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 Sep 2015 Carolynn
Della La Count
When you finally get my heart in your claws
before the blood cools,
I want you to swallow it.
Swallow it whole
and choke on it.
 Sep 2015 Carolynn
Emmy Dawn
i don't know what i want any more
there's a bitter taste in my mouth
and french kisses don't even fix it
apparently i've developed a tolerance
to sweet breath and a tongue on my ****
take my hand or my waist
either way is a waste of time
i don't think i'll ever be good
i've tried to be nice
and i was misunderstood
she replaces her tears with laughs
awakens at night to avoid nightmares and the judgeful eyes of loved ones
she drinks away her confusions
smokes her way out of frustrations
injects affection into her heart of lust
feeds her mind with vindictive thoughts

she watched his love turn to doubt through her bloodshot eyes
and so,
she laughed to replace her eyes that didn't work
she laughed so hard until her stomach hurt
 Jul 2015 Carolynn
You walked past me without any flicker of recognition, and just like that, we were strangers again.
 Jul 2015 Carolynn
 Jul 2015 Carolynn
I just don't know what to do
There is a feeling in my stomach
That I just don't want life anymore
What's the point in fighting for nothing
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