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 Apr 2016 Briana
Emma Brigham
Today I am happy
That's all I have to say
Even though
there are dishes in the sink
and my milk's gone bad
A nod to the poet David Lehman who made himself write a poem every single day for a year to make poetry more accessible, part of the everyday, and demystify the notion that poetry has to be pretentious.  I encourage you all to try it!
 Mar 2015 Briana
 Mar 2015 Briana
I'm learning how to find the stars in my own eyes.
 Dec 2014 Briana
Ernest Hemingway
The age demanded that we sing
And cut away our tongue.

The age demanded that we flow
And hammered in the ****.

The age demanded that we dance
And jammed us into iron pants.

And in the end the age was handed
The sort of **** that it demanded.
I happen to find flaws beautiful
to all of you people who feel worthless because of their imperfections
 Dec 2014 Briana
Kendall Rose
I didnt lose anything the day that you kissed my red lips,
told me that you liked them swollen this color instead of painted it.
I didn’t lose anything when you kissed down my neck and across my collar bone and all the way down into my soul.
I don’t think I lost anything the day we kicked off our socks and shoes and shimmied out of our jeans
When we crawled under the covers and into each others hearts,
whispering words that I can still feel againt my skin long after your touch has faded.
Christmas lights casting shadows that I chased across your jaw
Legs tangled and fingers twined,
we were more laughter and love
patience and passion
imperfection and beauty than I had ever felt in myself alone.
I don’t think I lost anything;
some part of myself that my mother was always telling me to protect.
*I think I may have even grown.
Why do people say "losing" your virginity??  You aren't losing a part of yourself, you aren't giving it away. So please stop telling me that this is something bad, something I should wait for; safe & consensual *** is a GOOD THING
 Dec 2014 Briana
Wei Ling
 Dec 2014 Briana
Wei Ling
like a new adult butterfly, you emerged from your chrysalis;
you spread your wings,
ready to begin a new life
you were so full of energy and passion for everything around you
you were beautiful,
but not enough; it's never enough
because darling,
beauty is no longer in the eye of the beholder
beauty has become a standard shape, a standard size
but beauty is intangible,
and how can you compare two butterflies
who are completely different in their own ways?
 Dec 2014 Briana
Hollow Bones
 Dec 2014 Briana
Hollow Bones
I will miss you at college, I really will.
I won’t miss the wrinkled brows, at my too-heavy-eyeliner wearing face.
But i’ll probably come home make up free
with a head full of purple hair.
I know i’ll walk through the door sometime and you’ll be horrified.
And maybe you won’t want to sit in Starbucks with me.

And when your friends are bragging about their daughters,
saying mine got a full ride to Notre Dame,
or mine was recently proposed to,
you’re going to say,
“mine is happy.”
And maybe that will be enough.
 Dec 2014 Briana
Some Person
 Dec 2014 Briana
Some Person
It depresses me
To see other couples
Or people hooking up
I don't know why
But it has something to do
With you
 Dec 2014 Briana
oh me oh my
 Dec 2014 Briana
oh me oh my
my thoughts have become wasps and my brain is a nest
and the angry red jagged lines keep weeping from my thighs,
and all i have to say is,
because i cant change,
and i cant stop my hands from trembling;
and the dark rings under my eyes are big enough to swallow me whole
and i wish they would to save me—
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