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  Nov 2014 Call Me Satan
Kiss me
As if
you are drowning
And your only
source of oxygen
Is my lips

Kiss me
As if
You want to know
how you taste
On my lips

Kiss me
As if
i am the
Only girl here
For you;
The only one you see

Kiss me
As if
you are a
wilting flower
And i'm the
first drop of rain

Kiss me
As if
my lips
Taste like freedom
And you have been a prisoner
Of the world's ways all your life

Kiss me
Like that is all
You have ever known
As if
You find yourself
Only when you get lost in me

Kiss me
And let the words Flow from
My lips to yours
And weave themselves
into poetry;
a poetry only we can feel

Kiss me
as if you are dying
and your only way
to salvation
is me

*He Kissed me
As if
Trying to tell me
How beautiful He thinks i'm
Without having
To utter A single alphabet
So, on twitter we were given a prompt: kiss me and i came up with these.

Anyway, is there a guy or girl who came in your mind while reading this? For me, it would be lily and james. Their love <3
Call Me Satan Nov 2014
One simple name,
you had called her.
You didn't have a reason to,
nor do you care.

That simple name,
scarred her innocent heart.
She believes it is true,
lets it tear her apart.

One simple name,
it was funny at the time.
It was only a joke,
you didn't commit a crime?

I'll tell you a secret,
I hope you can keep.
She's sick after every meal,
and cries herself to sleep.

She's given up food,
she's given up hope.
She's finding it hard to breathe,
she's finding it hard to cope.

"You're so  
is what her bully said.
That simple name*,
is the reason she's now *dead
Failure to flee,
Has lead me to be,
Alone with 3.
6 little hands,
30 tiny toes,
1 broken heart,
4 hopeful souls.
  Nov 2014 Call Me Satan
is just a
roller coaster
of ups and of downs
of ins and of outs, twisting,
turning, rising, falling, jerking, gliding,
sometimes you can see the turns coming
sometimes you take them blind,
going with the flow, being
tossed and taken, and
bruised, shaken,
just part of
  Nov 2014 Call Me Satan
**** me
love me
crush me
hold me
hug me
its all lies and your surprised open up your eyes and see thats not me just one of your ****** up fantasies why you hate me I don't see the pain your feeling just watching it go by and you won't see me cry so **** me but i won't die don't you think I've tried stop speaking your lies tell me the truth for a the first time do you even love me like you say you do
He sings a song so sweet and soft
As he strokes your smooth skin
He soothes your pain and eases your worries
And he blocks out all of the din
The light flickers but you are weary
Your mind is slowing down
Something glints in the corner of your eye
But you're too tired to even frown
Your vision blurs as you slump to the floor
His voice permeates your soul
You realise now what was glinting
You struggle to rise but can't reach your goal
His song has grown sinister and twisted
As he brandishes the knife
You are helpless and hopeless
In the final moments of your life
Happy Halloween everyone
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