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Quinlyn Feb 2019
You can't recycle
waisted time
Quinlyn Feb 2019
I was always told that I can do anything I want if I put my mind to it.
But I swear, everything I work hard at ends up in flames.
Quinlyn Feb 2019
He was always seeking approval.
But at the end of every week,
He was still unaccepted.
Quinlyn Feb 2019
When will I get over you?
Constantly reminiscing over our good moments,
The intimate times.
I'll always prefer-to be with you.

I remember your lips,
Your hands,
Everyone misunderstands,
I was truly in love

In love with your body,
Your ability to take charge,
Your beautiful face,
Your amazing aroma.

Your awesomeness would put me in a coma
It was only you.

I wish we were older so we could be together,
Would you want that?
We could always be alone..
But I can't keep dreaming about that..

These fantasies,
Changing my mentality,
Haunting me because I know they aren't reality,
Ruining my vitality.

I push away the thoughts.
I drive away the sadness.
But you always appear in my mind,
So many things remind me of our bond.

I wake up and immediately think of you.
There's so many things I wish I could undo.

I go too sleep reflecting on our past.
I'm Depressed, because I know we couldn't last.
Quinlyn Feb 2019
You're confusing
Always abusing-
My heart, My emotions , My time
It's bad how when I started dating you, I ended up losing-
The good Christian boy I used to be.
Can't you see?
You're not good for me.
Quinlyn Feb 2019
Our future...
Could we have had one?
Or did it just burst asunder
When you left

Was it all a lie?...
When you wouldn't talk...
I fell apart in a sigh
Sometimes I doubted your commitment

If I doubted you when you were with me..
How can I trust, when you are away
Did you play me like a DVD?
I was YOUR crutch, helping mend YOUR problems

But I'm still in love with you
I loved your hue
Or was I lying to myself...

Will I ever see you again?
Is my heart set to grieve?
Or did you just deceive
When you said I was your love
Quinlyn Feb 2019
When you move
My heart will miss
You're amazing kiss
It will always approve
Of your love

When you leave
My body will ache
For goodness sake
It will grieve
For your touch

When you bid farewell
I'll surely miss you
My mind and soul will be thrown askew
I won't be well
For I will never desire someone more than you, Daisy

I love you
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