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brandon nagley Jul 2015
Her faraway skin
Lavishes me,
Her eyes like kin
Marvels mine need's,
She fufilleth all dream's
A pathway to God,
Her lingo like a traveler
Of celestial pod's....
Her spaceship cometh from afar
The sun she rest's her feet.
We linger on Mars.
Her tongue is a miracle
Speaking unknown verb's
Her house is mi casa,
Her place is mine world.
Her sacredness is hidden
Though open to me
Maby one day mine true queen
Wilt marry her king...?
Jul 2015 · 295
Shes the healer, the doctor
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Her fine herb poetry
Healeth all mine cut's and burns
I've never had this before....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 414
Happy stellar palace
brandon nagley Jul 2015
She treateth me right
Unlike any other's....

An angel of light
A best friend and lover.  

She showeth me new
Wherein all seemeth old,

She sticketh by mine side
In mine hellish cell-hold...

For tis shes gold
I'm her silver.....

I am old
She's just a bit younger...

Though both essences
of long ago places

We cometh as we chooseth
To bypass hating faces....

We art us
Noone shalt copy...

Let the jealous
be jealous

We're just us
A happy stellar palace...

For we kneweth this long ago
We're not of this place...
Jul 2015 · 428
The real ones
brandon nagley Jul 2015
When the crowd leaveth,
We seeith who the real ones art...
Jul 2015 · 227
End of mine days..
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I cannot help but to giveth mine love to her
It's just who I am
I cannot walketh from her.....
I wilt loveth,
Until the end of mine days...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 216
I find home....
brandon nagley Jul 2015
As I embark into her universal soul
I find mineself
I find mine home...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 125
Baby star child
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The star's
Made a son out of him...

©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Brandon nagley
Jul 2015 · 185
Poe and shakespeare talk
brandon nagley Jul 2015
As I wanted to stop writing today,
Poe cameth to speaketh to me....
Poe said,
"Son, thou must continue on mine hopeless dark romance"
Then I hadst seen Shakespeare,
Shakespeare said to me......
"Son, thou art the new me in thy modern age, thou canst not let that die,  thou art one of a kind, as people do seeith that..never giveth up being who thou art".....
So after these two cameth and spoke to me today,
I figured mine writing,
Is not yet over....
I'll continue to write these amour letters,
Even if none in return,
It's just that purest of love,
Mine heart doth yearn....

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The cop's cameth into his poetical room
Pills were scattered in that moribund tomb....

The young man's body was **** on the floor
Like a baby he was once again rebirthed....

Poem's spread all abroad,
As the boy's veins were pumped by ****** cause.....

His eyelid's still open to see,
But he's now joined his ghost family.....

The spirit's sat and watched the cop's
Whilst the boy was with them and God.....

Mum and dad cying a sorrowful tune
Singing hymns of the depressed and the blue's....

The young man left a note on his bed,
Telling them he Gaveth all his love, and the one he loved left him bled...

He was scholar of the angelic ones,
Now he floats somewhere by the sun....

The only romantic around,
A poe enthusiast, Shakespherian amare clown.....

And because he hath given his all,
His expectations were broke as his wall.. .

The coroner brought the Hearse
At thirteen the boy was CURSED.....

Now twenty-seven he hadst let go,
He wasn't meant for this world anymore.....

In his time he saw who was worldly and not,
And through this time it was him they forgot...

He preached love of the star's above,
Now he returned with immaculate love....

His journey and strife was over far gone,
So he left in a hurry to his own song....

He feeleth no remorse, nor guilt,
Who wouldst with such wordly nilch...

At the funeral the crowd packed inside and wrapped around the block, he was more loved, just the demons made him think not...

People cameth he hath not seen in year's,
He was in the room with them, shedding some tear's....

He forgaveth them long ago,
It want them, just this place wasn't his home...

Though the ones whom he watched below,
Didint understand that or even know....

Now he's dressed in a celestial earthly black,
Wherein inside him the universe doth match.....

