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Jul 2015 · 384
brandon nagley Jul 2015
What doth one get
Mixing a troll
And a hobbit?

This isn't meant to cut noone down lol its just cute nonsense lol don't mind me
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I think daily to mineself
Am I dead?
Because I seeith a light in the DARKNESS,
Straight up AHEAD!!!
And in this dark tunnel
I seeith an angel in Latin dress,
She weareth a aureola
And a túnica of a goddess...
I feeleth mineself flotador allured to her smile
Her marrón cabello didst swayeth
To mine finger's that reached out for her stranded wilds...
Her magnet labios brought me sweet juice
Her nectar of God
Released me from mine tomb
I threw in Spanish words here with regular English words
Words Spanish are

aureola- meaning halo
túnica- meaning robe
flotador- means float
marrón+ means brown
cabello- means hair
labios- means lips
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Sometimes we have to write the same love poems over and over again, to showeth ourn amour'
And remindeth them...
Their ourn only lover and best friend....
Jul 2015 · 539
Loco( Crazy) spanish tongue
brandon nagley Jul 2015
If I must waiteth one thousand millenniums
I'll wait a million more
For mi amour,
I'll hangeth around like a romantic antependium......

If I must be just a friend
As she wanteth,
I'll continue as that.
Because ourn love is unearhtly....

I shalt not walketh away
Or find another
No need to gaze for one
When we haveth eachother....

And if I haveth to telleth the queen
Mine love over and over again.
I shalt continue to do so,
Even if she only wants me as a friend!!!

And though still friends
I know it's much more,
For tis shes not others,
For she's mine mi amour'...

And when doubts shalt rattle
And pound to her door,
I'll kick those DEMON'S out
With a poem for her every second...!!!!!

Tis every second
Every minute
Every hour
Every day
Every year
Kinda a funny poem at the ending though truth lol I'll write thousand a second to show mine love... Just me..
brandon nagley Jul 2015
May God protect mi amour'
In the trials and tribulations she's facing,
May God leadeth her beside still waters
Wherein the other Angel's canst showeth her,
Her placing...

As tis I wilt guideth her,
For she is not alone...
I was her guidance many life-ages ago
And still wilt be on her side to helpeth her grow...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Shes simply.....

A delight
Heavens treat...
A cherub,
A serpahim,
A chariot
Of heavens plum....
A cheribum,
A reader,
An angel
Past life soulmate and mine greeter...
One of woes
And stressed
She invests in...
Thinketh to much just as me
For tis I'm her,
For we art free.
She's unbound to worldly knowing
She's her own show...
Halo on her head
Close thine eyes when she glows!!!
Though open thy eye's
When thou want to seeith,
Everything heàven offer's
She healeth me when I bleedeth...
She's, mine
Mi amour
Mi amare
Mine child
So fair,
­Elegant, fragile
Of others,
As her feathers...
She hast wing's
She flappeth them at night.
When her moon cometh out
Her worries turn bright.
M­aketh me wait
She's teasing
Poetic words of her's art flowing and running.....
She turneth me on
She maketh me see
Everything I wanted before
In a lost boys dreams...
Though I've told thee
I kneweth her from lightyears away,
When wilt she maketh me hers?
I guess I'll have to wait ..
Though I'm not patient,
For her I shalt be....
Because that's true love...
Waiting on thee......

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 368
May 28th 2015,
brandon nagley Jul 2015
How canst I remembereth earth?
Because whenever I talk to her,
I'm in heaven....
I forgot this planet
On may 28th
On that day,

I left earth by first class flight....
Jul 2015 · 423
The moon to be her eyes
brandon nagley Jul 2015
She's a *******,
To all the little light pin-points in the sky....
She's heaven,
With the moon to be her eyes..
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Taking a pill
Is a wonderful warmth
That explodes in the back of thy eyes,
Moving throughout the whole body like a blanket,
Except it's just temporary
A falsehood...
In actuality,

It's hell releasing itself into thee.....
An opiatic demon.
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Things art never so good
Until mi amour' cometh around,
Than the hellion doth run
From her presence of light, pure and unbound.....
She always knoweth how,
To giveth me anew
She's everything wonderful,
She's the queen of soo true....
Her godly orifice speaketh wisdom of angel's who sing
I wait daily, for me in her abode to bring....
A scholar of books
Of the fantasy she read's,
But she's all so real to me....
A prior life lover
A precedent fortune
Still a blessing today.....
For her do I always listen....
For one day I shalt stand in her room
Laying down in her bed
Cooking in her kitchen...
Making supper's of romantic's
With amare candled sticks......
A queen and king of faraway....
A extraterrestrial kiss...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Like lazurus, I was dead for a many long day's,
The queen cameth to greet me, to SAVETH ME from mine way's.
Her vibrant gleaming was beaming wherein mine body didst lay,
She put her hand upon me, wiped mine ****** face.
The cruor disappeared, tis I was made brand new,
The fourth day I awoke, I spoke for mine muse....
To telleth her I loveth her, and I needeth her to,
She fleweth me to heaven, in a chariot view....
Now we rest in the celestial's, sitting on rocket ship stool's,
Making stardust for children, whilst ourn abode is the moon...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Down into the alley
Wherein the fatal and despairing art found

Cheapened wine broken
Syringes decorating the ground...

