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613 · Aug 2016
B Wasserman Aug 2016
I wandered endlessly in search of gold
paranoid I accused both comrades
and foreigners of conspiracy
yet I alone was mad
mexico and california
I slept
I drank and the cup proved
I swung my sword
and my sword proved dull
no exhibition could whet
my insatiable hunger
589 · Aug 2016
Grandma's Farm
B Wasserman Aug 2016
Over the hills
where the daffodils grow
cross the pond
where the honey flows

If there is one
place I would
rather see
oh it would
be grandma's
place for me

birds in the cages
birds perched in the trees
hawks owls finches
and showy parakeets

muffins for dinner
**** roast in the morn
oranges and porridges
served at noon
better get it before
a skunks licks it
clean off the spoon!

no rooms are without
a heart or a soul
grandma is quite eclectic
if not the least eccentric

If there is one
place I would
rather see
oh it would
be grandma's
place for me

monkeys snoozing in the closet
pidgeons roosting on the stools
rats in the cellar
and koi fish in the pool

many games as animal's names
polo with the zebras
boxing against the roos
wrestling with the bear
though I'd sure lose

If there is one
place I would
rather see
oh it would
be grandma's
place for me
573 · Feb 2016
My Wednesday Confessional
B Wasserman Feb 2016
I'm walking for a coffee rush, enough that
a surge of caffeine will blow this wall
off this writer's block and all these dammed-up
thoughts will spill and issue forth-unimpeded.
I bought coffee,read some poetry-some bad poems
some good, surveyed the area for other customers
a man with a boa constrictor scarf
and a woman glued to her computer, job searching
while her Pomeranian roams the cafe.
This is my habit, I buy coffee, read poems, talk
to strangers at a coffee shop, somehow it works.
This coffee buzz doesn't quite stimulate me
enough, the threshold is short of the spark
and the spark refuses to ignite.
I ask for another coffee. The barista accepts.
I take the coffee and sit
down and read before taking off to see a movie.
As I sit back to my spot.
The barista is taping me on their phone,
laughing with a regular customer.
They assume I'm crazy, because I walked
a mile from the cold in what appears to be  
a fur trapper costume from the 1800s.  
I easily shrug off their laughter, other people laughing
at you only confirms that you're alive.

I walk 2000 feet to the theater. I am a resolved man, no
one's laughter can deter me. I think to myself,
"the greatest struggle for me as an individual is to
forget that other people exist, and realize that, I as an
individual am- I have to convince myself of my own
solipsism, that I have a right to be who I am, how
I present myself, that is my responsibility and my tragedy,
both my madness and my health.

I walk into the theater vibrating
with coffee jitters-am I in the right mind,
the right state to sit through a whole movie
by myself? The movie is great, I feel like I understand
more than I should, some part feels more raw than
the others-I should watch it again. It's message: America is living
beyond its means, some people profit, others
slide past unpunished, the common citizen bears the burden
of Wall Street's obsessive gambling problem.
A familiar story to me, does anyone
intend to pay their debts in America-do I?
569 · Aug 2016
Deaf Man's Song
B Wasserman Aug 2016
Caught in here:
deep waters
deep claws
deep kiss

my conviction
I hear music
-what music?
So loud I cant hear others
music of dew
music of shade
music of my skin
distilling sweat

I can feel it penetrating
my bones

Do you know that song?
The song that celebrates
like branches praying to air
like sunset jumping down
the roof of the earth
532 · Feb 2016
Living in a rigid method
B Wasserman Feb 2016
On bus rides, I often see grad students
suspended in their own scholastic slime
or as I call it-monotony. For instance, once
walking with what I presumed to be a friend,
I told them I had read Rilke they had presumed
that I had read it for a class-no. I read it for my
own pleasure, how trivial of me. One of the
most endemic pathological problems of
the university is that their mindset is
engrained, too rigid, too mundane.
There is no funding for creativity, the only method
is the paint by numbers system. No new poets
in the canon, anything new is cannon fodder.

The only way to cultivate a dream here is
to **** it before, it can infiltrate and pollute
the minds of the young.
Conformity at least is the religion of the
university, and life must go on as it has before
-stagnating. The university masters here
wield art with grand indifference.

In this presumed friend eyes, no
curriculum exists outside of what is assigned,
their own  life is vicarious- a tenthhand extension,
examing the writing of a 1000 year old text.
They translate these texts while learning obscure
idiosyncrasies of Old Norse by heart. Little
do these "academics" realize that these people
who wrote these texts lived full lives: full
of  love, betrayal, stab wounds , and dirt.
They lived more than these quibbling academics
who argue on about written contradictions of texts.
The irony irons on.