A halo he weareth once again,
Because in his past life he kneweth it wasn't his end....

But he continues to spread his amour',
To the lost, suicidal, and murdered galore....

He writes poem's now for God,
Wherein he belongs, no reason to sob.....

As everyone left his funeral room,
The young man stayed behind whilst crying a fool....

He yelled why didn't thou all loveth me back,
He preached of forgiveness and love, that's a fact!!!!

But he kneweth it was far to late,
Now to the serpahim he hast a nice date......

He's smiling now feeling the warmth,
His cold abode never couldst light that torch....

And now the world wilt remember his name
Twenty seven , forever young and a cherub flame........

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
This isn't about noone just good writing,
Btw in poem I use word nilch which means nothing for u who don't know thanks...
Jul 2015 · 303
Ill stay outta boredom
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Well everyone, since I cannot delete me account well even though I have no will ,nor passion and no feeling to write anymore. Still gonna anyways out of boredom lol so guess I stay ugh  /; and since Elliot won't let me delete this horrible profile myswell be trapped like the other poet's who don't wanna be here.... Oh well I love the HP peeps at least (:
Jul 2015 · 203
Night hp (:
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Goodnight all of HP
Sweetest of dream's (;
brandon nagley Jul 2015
If a man
Strikes his animal's and abuses them,
That shouldst showeth the horrible DARKNESS.....
Of what he's doing,
To his son
And others around him.......
His disgusting actions given to his animal's
Shouldst probably be a sign to look a little closer,
At his family......
As tis I mineself
( not speaking for others) who wouldst forgiveth this man.....
Though I'd also be the one,
To rescue his family.......
And it sickens me to think,
A human being canst defend theirselves
Whilst a pup or kitten canst NOT............
We were sent here to protect ourn animal's
And one another as beings....
Not abuse
And destroy them...
It only hurts thine own soul,

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
(Spanish tongue)

Soy la campesino querubín esclavo
En mía reina serpahim de amor-jaula.
Y incluso si ella fue a diere yo la llave
A descubrir mineself y ser gratis;
No habrías wanteth de todos modos es ,
Me encanta ser su sirviente ......
Me ama ser su esclavo .......

(English version)

I'm a peasant cherub slave
In mine queen serpahim's love-cage.
And even if she was to giveth me the key
To unlock mineself and be free;
I wouldst not wanteth it anyway's,
I love being her servant......
I loveth being her slave.......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
She feeleth and thinketh she hast none worth,
If only I couldst showeth her the truth.....
That there is no Ruby
Nor gem,
Nor diamond,
Nor any brick of  laden gold,
Nor any treasure chest,
Nor any amount of the worthless dollar bill,
That couldst buyeth who she is
In all way's.....
No other reserve of this carnal world shalt showeth her the worth she hath....
She is an upper galaxy divine messenger,
Not to just me
But to others;
As her worth isn't measured by earth-like standard.....
No material canst measure up to her merit........
She cometh from her luna,
The one wherein the seraph's wander.....
And art caregivers
And helper's
And they art the true hopeless romantic's of the blue orb air....
She is worth more, than anything to God,
She doesn't quite fully understand yet......
But to me,
She's worth living for.
She's worth dying for,
She's worth this life.
As the next
   And the next
      And the next
         And the next
            And the next
                                   Then the next
                                      Then the next
                                         Then the next
                                            Then the next
                                               Then the next.........
As she's worth it so much to me I shalt wait a million more next's just for her to be with she's worth more than anything!!!!

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
centelleo, centelleo, mi amour',
I shalt travel by foot, right to thy door!
Up above the moon so high,
I shalt exhilarate thee in thine mind.

When the colorful universe hath passed,
And All the glacier's melt so fast,
Then thou wilt illuminate,
centelleo, centelleo, on ourn impresionante date.

Than the watchmen in the dusk
Giveth thee thanks, of aloe and musk:
He couldst not seeith which way to flyeth,
But thine own light to all inviteth.....