And the juice from those syringes
Cometh by the pound...

Down on old cherry street
And Jefferson avenue....

Wherein the ******'s shooteth up quick
And fast deals cometh by spit,

In a place of demon's and fools!!!!

Downtown in the juncture of thing's
Art the rappers, hip-hoppers, dope boy's of the sling.....

Many gangs to ruin
Many false lovers to fail.

They taketh life by the gun
Payeth no taxes, but the jail's...

Lost to the world
Wordly indeed ...

Mother's missing her child
25 to life, to sixteen.....

As the cop's art just like those villain's
Doing unnatural thing's.....

Buying bags themselves
Sell it for a profitable dream.....

Everyone's out to **** one
Everyone's out for the take

Whilst the murderer's ****
The paper speaketh of everyday ****...

No country to them,
Their city delight's......

Loud music they implore
On dark summer nights...

Wilt they smile today at thee?
Or greet thou with a ****?

Whilst they filleth thee with ****** connections
To give thee a thrill?

This is metropolitan living's
Wherein all doth fail....

Hold thy signs up and protest
Thou just maketh thy own hell....

For if there is no change in thine own heart's
How canst thou changeth others? Thou art a world apart......

So maketh connection to God,
And throw away thy past....

Later wilt cometh
And thy death bed shalt last...

So loveth thy neighbor
Forgiveth thy last...

And look into the mirror in front of thee....

For the mirror is them,
For the mirror is thee that thou seeith...

If thou seeketh change
Thou must find it in thine soul......
Jul 2015 · 884
She inspires me
brandon nagley Jul 2015
She sayeth I inspire her,
No she inspire's me
Wanna knoweth why?
She giveth me life,
She helpeth me breathe...
For thus I was blind,
Yet now I do see...
Because of mi amour'
Because of mine queen ...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I don't think so highly of mineself,
Yet when I looketh inside her,
I seeith everything good about me.. .
And that maketh me realize
The good soul I haveth ..
By the blessed soul she haveth....
As tis me and her
Art the same. .
Jul 2015 · 353
1 John 4:18
brandon nagley Jul 2015
1john 4:18- There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
This is a hard thing for all of us especially me with trials I deal with.. Though when I think God has been with me all along.. Even when I loose mine own path or self .. He always gives perfect love and casts fears away in the end .. Same goes with relationship wise more you learn a person and love them more fear leaves... Unless others give you reason to fear lol or you could just be over worrying like I do alot lol
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I see mine queen, her brown eye's, to,
I see her view, so much beauty, so true
And I think to mineself
She mine mi amour'............

I seeith the sky with her moon, moon of night
The luminescent sun, with her smile so bright
And tis, I think to mineself
She's mine mi amour'!!!!!!!!

The colors of her words, so unknown to mankind,
An angel of God, a writer in disguise...
I seeith her showing love, asking other's ( how dost thou do?)
She's just being her, as tis she loveth helping me and thou to...

When I heareth her crying, I heareth her moan.
She's mine all, I'd taketh her pain, and cleareth her white as snow
Because I think to mineself.......
She's mine mi amour'!!!!!

Yes, tis, I think to mineself..........

SHE'S MINE MI AMOUR'..............
Remake of what a wonderful world by Louis Armstrong.... I made me own version for mi amour (:
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I needeth to feeleth
Her tongue and kiss
The secretion saliva slowly hit
And maketh me shake
And beg for more
Whispering softly,
Whilst locking finger's
Ourn Palm's get sweaty
Trapped in the moment
Cuddling hungry
Whilst feet do touch
**** by choice
To stroke her hair
Her quiet angel voice
To scratch her skin
With mine own nails
To feel the drench
Of ourn own tale
To see the moonlight
In her eyes
No thoughts of death
Nor suicide
I'll taketh the ride
Into her soul
Wherein were one
Eachother's home
In ourn own globe
Ourn little world
A little boy
One little girl
I'll giveth her pearls
And diamonds to
Just to say
A love so true
Yet loves not money
Or pirate loot
For she's mine treasure
Of heavenly pursuit....
Jul 2015 · 420
Fair queen
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Her smile and hair
Queen like fair
As her skin layeth bare
I want to feeleth it's amare,
Rubbing against mine body...
Jul 2015 · 457
Mid day blossom
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Whenever I writeth her I knoweth she loveth me...
Because when I do write,
She Bud's out
Like a rose
Opening up its pedals in mid-day sun.....
And she feeleth so good opening up...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Wild child full of grace
Savior of the human race
Your cool face

Natural child, terrible child
Not your mother's or your father's child
Your our child, screamin' wild

An ancient lunatic reins
In the trees of the night
Ha, ha, ha, ha

With hunger at her heels
Freedom in her eyes
She dances on her knees
Pirate prince at her side
Stirrin' into a hollow idols eyes

Wild child full of grace
Savior of the human race
Your cool face
Your cool face
Your cool face

Do you remember when we were in Africa?
Jul 2015 · 1.2k
Beggar and the rich man....
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The filthy sickening greedy rich man
Begged the beggar to trade places with him....
The beggar told the rich man
Art thou nuts?
I'd rather be poor and maketh it into the gates of heaven
Than be someone destined for hell....

