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Quinlyn Feb 2019
Worry is a down payment on a problem you may never have
                                 ~Joyce Mayers
Quinlyn Feb 2019
There has to be someone else.
Someone that can mend my broken heart and part my love for you.
Only another can help me recover.
Another girl just as beautiful, or even more.
Someone too make my heart soar above reality and uplift my vitality.
Someone who can say sweet things and make my heart drop, and just fill me to the top.
Someone who appreciates me for me, and doesn't want me to change.
Someone who looks into my eyes, then smiles, and never stops.
Someone who I can look at and say "my love for you will never decay."
Someone who will never doubt our relationship and never make me doubt it.
Someone who I can always talk too, a friend.
Someone I won't have to pretend-to love.
Quinlyn Feb 2019
I'll put my fake face on.
Ask me how my day goes I'll say "good" or "meh", but really I've been sad since the crack of dawn.
Quinlyn Feb 2019
You never forget the aroma
Of your true love
Quinlyn Feb 2019
You used too love me.
I was enthralled with your body.
I wanted you more than life.
But when I got you, you used me.
Once you left me, you ignored me.
I thought we could do this long distance thing.
I actually thought we could be together for years.
You wished me the best,
But I'm left in tears.
Quinlyn Feb 2019
Music is a refuge
A sanctuary
From the people looking down on you with disdain
From the worlds pain
From the people driving you insane
From the things worse than *******

From the people you can't trust
From the ones seeing only disgust
From the things you wish you wouldn't have discussed
From the moment you think you might combust

From the anxiety
From the peoples mood variety
From the bad notoriety
From the loss of sobriety
Music heals all

— The End —