In those dark brown eyes thou keepeth,
And always in mine soul thou peepeth,
For please don't ever close thine eye's
Until mine lips art met with thine own so fine....

As thy centelleo glints mine room,
And as thy centelleo is flared by thee mine muse,
I shalt continue to be thy poet
Writing a million poem's a day for thee so everyone shalt know it.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
centelleo- means twinkle Spanish tongue

Twinkle twinkle Little Star originally done by a Jane Taylor as a lullaby I redid it for mi amour (:
impresionante- means awe-inspiring or awesome in Spain's tongue  (: either way
Jul 2015 · 702
Mi amour (reminisce)
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Latin goddess,
                                       Spanish by descent
                            Her hermosa voz do I reminisce

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
hermosa voz - means beautiful voice in Spanish
Jul 2015 · 433
I loveth thee more
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Mi amour'
Just in case something happens to me
And i get to sick,
And I'm not here anymore.....
Just wanted to say,
Since I don't wanna take nothing for granted...
I loveth thee more...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
If I hid,
The amare of mine life
Tis love wouldst not be real...
For she is mine light!
I cannot hideth her,
For mine soul won't let that be,
For she's mine all
I just want for all the world
To see...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I couldst just telleth by her luminous crystal tiara,
And her eburnean alabaster capa
That she was an ser angelical...........

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
ser angelical- means angelic being in Spanish
eburnean means ivory like...
capa- means cloak in spanish
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The only time I canst rest
Is when mine mi amour' is at peace...

The only time I canst breathe
Is when mi amour' sayeth she loveth me....

The only time I feeleth
Is when mi amour's around....

The only time im living
Is when mi amour pulleth me up from the ground...

The only time I feeleth fine
Is when I tasteth mi amour's wine...

The only time, I looseth track of time
Is when I seeith her picture, it's ****, queen like and divine...

The only night's anymore I shalt sleep
Is when mi amour writes, that it's mine heart that she keeps...

The only time mine day starts out well
Is knowing she's there, in mine prison cell...

The only time anything maketh any sense.....................
Is when mine mi amour' is happy and content....................

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
If I couldst paint mine love for mi amour', in picture form
Their wouldn't be enough paint for the picture....
That's how much love for her I have....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Her smile is mine life
Her life is mine smile...

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 623
Please forgiveth me
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I told mi amour' this morning
I didint want love no more
And that I didint believe in it anymore....
As I told her these things
I felt the pain ripple from her soul,
Not realizing at the moment what I just did.
I realized at the last moment
I said all these things from mine own
Fear's of losing her,
Mixed with the demon's around here telling me different..
Because people don't realize,
Demonic forces and being's art real ( as mi amour' doth knoweth)
And they canst maketh thee depressed, hurt, angry, think things we normally wouldn't think at anytime.....
So to mi amour',
I'm sorry mine love for telling thee I didint want love no more
And saying I didint want to be with noone no more...
Fact is I want thee,
I need thee, as thou knoweth,
I'm in LOVE with thee to mine soul, from mine head to mine toes,
To mine eyes, dripped to mine bones ..... Thou art mine all, life and world .. I just wanna know I'm thine only one.. Even though just friend's ... When I start thinking the way I did today, just please as you'd want from me.. Shut me up, telleth me thou loveth me and thou only wanteth me, and If thou canst for now on... Showeth me thy all..  I beg for It. I needeth it..  I yearn for it. And thee to... Everyone knoweth were in love... Everyone except Maby a few. I just want thy all, so please forgive me for acting as I did mi amour', thou art mine only girl...
Mine ocean
Thou art mine sea
I am thou,
Thou art me...
I loveth thou
Thou needeth me,

Please forgiveth me....
Mi amour'.....

