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"Hey, we've never really talked."

I imagine surviving an earthquake.  

"We never talked."

I dig my nails into something red.

"We've never really talked."

I cough.

"We never talk."

I wipe the spit off my lip.

"Hey, we've never-"

Rewinding the VHS for the next customer.
 Jan 2015 Brittle Bird
i'm in love with words,
but afraid of voices.
silence is both beautiful
and terrifying,
because thoughts just
never seem to sleep.
no one seems
to really understand,
because although
these voices
never stop talking,
the words themselves
are often too
quiet to speak.
 Jan 2015 Brittle Bird
J Drake
Faith. Hope. Love.
I don't have answers. I don't really know much.
But I know that those things ignite something in your heart, casting away the darkness of fear and regret.

When the cobwebs in the basement are cleared, you find all your old dreams hidden in corners you forgot about.

And when you pound your fist in the dirt, and say enough is enough... I'm not here to survive, I'm here to LIVE... to laugh and play and realize my deepest passions... to find the ocean of joy and invite everyone I know to swim in it with me. To love myself daringly; to dance with the darkness of my fears and invite their lessons in.

Something doesn't have to change. Everything has to change.
I'm not interested in being right anymore.
I'm interested in being ALIVE.

When you commit these things to yourself, and fight for love, for hope, for the adventure of really living all the way... something happens.

Something flips inside you, and heaven begins pounding at your door.

Life has always waited patiently on you to stop waiting patiently.

Adventure isn't around the corner. It's hiding underneath your heart.

Right here. Right now.
The beating of my heart... measured into words. Happy New Year. Contact me at to share your feelings on my work. :)
 Jan 2015 Brittle Bird
We always write about 3 or 4 AM because it's so **** "poetic"
But I'd rather write about 6 AM
the truth sounds a lot more appealing
When the sun is peeking through the blinds of my room
The room just a little too small for all of my thoughts
And worries
And fears
My silhouette, stark--the sun kisses my skin
Gently reminding me that I have been given another day
A second chance
The heartbreak from last night doesn't sting so bad
And my loneliness is expelled as the room is filled with the echo of the birds chirping outside
See at 6 AM
my thoughts are the most clear and the weight of the world doesn't seem as heavy on my shoulders and my fears don't seem so scary
I want 6 AM because I'm so tired of screaming into my pillow at 3 AM and crying my eyes out by 4 AM begging to be saved from myself
I love 6 AM
With a coffee and
A walk in a city that is still unfamiliar
As the crisp, cold air fills my lungs and I no longer feel so empty
The streets are filled with people in their most honest state
6 AM where my mistakes don't seem to measure to the greatness bestowed upon me
And the quiet makes me feel at peace
I want 6 AM where I don't feel trapped in this monotonous world and my soul finally
classic from june.
I can feel
her absence,
like swallowing
a cold

The blade 
slices slowly,
with each
like copper. 

A cold
steel shard
that rests
my heart. 

But will it cut?
Can you still bleed?
Do you love?
I will rip my veins apart
and then my mind will be at peace
for a while

My wrist will pour blood
I need it to bleed
or bead

I am counting the seconds
till this can happen

I am now content
with the results
but I'm getting dizzy

I can hear sirens
the sound is getting stronger
is it coming for me?
my name is Afraid
I’m kind of scared to tell you my age
my heights is so strange, so is my weight
I couldn't bear to show you my face
The trees were trembling on my birthday
And I cried so hard - I was afraid
My mother smiled, I looked to her face
She was the one who gave me my name
And years have passed by up to today
My ethnicity gets in my way
I’m afraid knowing that I’m not straight
My religion is fear and dismay
Not a believer, I don’t have faith
Can’t believe lies that these people say
My eyes are black, my gender is rage
But really, inside, I am afraid
 Jan 2015 Brittle Bird
We live in a world where no means convince me and flirting is a green light for ***.
Where women are told, don't get ***** and men are rarely told, don't ****.
Where **** shaming is encouraged and victims are blamed.
Where speaking out about **** is a call for attention and **** victims are silenced.
We live in a world where **** culture is normal and that is **unacceptable.
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