( Keep thy gold, and moth eaten treasure's) said the beggar
As it was really the beggar who was the rich man...( spirit wise)
And the rich man who was rich here on this earth kneweth....

In the next life he'd be dead broke......

As the poor beggar walked away with his head high
He layed back down to sleep underneath the bridge wherein his abode was....
Thinking and knowing in the back of his mind....

He'd be sleeping in a mansion in the next life...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
As I took a trip
Into the great beyond
Inside of her brain,
I saweth all of heaven
Written in Spanish,
Mi amour' was her name...
Jul 2015 · 3.1k
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I miss mine homie,
Who in the world's name is homie? One mayeth ask.....
Well homie
Is mine old German Shepherd.....
Dad named him that
Funny yes I know.... Long story ....
And though I haveth many Angel's here on earth......
Was mine true pet angel....

He always watched out for me when I was around nine years old.
And when one day,
At mine birthday party...
Mine friends tried to be OK with homie,
As me and homie were soulmates friend and being wise...
So mine friend's tried to feed homie through his fence hotdogs,
Like I did with no problem...

And mine old buddy Danny found out.
Homie didn't eat hot dog's
Unless I Gaveth them to him ....
Me, his best friend and soulmate!
Fed them to him....
As I saw homie ready to rip Danny's hand off...
I just chuckled and told homie...
Down boy down...

Homie always listened...
He was mine soulmate....
My do I miss mine homie...

As I remembered one day coming home from school...
Mum picking me up from that young learning center,
She said son I got something to tell thee,
On the way home...

(Yes mum)
I said...

Homie died
I found him whilst thou was at school son...
( said mum)

I couldn't say nothing
I think I just said really?

As mum told me
He was found in his doghouse
Curled up

I questioned her?
Where is he mother?
Wherein did thou layeth his body mum?
I asked....

She told me she had taken him to some place about fifteen minutes away,
And buried him in some wood's....

I wasn't angry with her.
Nor even father,
I was hurt because I didint get to see his body...
I was hurt because I told mother and father all the time...
Bring him INSIDE!!!!!!
When it got cold...
As I remember it was cold
And snowing when he died........

Yes I understood homie was a big dog
And couldst be a little wild at times....
Though we had a basement
With rooms in that basement
And couldst haveth put a cage down there....

So I felt horrible I didint just bring him in
Even though they thought it was fine to stay outside
During winter......

Mum thought he was poisoned
By someone putting something in his food....
My opinion is he died alone,
When I was gone,
And froze to death....
Don't like thinking of it...
I just miss him to mine soul!!!!!!!!!
I forgive mum and dad not angry,
Just canst waiteth to see mine angel again...

R.I.P homie baby boy...
See you in heaven (:
Miss mine puppy who didint look like a puppy lol rip homie baby (): /
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Mi amour' umbrella
Mi amour' umbrella
Queen of mine throne
Universal romance
Mi reina
Mi home.....

©lyrics/poem copyrighted by
Brandon nagley
Lonesome poet's poetry....
Took some of these words outta a old poem I made on here while back for mi amour I actually made this into a song.... Called universal romance... Mixed some of these words up which is the chorus to song I made .. Enjoy ():

So you who don't know Spanish
Mi amour' is my love
Reina means queen
Mi- means my lol
Some don't know Spanish just saying (): thanks for reading
brandon nagley Jul 2015
"Angel Baby

It's just like heaven
being here with you.
You're like an angel,
too good to be true.
But after all, i love you, i do.
Angel baby, my angel baby.

Uh, uh, i love you,
uh, uh, i do,
no one can love you like i do.

Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,
uh, uh, uh,
uh, uh, uh.

When you are near me
my heart skips a beat.
I can hardly stand on
my own two feet.
Because i love you, i love you, i do.
Angel baby, my angel baby.

Uh, uh, i love you,
uh, uh, i do,
no one can love you like i do.

Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,
uh, uh, uh,
uh, uh, uh.


Please, never leave me
blue and alone.
If you ever go,
i'm sure you'll come back home.
Because i love you, i love you, i do.
Angel baby, my angel baby.

Uh, uh, i love you,
uh, uh, i do,
no one can love you like i do.

Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,
uh, uh, uh,
uh, uh, uh,
uh, uh, uh.
All these lyrics I love all true in all ways.... John did lots of not just his own music but he did play back in the fifties to not just the 60s til his death in 1980... He covered lots of old stuff from fifties and I love this one he covered sooo beautiful....... I think he covered this who knows could be his lol either way love it...
Jul 2015 · 263
True being
brandon nagley Jul 2015
A place where one canst be
There true self ...
Jul 2015 · 346
Love you hp peeps ():
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I know HP people are rubbing off on me because when I comment I always say nice ( writing) when I like a poem
While all others say (nice write) lol its OK guess I'm the different one to use writing word instead of nice write.... But anyways notice all you HP people how you talk is rubbing off on me lol well that's a family for ya... Rubbing off on eachother hahaha love you HP people ();
Well point I'm making is I just caught meself telling someone ( nice write) like all of you lollll rubbing off on me HP..
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Everytime when she cryeth
And one of her angelic tear's fall,
A feather falleth off her wing's
Everytime her pain is recalled....

So I make mineself a clown
Just to seeith her happy,
And I giveth her one of mine plume's
To keep her smiling, uplifted, and and laughing!!!

As tis her tear's falleth, from her moon to the planet
That's how earth gets its oceans, from her watery magnet's,
So I go to those blue sea's, where her mourning hath brought floods, I collect them in a jar, to remind me of her love....

I cry in the same jar, whenever I feeleth her pain
Just because I want to connect, to mine queen every day,
So daily do I feeleth her lachrymal wailing's,
Though I'd taketh every pain, fire flooding, and DEATH by hanging....

Just to giveth her comfort, inside her trapped head
I'd telleth the king to taketh me, set her free instead...
So off with his head, screamed the universal king...
I did it for mi amour', for she's mine everything!!!!

As tis now she's happy, free and Alive upon her moon
I Gaveth that king beast mine head, for her to dance her tune,
As tis I shalt watcheth over her, yet when she thinks I'm not around....
I shalt still catcheth her tears, when her tear'***** the ground....
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Wherein her tabernacle rest's
That's where mine heart shalt be,
By her love to be blessed....
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The best part of love,
Is even when we think we can't love much more than we already do...
Due to the fact were already over the top in love....
Ourn love seems to groweth daily even more....
And just when we think it can't get better than this
Because we're already to madly crazily in love!!!!!
That amour' seemeth to cultivate ten-fold.......
By the second,
Minutes .....
And it feeleth soo grand!!!!
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I see trees of green, red roses, too,
I see them bloom, for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world.
I see skies of blue, and clouds of white,
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world.
The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky,
Are also on the faces of people going by.
I see friends shaking hands, sayin', "How do you do?"
They're really sayin', "I love you."
I hear babies cryin'. I watch them grow.
They'll learn much more than I'll ever know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Yes, I think to myself
What a wonderful world
I remember being out in Colorado where me brother lives he used to live in grand junction now he lives closer the more to utahs southwest border... So anyways he took me and mine mother to the peach Palisades in Colorado soo beautiful there . nothing but mountains greenery a small town of the Palisades near bye fruita town... And he took us to this festival with trees all over the place. .. Than a jazz band playing with mountains behind me and the jazz band and the band sang what a wonderful world by Mr Armstrong... I was lost in a trance of heaven soo beautiful that day was to me..... Because it made me think how humans should be to each other... It made me think how foolish have been killing another and how your world could be a wonderful place ... Though I think about it their are demons on the earth so peace is impossible til God stops it with his own will.... But still fact is here it made me think this song of man killing man and one another hating not giving love as they should... And looking around I saw all that mountain beauty man's taking for granite and destroying like he's doing to all of his only planet... Though in that moment hearing this song .. I think as I literally had tears come out of me eyes while song was played.. I thought what a wonderful world .. Makes me sad thinking of what man does to each other and their world.... /: you humans need to wake up to what's important!!!! Family! Lovers . husband wives children!!!! Alll and take care and love another not hate but forgive and love and take care of your world... Sick of What humans do to their own blood
brandon nagley Jul 2015
We shalt maketh amare
On the craters of the moon....
And ourn babies
Shalt be the nebula's
As the stars to be their cradles.....
Mi amour' labeled..

©By Brandon cory nagley-
Lonesome poets poetry
Jul 2015 · 244
Sharing h.p beauty
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The greatest thing about H.P
Is getting to know other poet's
As tis they
Get to knoweth me....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 3.8k
Getting high
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Get's me so high every day...

©Brandon nagley- ( Lonesome poet's poetry) trademark
Jul 2015 · 1.2k
Like snow white
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Like snow white,
                              All I needeth is mi amour's pucker,
To waketh me up...

©By-Brandon nagley-Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 381
New meaning to life
brandon nagley Jul 2015
She giveth me a new meaning to life
Everytime she sayeth she loveth me...

©By Brandon nagley-Lonesome poet's poetry...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
In the acidic rain
Of her depression and pain
She felt of none worth
So her eyeliner dispersed......

As tis I said
Mi amour',

Thou doth not need eyeliner,
Thine eye's art already beautiful
Like the ocean shores....
Beautiful to me at least.......

Though tis I kneweth still she wanted eyeliner,
So I picked up a piece of earthly charcoal,
And drew back on the black lining!
That was just a plus,
To her already darkened **** pupil's.....

©By Brandon Nagley- Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 1.0k
Mi amour' x
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Me and mine inamorata shalt travel to the nine known planet's of the earth's solar system.........