The greatest call for me is to write,
these texts were never meant to be dissected and
investigated scientifically. I think for me, at least,
they are meant to inspire, these works inspire me
to live. The madness of Don Quixote stills
boils in my blood, literature has encrazed me.
I yearn to live, love, and live so much I know
how to die.
tenthhand- more than firsthand or secondhand
encrazed- ex. like enloquicido in Spanish, en-loco-ecer, en- intensive prefix like in enjoin, embrace (/n/ --> /m/ conforming to /b/);
529 · Aug 2016
Constellation Me
B Wasserman Aug 2016
Pick through the night
sky, pearls and foreign
isles of fire

I find myself
dissecting my own bones
what constellation am I?
The loser?
The gambler?

Any goal gathers
distance when acquainted
with doubt
will my doubt
prove false?
will my doubts
spring as nail
from a lion of nails?
I have a tendency
to exaggerate
to feel safe
when in fact
I only persist
in delusion
B Wasserman Aug 2016
Back in the crooked
alleys I only see pain
bricks and races
seven guns
three chased
four chasing
three men split rank
stolen money from
a city bank
in the well of the midnight hour
our lungs heaved and run
hands on our four guns
robbers hid and multiplied
like reflections
on a screen
false corner
false colors
one man drops
like dead wings
from a dead fly
bled out on the alley
with his future bled dry
and his bones still warm
chases resumed
some shots amplified
in municiple dens
too late
too late
another good man gone
now at the docks
where the ocean lends weight
shooting across the stiff planks
the robber holds his purse
a shot lands fatal
in my partners chest
the robber sped and gone
508 · Jan 2016
B Wasserman Jan 2016
There was a time, when you
walked with your
heart on hand, shinning.
Nothing could impart
you, but then as a poison,
Civilization toppled your
walls  screamingly and bore
its burden upon your arms
and spirit.

Bounded, they spat on you,
shackled you with their insults.
They called you Beast,
but in your own way,
you were anything, but

You are conflagration, but
Civilization consumes you,
mutiny creeps in the cells
of your veins, you hope to
strangle it and charm
the world as yours.

You are expected
to be a saint, but you are
anything but saintly.
You are a raw torrent of velocity
-you await to burn dry the world
of its own criminal flood, the
very one that binds you.

They deny you, to be any
part of god, but god's machinery
is nothing but cosmic, ******, profane
blasphemy, hunger, goliath, mutiny,
485 · Jan 2016
Rise of the Pedantic
B Wasserman Jan 2016
Facts are Poison-
There is nothing as poisonous as ash dead, cold-hearted
facts. When the first Pedantic was brought into the world,
he took with him his axe and his facts, and axed
anything that conspired against him, for he idolized
the rigors of science and wished to emulate scientific method
, so that he may properly pollute the minds of artists by reassuring them
they are constantly misguided- literature is meant to be abstract
and remote. Therefore, it is necessary for the Pedantic to interpret literature. He set artists to be bound in chains and set them to
mine mountains of literature. His purpose is to cannibalize art to shreds, **** the aspirations of artists, so that they may never reach the heights of their own magnificence.
438 · Aug 2016
broken deal
B Wasserman Aug 2016
we flood thee
roots to the very
swell of bone
skin to very bark
of soul
flesh as tangible as
personal truth
but now we tire
and you none the wiser
as once we guarded
your affections and your gaze
no further shall we repair
now belief and disbeliever
we depart and shall
remain ever departed
blame what chances
you denied
when you and your
throne sat high
bones crash
under the pulses
and machinery of life
decay decay decay
such reluctance
what nails rend and flair
sense wed in a torn bed
remind you for their
lack of recompense
416 · Jan 2016
Eulogy for what never was
B Wasserman Jan 2016
These images, this
love grows shattered
between us.
What never was
always refuses to return
What never was
always burns
what could grow
between us.

Nothingness is
pregnant with misery,
questions and answers
buried under
sand and cries of wind.

Questions may never
know their answers
when estranged by distance.

Questions once
estranged make more
questions and such questions
multiply unimpeded,
until they starve themselves
for lack of answers.

Your answer suspends
itself as gold,
in the pendulum of
infinity, the treasure
immense, far beyond
any such reach as you,
yourself could ever allow.