For that just wasn't who I am to say all those thing's this morning,For I'm the biggest romantic out there.. Lol doth thou really think I'd tell someone ( meaning thee) I don't want love and don't believeth in it no more??? Not me!!!!!!! Not who I am!!!
The demon's that cometh around ...
Influence in the worst way,

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry....
A asking for forgiveness from mi amour
Don't care if others think I'm nuts. Spiritual demons are real and can make us do things we wouldn't do... I have proof they are more than real from all the sounds me and family hear, from orbs we see, or full apparitions, voices just in ear, or out loud where whole family hears it at once, physical scratches I have taken... Though they hate when I pray to Christ... Thats the only name they hate. And they leave ... To christ I ask to make them leave...  As also mine mother yelled at mine father this morning for nothing .  me and her both acted not who we are due to demonic forces that came in.. But prayer to God and saging the house was needed.. And they left our house for now.. But they will be back... They hate gods children.  !no joke... And so many wonder why so much depression and doubts in the world... Can thank demonic beings for that..  No depression pills gonna help you.  Only God will.. And for those who think I'm nuts I happen to have a radar free app that's 100 percent real . and does tell me when spirits are around and I can feel it even don't even need app. But when I turned app on it showed me asap when. I got off texting with amour that there were three spirits in me presence so yeah I know that so does mum to... From how both me and her acted this morn .. So sorry mi amour
Jul 2015 · 231
Truth to be told...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
It sadden's me to seeith the world taking everything and everyone for granted...
I canst never do that,
I'm not of this world....
And when the one's realize they were taking their other loved one's or important one's for granted.....
Then by the time they find out,
The other person, or persons art gone.....

See this alot
This goes for alot.. This isn't for one person this goes for many.. See it daily and its so sad the world is so into themselves or their own wants they forget their needs .....
Jul 2015 · 653
The jewel gone to soon
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Young man only thirteen high before his dream's
Taking doses of everything,
Painpill here, something there, a few Soma's in between....

Daddy shouldn't of left out
His first bottle there to begin with,
Yet daddy gave his son those pills
Sin's the son must live and tryeth to forget...

And now the sky falls
The earth to the boy quakes,
Yet now a man he seeith all
All the lies,pain , and heartbreak

He found it out the hard way
Making deal's in alleyway scene's,
To many false Lovers to him
They all telleth tales to maketh him believe...

And so he continues to swallow down his white pills
Just to feel some reality, wherein nothing else seemeth real!!!
And though those round thing's aren't authentic, he does it from the pain, of all the farce one's that cometh again and again....

So he couldn't take none more,  that he got
Trapped in a nightmare, of numbed out demonous plot....
He took a few last white tabs, swallowed them down,
He blasted his music inside his room, blocked the door so he couldnt be found.....

Took his belt, from his closet door, Wrapped it around his neck
Couldn't get no genuine amare from noone, the next life out did he check..
.. As the invalidated he left behind to them a note, mum and dad and everyone, this life I didst not hope....

So his soul clicked, snapped outta his shirt, he fleweth away like a bird, only in his young age, a shock for everyone, for him they hadst no words..... Now he was a ghost!!!

Their only word's were they were soo sad he hadst taken this way out, now at themselves they were mad, because it was them be was talking about..
How they hadst forgotten him, and all the stuff he hadst told... He was a young angel, who so young gave up soul...

The boy who died a man, payeth a visit every now and then,
He stoppeth in with the other suicide's of were hurt and heartbroken....
And up above the man canst seeith the Heartbreakers still break,
Thinking in his mind he forgives them now, though their still fake.

And yet though their fake, he intercedes to God for them in prayers.
Because he's a true seraphim, he didn't even belong here...
His character is unlike them, he was the truest to come around,
And now the other's wilt knoweth the jewel whom they hadst let down...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
This is a made up story, not about anyone, just came up with.. Sad but beautiful..
Jul 2015 · 930
Golden gram's
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I remember
As a boy,
Being with mine father's mother...
Also known as grandma or ( Golden gram's) nagley...
Having her sit me on her lap
Or alot of times her being mine guide,
Holding mine hand taking me places....