See me and her born on different places, she was born on the crescent moon between a thousand or more ages,as tis I was birthed in a place not yet discovered by mere creature's in the milky way galaxy's center tis I spent much time on Saturn as well, as also I sat and watched comet's maketh love whilst on top of mine Libra scale's....... Each side of mine horoscopal scale I couldst seeith the good and bad of the universe how God balanced out all....... Me and mi amour' met somewhere in the middle of all this creational love making,. So we ventured into planet Pluto, the ninth from the sun, cold rocky and yet we succumbed to the little hidden caves wherein we madeth graffiti on its slate, writing ourn names ( King, and queen of old) as tis we were relic soul's.....than we flew off to planet Neptune discovered in 1846 by mere human's though it's whirlwind's tried to subdue us, yet me and her's wings overcame that ( Roman God of water)....After we were done ice searching there we went on to Uranus, the seventh planet from the sun, it has methane to cover it's surface, just found by human's in 1781, previously thought by man to be a star, on one side its heated by the hot star for over eighty-four life years, so we couldst not stayeth on one side for to long, me and mi amour's wings would be crisp..... So next we went onto planet number six (Saturn) mine favorite planet of this solar system, as tis I wanted to give mine amare all the ring's of the planet to taketh them and put one of them on her finger, she was amazed by mine love and dedication to her, Though as we all know those rings art far to big.. Though we broke into Saturn as its helium stratus filled ourn lungs, we giggled and chuckled, laughing so high we stumbled on ourn own love....such a beautiful laugh she doth haveth... We left that laugh box of a place and moved onto The fifth planet Jupiter, mine mother's own planet by birth and astrology, it was a huge planet with many moons, as mi amour' sure loveth her moon's... She danced upon the moon's like an old muse turning 3 again, as tis I was high off the helium that hast entered me with no end. For this planets helium overtook me in a fancy sense... Laughing I couldn't stop as mine lover had to taketh me away from that large ball... Than we journeyed onto planet mars (number four from the sun..) A place mankind hath been fascinated with from long and mine sweetheart couldst smell its iron blood smell that giveth this planet its cruor deserted look.... Storms were on its dreary horizon, as tis we saweth old pyramids, similar to the Egyptian ones back on the human planet earth, we noticed such similarities between the two planet's, yet it seemed as any being's here just packed up and left everything to go to hell, yet funny part is, humans haven't left their planet, they still art there letting it go to hell by their own means, and purposely, what foolishness.... So as Mars swirling storms started dragging on in, mine amare saved me from the funnel and pulled me by her appendage away from that thing.... Moving onto planet number three from the sun ( earth) as thou all shalt know it as... See, me and mi amour' cometh here time to time by choice to showeth human being's the meaning of ( amour') other times we art forced here by God, I like to think to learn from ourn mistakes, but me and her always meet no matter how long we must wait for another. And no matter how far the distance ... Anyways, here on this lifeful planet, me and her discovered the most beautiful things of the solar system, that's what makes earth so grand.... The mountains, seas, creature's, human being's, poet's, artists, musicians, animals, trees, and her favorite part is......... Seeing the earth's moon standing next to her favorite quarry in her favorite melts mine heart just to seeith her smile... Knowing though me and her don't belong to this place, I shalt cometh back more just to see her watch her moon... That's heaven seeing her happy to me... So when leaving we moved onto Venus the second from the sun, considered the ( Roman goddess of love and beauty) its pressure is to strong so it wouldst crush us... So we just floated above it to see it was alot like earth, same structure and size... We didint stay there long.. Me moved onto Mercury, closest planet to the human sun. Mercury hath no atmosphere, so though me and mi amour' art not all human, but spiritual beings to, we couldst still land on the planet ... Though it's rocks that always belted it we hadst to watcheth for.... The planet looked in a way like earth's moon... A dangerous place to be . So we escorted eachother off... Though to scientist beings back on planet earth only nine planets art considered to be in this solar system, yet fully they art finding now there couldst be really thirteen and possibly more to be discovered.... But me and mi amour' left this solar system to travel other's... We went to ourn own made just for the two of us ..... It's title and name is ( Mi amour' X) a place  God made for just me and her .. Only me and her know wherein its at.. See , thou wouldst haveth to go through the middle of thy own Milky way galaxy to get there....

And that's not possible to humans.....
As tis we must return
To ( Mi amour' X)

©By-Brandon Cory nagley-Lonesome poet's poetry....
brandon nagley Jul 2015
The lunatic is on the grass
The lunatic is on the grass
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
Got to keep the loonies on the path
The lunatic is in the hall
The lunatics are in my hall
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And every day the paper boy brings more
And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
The lunatic is in my head
The lunatic is in my head
You raise the blade, you make the change
You re-arrange me 'till I'm sane
You lock the door
And throw away the key
There's someone in my head but it's not me.
And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon...
Lol sometimes I can relate with the part where he sings there's someone in me head but its not me..... Lol
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I shalt taketh her to the tadpole galaxy
Than to hoag's object
Than we shalt bypass the whirpool galaxy
Than onto sombrero's bright swirl.....
Than onto the pinwheel galaxy
Wherein we shalt be its pinballs,
Than up against the blackness of God's curtain of the universe abroad.... Onto the Andromeda, LMC to, than the milky way, earth's creational dust brew....
Bode galaxy shalt open us, to terrace of the aura, I shalt swayeth with mine home (mi amour') of distant mascara....
Yet she needeth no mascara, for her eye's art already arousing, **** elegant picture's, a model made in birth, her poetic stature's daily groweth bigger....her look's art a trigger, to take thee to thy face, making thee SEEITH dream's of thing's of holy grace!!!! An elegant being, with the spirit of an eagle, she soar's me to planet x, she's pure.....

