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Bennett's-Words Jul 2016
they say art should be "nice",
and that it can be,
but there's much more to art,
than what you can see;

there is no right or wrong,
art is meant to speak,
to stir up curiosity,
cause creativity to leak;

so next time someone tells you,
"art is there to admire",
look to them and say,
"no, art is to inspire"
inspired by the Eleanor and Park quote
  Jun 2016 Bennett's-Words
Free Bird
Always pay attention
When someone else is speaking
If it didn't mean something to them
They wouldn’t talk about it at all

Always listen closely
For the answers you are seeking,
May be closer than you think
Found in the ramblings of that call

Imagine if you will
A world where everyone cared
Where they leaned ear in intently
Instead of filling our heads with doubt

Maybe we'd all be happier;
Collectively less scared
We could solve all of life's problems
If we just heard everybody out

You see confidence builds greatness
Yet we continue to put each other down
Jealousy and rage keep us from turning the page
Even when the story could teach us something profound
  Jun 2016 Bennett's-Words
Reza Bavar
What is a Legacy
What's the equation that leads to the sum that is
The curtain draws as it must and
when it's done...
We spill out of this "Life" a grocery bag of idiosyncrasies, neuroses, hypocrisies, and other I-sees
What are we in the end but broken pieces of a puzzle we leave for others to assemble--who cares if the pieces fit.
Someone found a Kind word here
Another a Generosity
A memory of a Lie
Proof of a Cruelty
Acts of Humanity by a human being acting...
Who knows me well enough to define my Legacy?
Who else but "I"
I like spoken word poetry (a lot) and this poem works best if it's read in that type of tone.
  Jun 2016 Bennett's-Words
and i have never really understood why i hate luggage.
why i barely own handbags,
and would much rather fit the necessities in my purse.
why school didn't seem so bad if i had less books on my back.

i had never really understood why i hated so much baggage.

until i realised that it was because i already had all of me,
to carry.
  May 2016 Bennett's-Words

*If I were a poem
I’d ask you to fold me up
and put me in your pocket,
then at the end of the week,
toss me in the wash
with the rest of the clothes

And when you find me later,
smudged and smeared,
ripped and tattered into
little unrecognizable pieces,
don’t worry about it,
I was already like that
I have been notified that this poem was plagiarized and posted on Poetfreak by someone using the name Blurry Face. I can assure you, this is my poem.
Bennett's-Words May 2016
Tear-stained cheeks
Blood red eyes
Tired of secrets
Tired of lies

I thought life
Was hope, love and laughter
But now I know
There's no easy happily ever after
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