I went and saw mine ( Golden gram's) today
And as I saw her
Oldened in year's,
I saw how much grandma wanted me to go out and see her rose garden out in her back yard....
As she showed me it first in her kitchen window....
I couldst telleth she was dying to go out, like a puppy...
Because looking out the window to see her purple rose,
Wasn't quite the same as being next to it...
And I remembered me being a boy at that moment..
Because grandma nagley wanted to go outside
Because mine father
And auntie was in the basement...
I was there to help her go outside...
To guide her as she used to me as a boy,
So she went looking for her shoes
( here's the part where I remember I used to be the child to her
Now she was to me in a cute way....
She went looking for her shoes
( due to her Alzheimer's)
Couldn't find them...
So I found them for her,
As I saw her struggle to get those shoes on her frail feet.
I told her
( grams)
Let me get those for thee....
I got on mine hand's and knees taking her slippers
Putting them on her feet one by one....
I felt like she used to,
As she used to do that for me...
As I knew she more than appreciated it.
Though I don't expect her to appreciate it...
It's just something a grandson shouldst do without having to think... Because she used to for me without thinking...
So me and her walked outside, I held her hand as she used to do me, as I was a guide for her to her rose garden. Her special place........ She stood by the garden with me showing me her little heaven, and with her still little girl smile, she glanced at me with all the world in mine gram's eye's... And I felt as a baby again, in the comfort of a familiar spirit I kneweth at a young age... As tis a few minutes later mine auntie Sandy told me to taketh her for a walk down the street and back... So I tooketh grandma's hand, as she did me as a boy. And walked down the street to the fire hydrant, and walked on back... And as I looked at her, she still had the *****, of a young teen she once was, though her age hit me when I asked her... If mine uncle hath been over lately... She couldn't remember who mine uncle was... She was just in the moment .. Living, breathing. Yet knowing who I was... How couldst she forget me, golden gram's is one of mine guide's, as I knoweth the next life, ( Golden gram's) wilt be awaiting me,
Wanting to showeth me heavens rose garden....

As tis
Was a precious moment I wouldn't giveth up for nothing!!!!

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Dedication to grandma aka ( golden gram's)
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Thou canst findeth me at poe's grave
Jotting down poe's name
Reading all of poe's pain
And yet a love slave,
Like a Shakespherian novelist...
Shakesphere rebirthed....

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 249
Sweet lullaby's
brandon nagley Jul 2015
If I cant heareth her voice on the phone before I sleep
At least in mine dreams
I heareth her voice all the time....
Sweet night lullaby's...

©By Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 306
Irony of a poet
brandon nagley Jul 2015
A true poet
Rich with his words,
Broke with no money...

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 291
Just want her to know.
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I just wanted her to know
In case mine soul releases mine body,
She'll always be mine home
Mine abode, amour, lover, best friend, who to me is so godly!!!

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 226
Laying down mine own ..
brandon nagley Jul 2015
To bring her back to life,
I shalt layeth down mine own...

©brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 265
brandon nagley Jul 2015
In true amour'
We'd take the place
Of another's casket,
That they may arise...
That they may haveth life...

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 217
Happy again
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I shalt taketh all her hurt and pain
Just to maketh her
Once again.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
To ease her pain's,
I shalt taketh the knife, that's in her heart,
And stab it into mine
Over, and over, and over again.  

©Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Mi amour'
Please do not cry,
I shalt crucify mineself
To wipe the tears from thine eyes....

Mi amour'
Please don't feel alone,
Thou already knoweth
That I am thy home....

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 418
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Deepest desires,
Wishes not fulfilled...
Casting a loving spell
Numbing one like pills...
Farce doctrine
Spread between the line's
No if's, and's, or questions,
To release one from their mind...
Just a life of happiness
That spits from the tongue,
A lounge do I seeketh
Wherein all canst be kisses and hugs...
Blood runs deep,
But with water it doth well.
I shalt climb the devil's dune
And smile as I will...
I won't be held back
By a fake countenance of laugh's,
I've seen prison cells
Far better than that....
Ill keep mine shoulders aligned
And move on ahead .
I was here once before
Amongst the living I was dead...
Yet none noticed me, because I was crystalline
So I passed on through..
I wilt be in mine abode again
Wherein all canst be as they art, and all art absolute!!!

©Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poet's poetry
This isn't for noone just thought of this I like it ():
Jul 2015 · 484
Fruitful land
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Up on top lonesome Lovers hill,
Wherein the ghost's of romance doth reside,
I shalt roameth the plain's of the dead
Between the murdered and suicide's....
God hath called me to be his light
Wherein the adversary's doth vacation,
But soon I shalt be free
In a grove of emancipation.....
I will passeth by the skeleton's of hate
None to be jealous there, just a heaven-like fate...
I shalt wander on into the gate
And mine thorns shalt be removed,
Living on spiritual water,
I shalt arise from mine tomb...
Whisking, I feeleth mine heart slowly coming to a close
A seraphim is awaiting me, dressed in satin clothes....
As tis mine ears pop, I get pulled up to above.....
A place wherein all is evident, a land fruitful filled with love.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
One more cup of coffee for the road,
One more cup of coffee 'fore I go.
To the valley below.
brandon nagley Jul 2015
When the music's over
When the music's over, yeah
When the music's over
Turn out the lights
Turn out the lights
Turn out the lights, yeah

When the music's over
When the music's over
When the music's over
Turn out the lights
Turn out the lights
Turn out the lights

For the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
Music is your only friend
Until the end
Until the end
Until the end

Cancel my subscription to the Resurrection
Send my credentials to the House of Detention
I got some friends inside

The face in the mirror won't stop
The girl in the window won't drop
A feast of friends
"Alive!" she cried
Waitin' for me

Before I sink
Into the big sleep
I want to hear
I want to hear
The scream of the butterfly

Come back, baby
Back into my arm
We're gettin' tired of hangin' around
Waitin' around with our heads to the ground

I hear a very gentle sound
Very near yet very far
Very soft, yeah, very clear
Come today, come today

What have they done to the earth?
What have they done to our fair sister?
Ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her
Stuck her with knives in the side of the dawn
And tied her with fences and dragged her down

I hear a very gentle sound
With your ear down to the ground
We want the world and we want it...
We want the world and we want it...

Persian night, babe
See the light, babe
Save us!
Save us!

So when the music's over
When the music's over, yeah
When the music's over
Turn out the lights
Turn out the lights
Turn out the lights

Well the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
Music is your only friend
Until the end
Until the end
Until the end!
Jul 2015 · 392
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I think I needeth to be alone
Wherein I canst be Invisible to others....
Just dissapear..
Jul 2015 · 829
Dreams turned realism
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Wherein a king
And his queen
Turn their dreams
Into reality.....
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Je vais lui envoyer tous les miens amour 'de onciale, en les faisant flotter dans une bouteille sur la rivière, tous les jours ça me fait peur elle va disparaitre, parce que quotidiennement pour son cœur de la mine groweth plus grand, et tout mon coeur devient plus gros, la mienne âme soupire pour elle de plus, je ne l'ai jamais senti ce sentiment, que pour le mien vie passée mi amour '... Alors, quand la bouteille atteint aux rivage, et quand elle picketh il, je prayeth pour obtenir une bouteille de retour, dans laquelle son amour doth remplir jusqu'à .... et si elle ne reçoivent pas l'amour mienne bouteille remplie, je flottais en descendant le fleuve, je seras floateth mineself bas cette rivière, même si je dois essayer de noyer pour la reine mienne .... et si cette bouteille don 't vient à terre, le corps au moins mine, elle saura que, si tous ces poèmes ne montre pas, pour moi tis amour pour elle était réel
(  french dialect)

( English translated)

