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Following the waving trees, 
the same direction as the breeze, 
as if a thermal element 
was wafted with my gait,

as blown along beside the river, 
downstream with it's flow, 
I felt a kind of impetus, 
impulsive like a joy, 
that grabs the psyche, 
swings the spirit in high gear,

a thrill of moving onward 
through the day and year, 
as if time were anonymous 
and I a mere convolvulous, 
that happened to be flowering today.

Ann Waddicor August 2013.
One from my collection of poems of joy.
Notice the burning of a cigarette leaves a lifeless hollow shell
Just like a star
Just like the me you know so well
Leaves behind ashes,
Leaves behind dirt,
Leaves behind lashes,
Leaves behind hurt.
Just like the burning of a cigarette leaves behind air so toxic
A burning star like me, will leave behind such losses.
Put me between your lips for the high
“Fire doesn't purify, it blackens."*

-Silent Hill
 Dec 2015 Chloe Zafonte
Rapid changes colour the days
Time rushes forward, weeks become grey
Moments don't last & memories fade
Next year I'll wonder how this one passed

Trudging along this endless road
Stuck at the end; a T-junction
I read the map just yesterday,
Despite my efforts, I've lost my way.

Make more mistakes; I never learn
As the winter bonfires fight to burn
Mistakes have paved my path so far
Next year should be just as bizarre!
I loathe this poem, simply because I saved a draft, or rather was in the process of saving one but the wifi died at that exact time, and I lost the entire thing. It was so much better, I swear. But this is all I could remember -.-
 Dec 2015 Chloe Zafonte
 Dec 2015 Chloe Zafonte
you don't need any labels
to do what you love.
this was a comment back then as i read a particular piece here in HP, I've save it as a quote to share to everyone.
a quote, a reminder, a shout-out.
beside the fireplace
all coloured lights, tinted wreaths
and bright glass baubles
its base wrapped in green paper
its top a big silver star
and one little boy kneeling
watching the bubble lights glow
lost in the magic
Hearts are flying high tonight,
I can feel the rush of wind in mine alone.
Copyright © 2015 Paul Forbes All Rights Reserved
 Dec 2015 Chloe Zafonte
You need to understand that no matter how beautifully the poem is written, no matter how relatable those black and white letters are; every word I've ever put on paper has been a product of mental illness. I don't care how deep it sinks into your chest, how long it resonates on your brain or how amazing it is that I have somehow put every unspoken thought you've ever had into 6 small words. Not once have I created a poem while thinking, "This one will surely paint a glorified picture of self harm, drug addictions, rehab visits, repeated rapes, abusive boyfriends and five years of therapy into the readers mind." Never would I write with such intention and never should my words be read for such a purpose. If you are searching for poems with glitter masking the truth, you have come to the wrong place. So if you have the guts to read my poetry, then I dare you to have the guts to read with the same pain it was written with. I refuse to write with raw, bold, and honest words only to wrap a pink ribbon over the bloodshed just to earn the title "tragically beautiful." The words I spill out come from a dark world. Admire them in purest form, ugly and appalling to the eyes.  Why would you want to romanticize the filth that I pour from my mentally ill mind?
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