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 Mar 2015 Brieana Rose
Dawn King
days rundown
implode inward
i’ve uttered my confessions
no absolution
it’s some kind of
dead society of 1
who is me if not you
where do i go
when i know
i am not seeking
i am being sought
shall i stand firmly
aside my chosen doctrine
when days rundown
implode inward
We live in a world with so much hatred
When will true peace be won?
Why are we judged by our own skin?
Will love ever conquer the world over money?
I am afraid of the thoughts of others
I'm not lost in who I am because I know who I am
I'm lost in other people's view
Because somehow I feel like my views don't matter
But I'm wrong when I say I don't matter
Because my views matter,
Just as much as others
 Mar 2015 Brieana Rose
What if
we fell unto
each other's
Showed you the
2x2 picture
of yours
still at the folds of my wallet?

What if I chose your favorite
Ice cream flavor
at the Ice cream shop
We once went to?

What if I chose
your favorite
pizza parlor,
hugged you even more,
and told you
"You'll love what I have for you."

What if I
kissed harder
and told you what I feel?

What if I
held you closer
caressed your beautiful face
and marveled at your
magnificent eyes?

What if I
told you
Right now
everything I want
you to know?

And what if
I did everything
I wanted to do,
and let you
How much
**I love you?

— The End —