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  Aug 2015 Candy Noire
Disappear here
maybe in 10 years we'll bump into each other

we'll catch up on all the time we let run away

and how desperately in love I was with you

and we can laugh about how we broke eachothers hearts.
though something tells me you'll be around for a while
Candy Noire Aug 2015
What have I become?
I'm sick of your tough love
Cause it is just too much
Trying to live up to what you want
Look at me (pathetic)
Searching through my pockets for more apologies
Cause I swear that you always win
You told me I'm an idiot and you hate me
But I know you love me
So show me your heart
I know I let you down with the drugs in my mouth
I know I let you down with the anger I keep
I have to let my guard down show you the real me.

What have I become?
When I met you I was sweet like bubblegum
But you turn me into someone I don't know
Cause I love you more than you could ever know
Look at me
Clenching my fists begging on my knees
Look into your eyes to make you see
That I am still the girl you love you don't hate me
But you can leave
If you really want
I cut my heart strings burn this to the ground
If I had a gun I'd shoot myself
I know I let you down with my reckless heart
You said I am too much for you
But all my love is sincere, it's true
I'd do this all again if I have you
By my side.

- A.W.
Candy Noire Aug 2015
I'll push you away
To save my wasted heart
It's too late for us
This will tear us apart
Save me from the darkness in my soul
For I will never love again
Until I have you in my arms
Even if we are just friends
I need you to breathe
You said you were scared that I would die
But if I do don't blame yourself
Just move on with your life
Cause distance tortures me
I know that you are so strong
So when you give your heart to another
At least I will be gone.
Candy Noire Aug 2015
My heart is empty
A void, darkness lies in me
There is no light to raise me up
For you were light to me.

My head is empty
Of any truth or reason
All I hear are my own lies
For you were hope to me.

My soul is lonely
I need someone to breathe
All happiness is miles away
For you were my reason to live.
  Aug 2015 Candy Noire
It is not the
existence of God
in which I find
myself a doubt,
but the existence
of my own in
which I find
myself without

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