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 Dec 2015 Wanderer
v V v
Mother tried to be a decent mother
in the weeks ahead of Christmas.
she’d fill the month with Advent calendars,
finger countdowns and splotchy
un-successful attempts to create a
joyful face with lipstick.

In hindsight maybe the weight
of her guilt was especially heavy during
the one month of the year that God
could not be ignored.

Its different now.
God is no longer privy to X-mas,
and guilt is not an appropriate emotion
to be taught to children.  

I was more afraid
of mother during Christmas
than at any other time of the year,
all that fake smiling and brittle kindness,
her strings could snap at any moment,
and you knew they would
you just didn’t know when,
or how, or on who.

“It always snows at Christmas!”
mother said as she reached
out my bedroom window to
gather a handful of fresh powder.
She’d bring it in to show me
and I’d wince and cringe because
her movements were  erratic
and unpredictable
like a puppet on strings, her
arms swinging wildly
from side to side,
knees jerking up and down
across the floor
she’d always end up
spilling snow on my bed.

I think the snow helped numb
what it was that she hid,
helped her hide behind
that painted wooden smile,
if only for a little while.

My memories of snow
are quite vivid.
I’d shovel snow into
tall piles, taller than I stood
then build tunnels
to the other side.
I jumped off of rooftops
into huge snowdrifts
and come up with
sleeves full of snow.
My friends and I would
latch onto bumpers of
slow moving cars
and “skeech” through
the neighborhood,
or careen down toboggan
runs on our feet,
face planting
at the bottom where
the ice gave way
to fresh snow.

When I turned 16
we’d hide Old Style Beer
in snow drifts,
build ice forts in the forest
and spin donuts in
St. Mary’s parking lot with
open beers in our laps
and never get caught.

As I see it now
all of these things
helped ease the
burden of confusion
with my mother’s
dis- interested
wooden puppet

but her guilt ridden
attempts at
Christmas niceties
were never going
to be enough
to keep me from

You see its all about the snow.  
A life embraced by snow.

snow cut into lines,
Encapsulated snow,
spoon melted snow,

any kind of snow
to numb the extremities
and freeze the nerve endings,

a temporary escape from
the Christmas gift
of mother’s guilt.
I don’t know about you
But I’m fleeing this joint
When I kick the bucket

You see, I got atoms to fill
And spaces to claim

No this ain’t no one
Woman show
Staged and such

I've been practicing eternity cuz
This here is the ascent
This here is the way of the masters
And deities w/no baggage
This is The Path of Gods and Goddesses
The Tao of now
*The Way of the One
 Dec 2015 Wanderer
mike dm
i'm looking for a space
a place to be

where aha and yes arrest my waketosleep

tune this breath of mine with crunched elements bent
toward a wavelength like large steep icy hills that spill
up into the whiteblue nipped expanse
 Dec 2015 Wanderer
mike dm
pressed against
the back of your throat
as if from a string
i'm lifted
and pushed
further in

our fling with romance
a flame
blown out by darker carving winds
leaving a charge that rakes
an aura past the tor

you gag and grab yourself
nails elongate
dig in
your hair rushes and becomes long
primal spots splotch

of you
glyph of this

gasping for air
you ask me to
come in

so six and nine makes for two and one
until i paint your insides the color of skies slid
 Dec 2015 Wanderer
 Dec 2015 Wanderer
May the air be brazen
and unafraid.
To kiss the glowing embers
in our faltering hearts...

With its fingers,
albeit light and wispy
Calloused with experience.

May it never loses
its motivation.
So it could grant us ours
and nurture us back
to flame.
Bathing under the cool glow of a thousand million stars--
shattered mirrors reflecting your brilliance--
you are the sun, and the great deep your lover.

When I am not there, you see the emptiness in all its implication:
the death of stars, the beauty of change, and the soft significance
that all of this is happening without you, and within you.

I hear you call to me in the midnight hour,
longing to be touched by the warmth of a familiar star.
But I am as empty as the great deep, filled with peace, surrounded by chaos.
 Dec 2015 Wanderer
25 Cent Pet
 Dec 2015 Wanderer
I feel helpless.
Like a very small fish
in a very small bowl.
But sometimes,
you make me feel
like an even smaller fish
in an infinitely vast ocean.

I am torn apart by the currents of your anger-
Tossed and shaken,
Until I am left confused and
in the depth of your problems,
which you choose not to share with me;
and watch in enjoyment
as I struggle to figure things out for myself.
But, at the end of the day, I know I will be captured yet again,
only to be placed back into my suffocating home-
where you tap on the glass,
until I turn
I think it's unfair that you choose when to be mad at me, without telling me why.
 Dec 2015 Wanderer
mike dm
in my arms
she felt like telephone
super long twisted rubbery beige curly cue cord or
was that me hugging myself?

we live in both dark or light days. they are
the color of binary flips saturated in malaise plus
a dash of crass
 Dec 2015 Wanderer
mike dm
 Dec 2015 Wanderer
mike dm
one hand
driven up sunken
inhaled midsection
resting at wet sternum
pausing to spread
five fingers
i can feel the beat quicken

digging them in
i inch up toward her

body angular  
waves of her churn
i eat dishes beastly
her entire plate clean
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