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Blu3moth Oct 2017
There I am
Standing in front of a busted mirror
Laughing at myself
Because I've come to realize
I'm nothing
And will be remembered as nothing
I want to leave this world
On my own accord
No one will love me
Miss me
They will just be disappointed in me
For the last time
I have no legacy
The words from this
Will be lost in time
No one to pass my stories
Like anyone wants to hear them Anyways
There is no one there for me
I have looked
And looked and looked and looked
Never have I found someone
There is only myself
Myself, a poor excuse of a life
Blu3moth Oct 2017
I don't believe in anything
There is no happiness without money
No love
No higher power to turn to
No reasons to stay alive and wait for the better
There is nothing
Why must I work hard for others and be selfless?
To die tired?
Life is a never ending cycle of nothing that matters
So I sit here and try to think about the good
It all rots away
The bad stays
It always will
The world is a ****** place for those with hope
Let nothing fill up the dreams
That way when you realize you're nothing
You won't be so disappointed
Blu3moth Aug 2017
I'm so ashamed of myself
I do not deserve my last name
I am not worthy enough to
Continue my life
Everything within my arms reach Might as well be destroyed
I deserve only
My loneliness to keep me whole
My reflection to befriend me
My cries to sing me to sleep
Take my ability to walk
Someone else can make better use of it
Take my sight
I only see darkness anyways
Take my hearing
I don't deserve beautiful sounds
I'm lost
Why can't I find my way?
Everything is cluttered
I stumble and fall with every step
That's the only thing I'm good at
I miss who I used to be
Blu3moth Aug 2017
In front of me?
To my left?
How about my right?
What have I to live for?
When all I do is look
For love and find nothing
I can't remember the last time my help was needed
When I mattered
Little has happened to me
That's the problem
No one loved me
Hated me
Asked for my help
Ive no motivation
To live or to die
For a cause
Or for someone
I need a reason
Anything just one
To keep me going
But at this rate
I will be forgotten
Till I am nothing
Blu3moth Jul 2017
I'm stupid
I'm a nuisance
I'm useless
I'm sad
I'm angry
I'm ugly
I feel as if my life has brought a tumor into the lives of those around
I'm a leech for affection but I give none in return
I let myself be stepped on to feel useful to others
Use me
Use me
Use me
I can't do anything
A punching bag will do
The idea doesn't sicken me
Bury me under a tree
Make use of me
At least I'll be finally doing my part
In this world
Blu3moth Jul 2017
Hmm, where does this book go?
**** it
It's so frustrating
I cant find a genre to put it in
Its so.....What's the word?
It's sad
It's happy
It's angry
Poorly written
No clear conflict
I'm gonna have to throw this somewhere
I can't just leave it out
Okay, well it's not a fantasy
Definitely not a comedy
Tragedy is more like it
This book started out so good
But then it's like all the problems
From the first quarter of the chapters
Just turned into one big one
It makes no sense
I thought that they were resolved
That the protagonist had moved on
Why would the author make such a damaged character?
Nothing ever looks up for him
It's such a sad book now that I think about it
Wonder what kind of person the author was
Wow, not even a picture
Ohh...that's explains alot
Poor guy committed suicide
No wife or kids either
Hard to believe that this even got published
It's an autobiography
I'll do everyone a favor and hide it toward the back
No one wants to waste their time reading it like I did
Blu3moth Jul 2017
Today I got lost while staring up into the popcorn ceiling
Being surrounded by family wasn't enough to hold my attention
Instead I paid a few precious seconds to the ceiling
I can't find the words to help me describe the feeling
I felt whole
The emptiness inside disappeared
For a few seconds I felt what it was like to let go, to let my mind cleanse itself of any emotion
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