The opposite of evil!!!!!!
When I say her looks are a trigger to bring you to your face I mean she's overly **** and beautiful making one pass out from her beautiful looks ():  oh so you know alll these names I gave are real galaxies ():
brandon nagley Jul 2015
See others meet their soul mate's whilst their one life they liveth on earth,
Me and mine soulmate met long ago ages not on man's Richter scale,
But in a past life,
Wherein time doesn't keep itself...
Jul 2015 · 558
Telly? Or texty?
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Text messaging- Bringeth miscommunication between two Lover's,
Old fashioned telly call- where two canst understand one another clearly......

Which one art thou?
Old fashioned telly loser like me?
Or text message misunderstander?

Lol just truth here
Miss old fashioned calls
/: what's happened to our worlds communication lines and we wonder why we war with another lol come on!!!!
I miss an old fashioned phone call with one where communicating is clear not broke down because texting noone gets noone and messages send to slow and than people think people are ignoring another or take ?s or answers wrong lol any out here like me?
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Just as
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
I've been through the fiery furnace.......
And as them,
I cameth out unscathed and untouched without one burn mark...
I'm a spiritual being,
I'm protected...
Jul 2015 · 345
Muse and her poet
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I am her poet
Tis, she is mine muse
She is mine
As tis I am her's to,
Jul 2015 · 190
Hp for all of you
brandon nagley Jul 2015
For all you reading me autobiography writings there are four parts so can't read one and say you know me lol gotta read all

Your friend BRANDON
brandon nagley Jul 2015
This is last part continuing.... Anyways like I was saying I said I'm cocky yes.. Not conceeded there is a diff... Ok I got Greek in me.  You know anything of Greeks .? Their cocky people lol fact is I don't think highly of me . I don't think I'm hott or **** or even best man for any woman fact is I don't feel good enough for any woman.. I feel low like I'm not good enough . but I know I am To God and in working on confidence funny thing is I will be cocky at times I guess Maby overconfidence lol either way who I am like it or not just me...  Anyways I love cuddling with a woman... I call one queen because calling her hunny or love is to plain and human like . I wanna call mine woman queen and let her know she's mine queen... Letting her know that!!! I believe in true romance and true forgiveness when lovers mess up.. Because if u can't forgive your lovers or even others that's not love at. All.. That's not giving noone a chance or benefit of doubt.... But I am true hopeless romance guy lol. I believe it's not about money u can show your lover or your car or house I want one who will love me in a t.p when I'm dead broke with no car job and I'm depressed not one who will give up on me. One who will believe all I say even if its hard to believe at times.. And one who will come to me for ??s instead of others behind me because i can't do that... I seek all openess its who I am... And I'm type OK I ask alot of ?s I've always been like that not from me accusing or not believing u its because since a boy I always asked mummy why? Why mum? I just wanted simple truth answers!!! It's me so I dont mean to hurt ones when I ask ?s its who I am with half human inside of me...... I grew up Baptist still am... I got ina fight over a dear friend of me and me dads who lives around here not saying name keeping him protected. But he was cutting down black people one day kept calling them. Nig..... So I flipped out spoke up against him in front of all people at the pool me flipping out led me to fall in pool and ****** me foot for sticking up to racism. . don't forget I don't hate  the racist just the ideology... So yes now me and guy are cool and guy changed ways *** of me and don't say nor believe that no more... Also more about me no I'm not bragging so u kknow just giving u truth who I am.. The guy who set me up people wanted him dead.... I forgave him. Ran into him at a drug program I think God brought him to me for purpose... Because he said BRANDON I'm so sorry I set you up, I shook his hand and forgave and hugged him and knew why he did it!! See same guy who set me up got busted months before me for ****** dealing cops gave him choice.. Jail prison for ten years. Or set me and 22 peeps up! He choose to see his daughter and set me up.  He was addict as me so I understood and forgave him
Hugged him shook hands... Saw him once twice after that.. But point is I'm not bragging I'm telling u what and who I am friends.... A man who believes in love and forgiving... I have 2 older bros... Ones 33 ones 31 ones in Colorado by grand junction ones in Florida west palm area... O love to wear native rings turquoise necklaces rings .. Also don't care anymore used to be ashamed of this from stigma people got about it... But elsa was first girl I told this to *** I trust her she thinks I don't but I do.I told her elsa ( I lived in a trailer when I was younger for a good while) and I was so embarrassed to tell even best friends that not *** people of trailer park but *** me own pride. Man's downfall.... And because stigma of quote trailer trash but u know what??? Those trailer trash and people in the projects and poor with hardly no money are the most wonderful souls and beautiful people I know. .....  This is me and me own life! God bless love all of u!

