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 Aug 2018 Arke
 Aug 2018 Arke
If I told you my surname, you would start to laugh
It's silly, but it's mine, and it's meant to last.
It's a noun, not a verb,
it's a little bug which lives everywhere.

I am a fly but I can't explore the sky,
"I don't have any wings" I repeated as a child.
But when were are together,
no chain can forbid me to reach the heavens.
You are to me
something that no one else could be.
I feel more like that bug when I'm with you
than when I'm on my own,
How you manage to do so, it's something I'll never know.

I am a fly but I can't explore the sky,
"I don't have any wings" I repeated as a child.

But touching this light blu sky
I finally realize
That that was not the truth.
My wings?
It's you.
 Aug 2018 Arke
the river
 Aug 2018 Arke
you are the river.
you're not the dirt that washes through it.
you're not the animal that drinks from the shore.
you're not the leaves that float in the current.
you're not the heat that dries the bed.
you're not the pollution that floods the stream.
you're not the frost that freezes the waves.
you're not the rain that floods the banks.
you're not what passes through you, harms you, oppresses you.
you are the river.
 Aug 2018 Arke
strawberry fields

your heart is empty
like a vast canyon of bones

 Aug 2018 Arke
The Coast
 Aug 2018 Arke
The air was thin and blue
When I saw you, down by the shore
Out among the dunes. The summer
Dream was all but dead, and all the
Foolish knew that love was all but over.
Yet I found you, scattered like the
Shells, smitten with rage. Those
Green eyes, those sad inlets, ebbing
And flowing like breath. The rest
My dear forget about soon,
the wind will be sour, the waves
Strong. We have only
The dark pine left to hide.
Written from my time living on the outer banks of North Carolina.
 Aug 2018 Arke
 Aug 2018 Arke
you were funny and pretty
danced to ****** pop music like the whole pool wasn't watching
rested your arm on my shoulder and dared me to challenge you on it
wore sunglasses as strikingly blue as your eyes
taught me basketball with a peeling ball and disintegrating net
got my naive, slow heart racing faster than it has in years
talked to me like we'd known each other years longer, instead of the five hour shift you picked up at my pool

so i did what i had to and told myself you spoke to everyone like that; used everyone as an arm rest like that; showed everyone sports like that.

i am not special to you.
but you were to me.
(whips) it aint a crush if you convince yourself there's no hope !!!!
 Aug 2018 Arke
Ekaterina Vorona
Why do we seek the truth?
It hurts more than its heals
Lies are soothing, beautiful
The false world is brighter than the real

Darkness blinds, but so does light
Why don't we fear the sun?
Life is pain, death is peace
No one sees the lonely ones

Better to live in false comfort
Than be tortured by reality
"It'll go away if we ignore it
And go back home happily"

Pain breaks through like the dawn
Our world is fill with sorrow
Suffering, and hopelessness
Each day is the same as the tomorrow
 Aug 2018 Arke
Sam Hammond
Yes, you have some parts of me
And yes, I know it’s true
That every single part you have
Belongs only to you.
I gave up my identity
And did away with pride.
I let myself be disembowelled
By waves from your loves tide.
But even when the storms hit
Or blue sky turns to black,
I’d sooner crawl home incomplete
Than take my pieces back.
Yes, you have some parts of me
And yes, I know it’s true
That every single part I gave
Will now fit only you.
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