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Bloom where you're planted,
All women are told,
To thrive.
We are told to wait to be chosen, to be cut, to be picked the moment we blossom,
Only to be an ornimental object,
Some temporary color,
A disposable distraction.
To simply be beautifully brief.
Well I,
I am more.
I am more than a windblown wish
Than petals to be plucked
Than a wildflower waiting to wilt.
I am rooted. I am grounded.
And I,
I Bloom.

Never forget
That only the uncut flowers
Get to keep on growing.

It's been a while since I've written, and I don't usually write without rhyme, but this poem means a lot to me. Our society tells women to wait to be chosen, not to simply live.
This one is for all my single folks, especially ladies.
Bloom- not simply to be noticed or picked, but to learn to love the life you live. Don't wait for or ever let someone cut you. Live your life, and if someone wishes to plant themselves alongside of you, grow as individuals, together.
Even thaw is met with freeze
Even rivers cannot flow
Winter brings her blunt breeze
Winds of change, cease to blow

And here, stuck in the ice
Of winter water's wake
Memories, they fall heavy
Yet ice they will not break.

Numbed down, chilled deep
Bated breath in thawing time
Though we lost our melody
The words I wrote still rhyme.

In time, the seasons change
Winter's sting no longer felt
Til then, in frozen frost I wait
To move, to mend, to melt.

If beauty lies
    In beholders' eyes
         Then you are all I see
For my heart knew
    Beauty was you
          When you first smiled at

We are the
       Awoken ones
       Our muse we hope to stumble on  
Lit only by
        Somewhere between the dusk and dawn.

For us, the late-night and restless writers.
The study-skill of coping
A scholar learns, and teaches
Vices of distraction, dissension
Stressed in silence and speeches

We are in this together
Or so we've all been taught
We stand united in struggle
But fall separate in thought.

We each carry hidden loads
Pains and pasts of our own
We may be followed by darkness
But in the dark, not alone.

We all march on, in struggle and stride
Through tides that pull to drown
For hope that together we reach a high
Before we all break down.

Have you ever fallen asleep
in someone Imaginary's arms?
Have you ever dreamed
of a love you've never met?
Have you said a prayer
for the Forever of your heart,
That God would bless them and in His time
Show them you're there?
I wonder if somehow
it just might be,
When you pray for Imaginary,
you pray for me.
an old song lyric with renewed meaning for me.
The authenticity
And truth of the pen
Give both
respect and respite
to the writer.
And the most
bewildering betrayal
catastrophic crime
is when you prove
the writer's truth,
a lie.
When etched promises
Hopeful words
Mindful melodies
are contorted
Conscious carelessness
And cowardice.
As songs are first sung,
as words first
scratched and scribbled,
abstract emotions turn to concrete symbols
in the transference
of feeling through finger,
of infatuation through ink,
of pain to pen to page,

The deepest truths that seemed eternal,
Time proved temporal.

And when time makes a liar out of a once-honest writer,
How could the pen
ever trust the hand again?

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