Oh PS lol throwing this out here about the number nine
Mine number
It means completion in all religions across the globe+ fun fact
Oh in not materialistic either not who I am
Not all about technology I just want a queen who will write me actual love letters and pick up the old fashioned phone and call me *** I wanna connect to ones voice and soul... I'm alll about connecting souls... And I don't just hold hands like men do limp wise I wanna lock fingers to feel ones spirit connect to me!!!

Seeing the world tune out to their phone and computers when they got a lover right in front of them drives me crazy to see... Just me and who I am old fashioned hopeless romantic!!!
Jul 2015 · 1.9k
Autobiography part three
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Anyways more of me lol, OK I grew up with a mum and dad good Christian parents though both went off the path!¡ mum is ex. Well still alcoholic but don't drink once addict always one as they say.. I saved her life many times from getting killed .. Me mother is mine soulmate no not sexually. She's mine best friend in this world if I lost her I'd lose me really in a way.. Dad is ex pill addict currently still is. Though he gets quote legal pills for back pain herniated disk) he is part of reason I got into a 22 people drug bust... I was originally charged in drug bust with trafficking oxy  contins meaning ( an felony 2) meaning trafficking in drugs. And got charged with trafficking ******* up to and ounce between two deals I made to a guy who set me up between two Thursdays....I knew this guy from school back in day so you all know.. He wore wire on me. Had police phone I used to call me dealer which police listened and sit right out side me apts.... Anyways I got on probation continued to use drugs was blessed... Those charges I told u were dropped to aggravate
Possession of drugs from the two oxys for me in me pocket... Lawyer knew I did these deals not for money but pills... So yes messed up probation so sent to crc prison for four months than to pickaway prison right across the street which used to be an old army base than in the thirties was a mental ward for people who had demons.... So yeah in prison people could find out I sang... I became the singer of the prison I did their talent shows. I spoke out against gangs killing gangs in there knowing I'd be ridiculed from gangs sitting and watching me but I got respect singing to whole crowd and I got good respect from all people.  Because I believe in loving all people. Not war. Not hate not anger or hate but love conquers all evils.... If humañs would only understand that. Oh more u don't know I also played for the ex mayor at age sixteen for a drug Free thing I use to be in called 3d ironically was a hypocrite using drugs at time . anyways played at ballroom of Toledo art museum in front of a crowd of the mayors.. Also played at  a high school in Cleveland Ohio doing me own music two songs ... There were 350 eyes on me which felt amazing.... And did a show at a private school for girls and boys and had news people from wtol news there in Toledo.... So yes I need to get back into music I miss it alot .?. I've been poet along time can't tell u really how long?!? I can communicate with spirits literally I hear them in me home . I see their orbs . me and mum both. We got pics of them and sound recordings though try to stay away from that *** we don't always know if good or evil demons are coming in... I've been scratched by them... Broke out in rashes from them touching me. Can feel cold from them when their near... Hear them speak in me ear so only I hear or out loud where me and mum hear both *** me and her are in tune spiritually big time... Dad also hears like me and mum footsteps in house or in addict in apt. Yet have Christ to protect me in bad... And when I pray to Christ those DEMON'S leave. They hate christ!!!!!No more natious feeling that they cause no more depression when they leave.... They are real  for u who don't believe.... Also I usualy wear long hair but cut whenever I need to even it up.... I had friends in past yet due to their drug use still they all left me after mine bust showing me not real friends.... So mums me best friend so is many others on here I'm close with .. You have all showed me soo much love I've never felt... God bless u all . I thank u to me soul....I love to cook to.. I also love giving back massages and whole body massages.. I love brushing ones hair to and rubbing their eyes lids temples.... Also with one I love pulling her hair stroking fingers in it to help her relax on back of her head... And massaging her... Using candles to relax her and I love incense.. Sage and Christ is for the demons lol.... But I love cooking for a woman ... And making her a bath to relax... And I am a true hopeless romantic......