I'll send her all mine amour' uncial's, by floating them in a bottle down the river, daily it scares me she's gonna dissapear, because daily for her mine heart groweth bigger, and whilst mine heart gets bigger, mine soul longeth for her more, I've never felt this feeling, only for mine past life mi amour'... So when the bottle reacheth the shore, and when she picketh it up, I prayeth to get a bottle back, wherein her love doth fill it up....and if she don't get mine love filled bottle, I floated down the stream, I shalt floateth mineself down that river, even if I have to drown trying for mine queen ....and if that bottle don't cometh to shore, at least mine body will, than she'll know, if all these poems didn't show, for tis mine love for her was real....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry....
If you don't know what a uncial is its this because I used word uncial in poem lol its a letter handwritten note same thing (:

of or written in a majuscule script with rounded unjoined letters that is found in European manuscripts of the 4th–8th centuries and from which modern capital letters are derived.
Jul 2015 · 451
Stumble and fall...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I shalt continue to giveth mine all
Even if I lose hope,
Stumble and fall.
And even when I feeleth there's no hope at all...
I'll pick up mine pen
Write mine love letters on the wall...
In this lonesome room of mine ....
At least I knoweth,
That mine love's
Not of mankind...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
There's a cat down below mine porch,
(One of the mama cat's newborns around here)
Mum said to me,
"Look" that cat looks like a baby cow....
Due to its cute black and white spots....
She said look at how (skiddish)  it is!!! ( because it was shaky)
I told her
Mum, I'll calleth it skiddy.....
Mum replied back
Not skiddy,
As the baby kitten looked up at me
With its cute little face
And skitted off....

I love mums humor,
And the little critter's that cometh around....
Jul 2015 · 628
Hopeless romantic gone mad
brandon nagley Jul 2015
A true hopeless romantic doesn't care what others think
Of his one quadrillion poem's a day
For his (mi amour'.....)
It's not for them anyway's.......
As tis for her ...

As that's true love!!!
Just doing,
Not thinking....
And not caring what others may thinkest!!!!
Jul 2015 · 858
Dear gravedigger
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Dear grave keeper if today mine heart is to expire
Telleth mine mi amour'
I haveth a hundred more poems for her in the top drawer,
By the Cologne and incense attire...

Dear grave digger if today mine soul doth leave
Please telleth me amare
I was always there
Tis for her in heaven ill be watching
As tis mine love for her wilt forever be...

Dear midnight caretaker if right now mine skin frails
Telleth mine rose
Mine love was unlike any she's known
For she doth knoweth
It was on a different scale.....

Dear mortician if mine eye's do close
Tell her I wanted to marry her
And us to be adorned
In angel form
And black and white robes

Dear undertaker if this is the last time I writeth
Please telleth mine Spanish queen
She was mine dream,
Mine only girl
Please telleth her sir.....

To meet me again
In that same cloud
The one around her moon...
On cloud number nine
In ourn special room.. .

Canst thou telleth for me sir.  ???

Brandon cory nagley .....

© Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 1.0k
Fish hooker (:
brandon nagley Jul 2015
She's got me hooked
Like a fish on a hook,
Except I like when she hook's me
It's fun..  
And unlike a fish....
I dont feeleth any sting from the hook .....
And the bait get's sweeter in mine mouth,
By the second..
Lol a funny way of love today I'm showing oh well at least I'm showing it. . for you just seeing me post for first time Im actually a way better writer lol just cute this is..
brandon nagley Jul 2015
See if one was to seeith mine amare
Reading all the books she readeth
Any human being wouldst asketh,
Why doth she readeth all these books?

Well friend..
I canst telleth thou this..
She's an ser angelical,
She already knoweth heavenly knowledge....

She just likes to learn about the human race....
ser angelical in Spanish means she's a - angelic being
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Ensoñación Astral, luna medianoche fein, Starbeam Etéreo, crema ungüento quemaduras solares, para aliviar el dolor amour ', tímido, chica inteligente ..... Mi amour tan divino, yo te habrás ama ......... hasta el final de tiempo ... '
( Spanish version)

( English translation)

Astral daydream, midnight moon fein, Ethereal starbeam, sunburn ointment cream, pain relieving amour', shy, intelligent girl.....Mi amour so divine, I shalt loveth thee.........til the end of time
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