laughed harder when you said
you're supposed to be scared.
That was the night I sent you a poem I found online
and you replied with the most honest profession of love
I have ever heard without using the word love.
That was the night we stayed awake until 5am
even though you had to get up at 6.
I could've sworn I loved you.
I could've sworn you loved me, too.
The flashbacks are breaking my heart.
 Apr 2014 circus clown
When I used to have bad nights,
I would lie awake and cry,
curled up in a ball on my side
clutching a blade so hard my knuckles were white
trying to fight
but I didn't know which voice was mine.

Fall asleep too late,
in my dreams I would suffocate
and have bloodshot eyes when I'd wake,
but reassure my mom with my arms around her waist
yeah, I'm great.

Now when I have those evenings,
I try to keep from screaming,
but I can still feel your heart beating
when I read your messages that I can't bear deleting,
and I write all these texts to you that I'm not completing
because I told you to go away but I hadn't planned for your leaving.

Close my eyes when the darkness recedes,
the nightmares are always you and me
and I take Tylenol to make your memory leave
but my hands are red and they will never be clean
*I'm sorry for the times I made you bleed.
I'm not very good at rhyming.
I dream mostly
in flowers and
in the shape of
your words
pressed quietly
into the skin
behind my right
 Apr 2014 circus clown
 Apr 2014 circus clown
I keep a jar in my corner of my head,
to the left
in which I keep all my fears
along with a couple unheard phone messages and some unused anger. Sometimes I'll go over just to look at them
turn over and over again
put them into boxes
take them back out of boxes
put them in other boxes
Most of them are silly really.
I fear either too much or too little,
But the jar completes the little room inside my head
so I keep it there.
I'll pull them out one by one.
I am afraid that when the sun comes again I will pale in comparison
I am afraid that I am not as much as you say I am
I am afraid after the winter you will no longer need me to keep you warm.
it’s funny how wax becomes translucent when it’s hot
and it reminds me of how i could see right through you
when things got tough and you couldn’t stick around
long enough to watch me burn but
you had no trouble lighting the fire
 Apr 2014 circus clown
You were supposed to love me.
But instead,
you reminded me of sitting in a dentist's chair
or not being able to find a matching sock
or early mornings and crowded public transportation.

And I was supposed to hate you for that,
but instead -
you reminded me of a new cashmere sweater
and the lullaby my mother used to hum to me as a child
and the books that line my shelves.

And even when you made me go numb;
I could still feel you every time I got a paper cut,
and see you in sun that sets late on a summer evening ,
and hear you in the wail of my alarm at 6 am on a Monday morning,
smell you in the daisies that grew by the trail,
and taste you in the bitter flavour of my medication.

There were versions of you in everything I hated and everything I loved in life
and now that you won't even look my way,
all I want is to stop living.
"I'm always writing about the same **** person. I think I'll love him forever."
 Apr 2014 circus clown
You told me I was a pan of hot water and
sometimes it hurt to touch me
but you never thought to turn the temperature down

you just left me boiling

its april 7th and you are still a joke
but somehow you are the only one laughing anymore

I once told you I saw fire in your eyes
and you said it was just the reflection of the
ever burning in mine

I've only now realized that was nothing but a lie

The devil is not red or pointed with hooves
The devil is of flesh
He arrives as the very thing you want most

His name is Lucifer
And he is tall and handsome

He keeps you blind to the raging hellfire
He does not mention you are floating on the river Styx

When he finally pulls the curtain and
gives you back your corneas and irises
You are like Persephone-

you've already eaten seven pomegranate seeds
i’m fighting with gravity
to the death- until my head rests,
empty as my belly
on this false-porcelain floor-
skin waxy as laminate over
these heavy hollow bones
waiting for freedom-
liberation from this sullen casing.

i shake, manic-
blood pressure in the basement,
nauseous from diet pills and anxiety.
jittery, stare at the ceiling-
a spider, stick-limbed, teases me,
but here’s the silver lining:
no curds or whey coating
my shining insides.

i am stronger and brighter than ever
as black swims in my vision-
light-headed from malnutrition,
i wrap fingers around my wrists
to make sure i haven’t escaped my limits.
the mirror doesn’t lie, but it won’t snitch.
we’ll keep this surreptitious.

spilling my bloodred guts, my blood,
won’t make me wither,
and confessing won't save me either.
this red ribbon stays tied around my wrist.
secrets kept keep me stable
clinging to my only success,
self-confidence cellophane-wrapped
in my absence, my transparence.

the whispers don’t mean a thing.
i am frantic on a wire frame,
white noise on parade.
the ground can only hold me for so long.
i'll sprout wings from my ribcage
and float away.
The thick amber bark held up the golden leaves to breath
Ribbons of light peek through the branches and onto the concrete
Putting one foot in front of the other I skip into what seemed like another world
The comfortable breeze blowing the strands of my hair into unnatural positions
A tune better than any I've heard before played in my ears
When I realized this was too good to be true

I took off my rose colored glasses to a sight I couldn't believe
A grey sky reflected shadows off of bloodless trees into shapes my mind couldn't fathom
The road was a dead end and my feet were rooted into the ground
The music stopped and the voices started
My voice ran dry and my screams were mute
This place was destroyed and there was no way to get out
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