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Oct 2017 · 702
Long-Distance Lover
Jazzy Oct 2017
The epicenter of my heart is thousands of miles away
Perpetually perched in the curls of your hair
On your chest as you sleep
In your coat pocket when you are out and about

While it feels heavy for me
I doubt that you even realize that it is there
So you go about your day
Completely oblivious to the fact
That you could, at any time, crush me
Currently on the other side of the world as someone I care for very much. I'm terrible at relationships as is. The distance only makes me worry more, but somehow we're making it.
Oct 2017 · 775
Jazzy Oct 2017
You have
Excavated the tiniest crevices of my bones
Nestling into the cracks as comfortably as if you were born to sleep in them

You have
Crept into every quiet moment of my mind
Inhabiting my thoughts as naturally as if you were created to be in them

You have
Uncovered the center of my heart
Feeding my emotions as easily as if you were made to care for them
Started in March 2014 (lengthened and edited recently). More than three years later, I've figured out who this is about.
Jazzy Oct 2017
Dark brown eyes
So dark
They are almost black

I'd always yearned for a different color
A color like hers:
Clear Arctic blue
Reminiscent of the pristine glaciers that dot the place I lived in before I met her

She told me
That my eyes were special
And I asked her how that could be
When so many others have

She told me
That my eyes were the color of soil after a calming rain
Which is really just mud
But I loved it anyway

She could say the most terrible things to me
And I'd love them anyway
Because she said them

Which is funny,
Since she's never said
A single word
To hurt me

She knows that
I am broken
I am damaged goods
I am the unwanted crumbs at the bottom of the potato chip bag
Except that she would never say that to me

Instead she says
That I am perfect
And now
When I see Arctic blue
I don't think of cold
In a few weeks, this poem will turn 4 years old. It's about the first person I was ever in love with- a straight girl I was good friends with. I'd never felt that kind of emotion to that extent before her, though is unrequited love truly love? The both of us are now in separate, very happy relationships, but this piece still has a special place in my heart.
Jazzy Oct 2017
You will feel this way longer than you want to
Because who wants to feel this way?
It's hard to say how long it will take
For you to feel alive again

But you will, eventually
Don't you know that everything is temporary?
Love is ephemeral
But so is this pain

And one day,
I promise you,
You will be able to get out of bed
Without that heartache weighing down on you
Oct 2017 · 250
Poet's Apology
Jazzy Oct 2017
I'm sorry
I wish I could be better
But I am so ******* selfish
And my art is more important to me than you are

So I will continue to use you for poetic inspiration
Every single drop of creativity
Every single word
Every single bit of happiness
Out of this
Until you leave
Or until I run out of words to write about you
And am forced to throw you out like a pen that's run out of ink
And find a new muse
Oct 2017 · 447
Space Fortune
Jazzy Oct 2017
They say

You can see your fate in the stars

But all of the celestial beings in the cosmos

Could not have predicted

How much I care about you

— The End —