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 Aug 2014 Christian Ek
How about we start at the base
Ground zero
The place of destruction
The beginning of the action
My brain

If you think you can take it
Go ahead, step on in
Welcome to what will probably be
The most traumatic experience
Of your life, yet.

It's a chaotic chronic
A twister of pain, little gain
No production, simply destruction
Addictive personality
Worrisome and stressful reality, honestly

I don't know just how to say it
Or how to express it plainly
So I'm gonna wing it
And hope you people can understand
That I'm truly not all there

Sure, I'm responsible
I'm a smart kid with a bright future
But I don't know if I want that future
I don't know if I want myself either
I'm internally deranged

I like the idea of wasting myself of throwing myself in the flames and playing hopscotch in the smoke rings
Of wandering oblivion
And living in eternal suffering

No, I'm never gonna be a drunk
Never going be a ******
Never gonna trade my soul
To the only one who knows
Just how far I really wanna go

I'm not gonna dive off that cliff
Into that endless abyss
That holds the cold embrace
If the sweetest, purest
Most adored lover's kiss

I'm gonna keep to myself
Leave behind the inhalants
The smokes, drinks, and capsules
And hold my daddy's hand
And stay my little girl self

Meanwhile, on the inside
I'm lighting your home on fire
Throwing your kittens in the river
Slaughtering your children's dreams
And revealing your secrets

Satan can keep his contract
I'll keep my soul, just like you want
But I'll inwardly express the pain
That is my life
Signs of a serial killer, right?

Well, remember
Whatever I become
You made me
Aided the monster
By caging me
After scouring through the time with you I was up in the skies with happiness.
But then when I'm scouring through the night with myself I am sadden by the feeling I have.
You pull on my lip like an aircraft emergency oxygen system.
Our engines catch fire
as our tongues flutter like the wing's peeling metal,
and as our eyes peek at one another
between each plane crash of lips.

We've lost cabin pressure
as we can no longer control our bodies.
We gasp for each other's breath
as our shimmering structures
roll around on the sky of my bed.

We kiss like we've only got seconds left,
when in reality,
these moments will never die
even if we do.
Women's curiosity kills them,
Women catch your tongue.
Men's curiosity kills them,
Men catch your tongue.
There is no difference between us,
so why act like there is.
 Jul 2014 Christian Ek
 Jul 2014 Christian Ek
I will fall asleep,
to the sound of rain.
As i sketch out the
Rough details of your face,
Pencil grasped tightly between my thumb and fingers
I find the basic outline of you
The curvatures that separates you from others
Followed tentatively by the smaller details
Blending in the shades around your upper lip
The soft hairs that line your jaws
And the thin, spider web lashes lining hazel eyes
If i dip a brush in a hue and water then
I can make you come alive on the parchment- so i do
Splashing blue to shade your neck and eyes
Yellow illuminates the bridge of your nose
And green sets your eyes on fire
I douse the reds and pinks in water
To find the perfect color for your face
And as the love flows from my soul
I see you begin to breathe in the canvas
I chose this title because when i draw i feel like my hands are propelled by energy and excitement, rather than expertise and precision
And i took in every lie
With a smile
10 words
So this is me, falling in love with strangers-
With only their words to guide me.
And i think it's the most beautiful thing i have ever known
Everyday, i look at the scale and pray
That the number has gone down
Because i don't know how much longer i can hate myself
With such vicious passion
I will probably add to this
I read lyrics like some people read poetry
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