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  Jul 2017 Breawna B
Darlene Chavez
Being suicidal
Doesn't mean you try to take your own life
Sometimes it means
Pushing others away
So you have less of a reason to live
And waking up Evey day
And just saying "**** it"
To everyone who walks your way
Sometimes it means
Eating less so you'll die of starvation
Or not wearing a jacket
So you'll get sick and die
Or not looking both ways
Before crossing the street
Because you don't care if you get hit by a car
Or cutting your wrist so you feel numb
Sometimes it means
Hiding every emotion
Deep down
Until you finally break
Scaring everyone away.
  Jul 2017 Breawna B
Darlene Chavez
I am like concrete
People walk on me
Stomp on me
And even rub their feet on me
But I still hold them up
Even though I am hurting and upset
I don't want them to feel the way that I do
  Jul 2017 Breawna B
Georgia Harkess
It’s the bits and pieces that I let you see

The parts of which fall from me

Like the ****** tears from the crying stone

Gathering around, but I’m still alone

Smiling and laughing as I die inside

Nothing to gain nothing to hide

Wishing that someone would just care

Seeing that no one is really there

Am I just a ghost or really here?

Not knowing the answer is my worst fear

You see me, you see through me

No acknowledgement no apathy

This is all that’s left of  me…
  Jul 2017 Breawna B
Marisa Lu Makil
Everyone says
That trust
Is a hard thing to earn.

But really
When you see someone for the first time
Your mind
Tells you whether
Or not
You trust them.

Trusting someone is easy.
Knowing someone is hard.

When I met you,
My dearest uncle
I knew
Right away
That you were
The greatest
Ever met.

I am glad I met you.
Blessings to you, my writing confidante.
When I finally
All of these thoughts
Into a book,
The book will say
Three pages in
"To uncle Percy
"Thank you for believing in me."
To my great uncle Percy. You read my poetry, and told me I was amazing. "I will buy the first copy when you publish a book of poems" were your exact words. I am so glad I met you. I love you, and I only just met you. Not many can do that.
Thank you.
  Jul 2017 Breawna B
Bria Grimm
I hope you never reach
The day
Where you are lost for words
Because they're tangled up in

I hope you never reach
The point
Where your innocence of
The world is

I hope you choose
Your friends and
Lovers wisely
So that you never have to
Discover what it feels like
To see those who you believed
Would take a bullet for you
Dance behind the
I am very fortunate that this has made the daily poems! I am completely new to this site (about a week or two in) and it is truly an honor to have my work recognized. Thank you guys for supporting!
  Jul 2017 Breawna B
alex grey
Such a word
only a word

only a word
to me

there is none
whom i "trust"

i wish there was
someone to talk to
about everything
but the truth is
there isn't

to relay on completely
to keep my words
to understand them

sadly, i am a lock
few hold the key
too bad
the lock is broken
I have yet to meet someone I fully trust, so far, I don't believe such a thing exists.
  Jul 2017 Breawna B
Mentally Fucked Up
Trust me
Because I know the feeling of pain
Of betrayal

Trust me
Because I know how to feels to be lost
With no where to run

Trust me
Because I know how it feels
To want the pain to stop

Trust me
Because I know how hard it is to find someone to trust
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