Not done more coming wait to see (;
Jul 2015 · 835
Autobiography- part 2
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Anyways more about me lol.. So yes believe 9 is big number to me and 23!!!! Not crazy just pure facts!! More about me. Well me mum BTW always see's the number 3:33 on clock ironically Christ's death age giving me and her a sign.. See I'm not like humans I tell you all for reason .. I see dreams visions so on. I'm not a psychic but I see people inside their souls. I see ones hurt fears pain depression and beauty... I have had dreams of an asteroid / asteroids coming down in a mall I was in destroying so much.. Also a dream I had of me in me apartment building parents weren't in dream but all was scorched around me.. All apartments were on fire while I was on porch trying to get help but I wasn't burnt as if God protected me... See I'm a believer in bible prophecy believe it or not thy own choice and everything is adding up to more to come. And me dreams add up with what's to come and happen to!   It's been confirmed what the gvt is hiding is what goes been showing me since a young boy... More of me I love Mexican food. Italian food . Asian and middle Eastern food. I'm Irish Scottish native American from mums side and french on her side. Though grew up on mashed taters gravy and fried chicken lol mm.. Her dad and mum came from Ireland and Scotland.. Dad came from Greece as his grandpa. And his sides all Greek lots of English to and french all way back to 1604 in our ancestry book from ancestry. Com also swiss in me to... His English side came on ship on the Mayflower to USA!!! I love native american culture / American and south american. I'm into lots of their customs... Their beliefs . they knew stuff long ago our gvt tries hiding like for instance!!! U think all their pics of quote ( star people and ant people) drawn in every native culture around the world and men in space suits and flying craft is some native myth? Wake up world and America..... So its same thing in all cultures and religions around world... I believe in angels good and bad .. Those factual as so many have seen them.....  And died came back to tell of them God heaven and hell... Though I'm fifty fifty on aliens... Yes I believe God made many kindoms dimensions principalities so on.. I just know facts their is Satan and his fallen angels who were sent to earth because they betrayed God.. So u wonder why all evil in world that's why..... God gave his angels freee will like he does us to serve him. If he didint give us free will to love him and eachother wouldn't be love would it?? Would be forced like ****... Anyway that's more of me... I hate racism not racists... I love all peoples cultures nations so on.. I don't hate gays or transgender people or diff colered peeps... I believe in forgiveness and love no matter if one wants to **** me or hate me I will always  forgive and love... Number one if even God didint want me to do that!! I still would *** that's just the spirit I am.. I'm not better than noone else at all... I'm a sinner . I've lied in past ive stolen.. Robbed from past drug addiction.. I've hurt alot due to me selfishness and due to demons messing with me with that addiction... So I feel guilt daily trying to move on from what I did to others though I can say its humbling even telling u all this.. But this is me... Not done more biography in minute .. ();
Jul 2015 · 1.3k
Autobiography part 1
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Hello everyone
Since I saw others make writings of themselves here's one about meself....

Well first off
I'm Brandon cory nagley
26 years old born September 23rd 1988
I'm a Libra
Which I believe is honestly most important sign in the solar system lol OK it may sound cocky which I'll tell you about cocky me in one second lol... Anyways I believe mine sign is very important the Libra sign because it is the scales... The scales have always represented good and evil or God and the devil in many cases!!!! Which is like mine life I'm a sinner I won't lie.... I've done much wrong and much good. Though ive Learned we must have good and evil with it to trust God more and to learn from our mistakes... That's a fact!!! Anyways I always know prophetic info I've been posting on here which is coming I believe around mine birthday or on mine birthday.. Yea I'm a Christian BTW. Don't care if anyone likes it or not!! I respect all religions and cultures BTW!! Actually we can all learn from another but there is alot of hate greed and separation from not wanting to learn from one another!!!! So yes lol I'm off track I feel me birthday 9/23 is very important ... Numbers are everything biblically spiritually and in all world tools we use in all ways and religions... See when I was a kid I used to be a good baseball player ! I was a pitcher all way til sixth grade even Maby seventh. But I was an amazing pitcher I won't lie that's cocky but have many to back it up. I was also first basemen. And was so good had scouts look at me from Toledo mudhens and from a school called start highschool ten mins from Toledo Ohio...I also played basketball young and football!!!  I have been a musician since really like 11, 12ish.. I used to hang around a bunch of rap artists and hip hop artists... They'd rap and sing I'd write lyrics for some of those rappers....  So they gave me the nick name white chocolate LOLLL!! No joke.. I was there white buddy... Anyways one of those frends who rapped named Devon Bailey aka chuckie Bailey now is doing big things with bone thugs and harmony and Rick Ross... I played piano since I've been fifteen.. started off playing piano by watching a guy in !mine choir I was in. I was a tenor!! I can sing high or low lol.. Anyways there was guy named Turner ferrara.. He looked like Paul McCartney which I love Beatles. Turner played Beatles tunes on piano daily and I watched him like a ****** in the stands play.. I learned a few keys from him that caught on! Did music lessons for few weeks Than played meself... I started playing me fav song imagine by john Lennon on piano along with other Beatles tunes long winding road so on! Also played lots of zeppelin stairway to heaven alot!!! Lol people I think started just tuning me out . though I did have lots of girl fans lol...
Of back to me and sports lol. I always wore number 9 as jersey number I never knew why but me and !me numbers 9 and 23 me b day numbers have importance to me . well Micheal Jordan favorite player was 23 me b day lol and nine was mine fav number and b day month which I always used to see on clock btw I'm not crazy I always saw so did me mum saw 9;23 on clock.... Me b day so I know this number is of big meaning to me and to not just me the world period because ironically this year something big is coming astronomically...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
When one canst maketh us feeleth like we art a young boy or girl again,
We knoweth they art the one's who we want to be with in the end!!!
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