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Haidyn Mar 2015
when I'm sad
the sun sets into my rib cage
my chest crashes into my spine.
fingers will claw at my skin and hair
and slid with the tears on my cheeks
I want to scream my pain
I want to set fires on my body
just to remove the sadness
that sleeps in my veins
  Mar 2015 Haidyn
i'm telling you.
the clouds were meant for the ground.
but they hung themselves.
Haidyn Mar 2015
It strips the trees bare.
And finally, we can look through the branches
And see just how lonely we all are

It brings back tiny flowers.
And we remember
how much we missed the little things.

It brings hot afternoons
And warm waters.
And we know the warmth around us
was dearly missed.

It makes the color darker and fuller.
And we can play in the leaves
Like children once again.
Haidyn Mar 2015
Trying to not think about
being curled next to you,
is as hard as swimming
in a tsunami.
Like an ocean,
I have to wait for
my waves of emotion to calm.
But the tide won't come.
Haidyn Mar 2015
we are so small
in this giant,
Haidyn Feb 2013
Fallen Angels all around me.
Misery upon misery.
Your broken arrows are killing me.
What have you become?
The thing you hate becomes your fate.
Your destiny, Fallen Angel.
Haidyn Feb 2013
I am Pluto. Cold, alone, small, and distant.
I am the misunderstood.
The outsider.
The one who isn't the one.
The one who is the outcast.
The one who is cold.

— The End —