You could bring
our love to deliverance.
You could crash the famine
between us. You could
reconcile the answers
and resolve the questions.
Once quenched, these questions
cancel their thirst.

We could be disastrous together
or I could be a disaster
alone. But, this is the world our love
lives in:

Our children that may
never be,
that we may never have, putrefy in
nothingness of bone.

Our words that we may
never utter,
gallop upon the
of failed horses.

The kisses that may never meet,
that we may never share,
stir upon frozen waves
of reflectless waters.

This house, our love
which never stood,
waits to rise, vacantly
in a forest of nothing.
B Wasserman Jan 2016
Oh sweet bird who grants
my dreams, I pray to you
for sweet guidance.
Instill strength, where my memory
proves weak. May my memories
be vivid, and hang thick
where the reproaches of time
may deter them.
398 · Aug 2016
Visions refused to me
B Wasserman Aug 2016
I left and lept
into fires deranged and
deranged I found the flames
refused me
I was anxious for acceptance
beside visions of smoke
and dream
ships that would crawl
like antlers
like crowns sleeping heavily
upon vagrant kings
I throw myself to hazard
and hazardly grow
into abject places
Is such a sacred time forbidden to me?
Why does the song sing so short
for the words fail as rain does
when evicted bitterly from the clouds
heavily I wail my eyes and arms
distraught there is
less art
less violence
370 · Jan 2016
The Unraveler
B Wasserman Jan 2016
I am death
I am breath
I am the everless
that sweeps the hollows of whats unkept
devouring and burnt
broken and unlearnt
turn the page
turn over and sink
and drink heavily
into your sleep
I awake large and deep
365 · Jan 2016
Oblivion Queen Q
B Wasserman Jan 2016
Treasure among words,
blizzard wanting to
be heard, Queen of
the consonants, purveyor
of sound, painter of the
first flower. First to be loved,
First to be Forgotten.
In the kernel  of everywhere
and everness, she confides
like iron, quivering like frozen
thunder, waiting to empty
everything noiseless.
360 · Jan 2016
Confession I
B Wasserman Jan 2016
The hardest thing to endure
is to be a Coward. My broken metal
wings resonate like angered antennas.
My soulful dirge drags painfully moaning
in the swamp that I call my courage.
There is a swollen whale
in the needle of my eyes.
Nobody but I can pacify
the whale out.

It is not as though,
I can't cry, but I could
all the time. My lame steps
stop short of breath, these desiccated
lungs are swallowed by smoke
by fire that isn't there.

I hide again for the enclosure
of my cave guides me back like
a false messiah.

As long as I am religious
to my sulking fear, then
I am continuing to collapse.

Build me again so I may begin to
deserve to be afraid.
337 · Jun 2016
B Wasserman Jun 2016
I take my time
I rot and wind
no place, but here
all movement
moving down
I fell from grace
cast like a bouquet
my face alert
a face intact,
a face intact
my bones picked bare
I perfume in dispair
I curse these rapids
as I curse my family
my brother
deep in a grave
my father
deep in a grave
my mother
deep in a grave
all dead, but
I pour and run
socket of my mouth
the wind howls
through my hull
mosses filtered through my bones
blood of drowned men
filtered through my heart
constant flight of stairs
reduced to the path
of again
and again
and again
336 · Aug 2016
B Wasserman Aug 2016
Boiling in wells
down deep
and low
my hunger waits
as a lion growing teeth
nobody knows how
I ache to burn
if so
they would be
well acquainted with
you may push back the cliffs
and raise armies
sharp and miserable
what will you gain
what will you prove
besides that
my bones thirst
for violence?
334 · Jan 2016
B Wasserman Jan 2016
flaxen bold streams of bounded glare
how many past days and men have you caught in paths
of your hair
no answers yet
just a flirting flash
of mystery
winners say its love
your beauty sweeps
long and gathers
songs and embers
old trees and men
burn forgotten
furious furnace
that you are
you are the fury
that dissolves
and disrupts
you are the flood
that cripples
in rumbling tides
of thirst
you steal tomorrow
and today
**** time
without speaking
the seconds break free
and you
bleaken men
to blindness
choke them
with sleeping dust
and bury
them alive
you are the desire
that demands to be known
332 · Jun 2016
B Wasserman Jun 2016
I come
and the wind
burns in knots
with rank perfumes
sand, dirt
I cant see the sky
the clouds sleep low
windmill shuffles
hands like rusty
iron spiders

How did we arrive here?
memory bears no
my recollect pours
on empty
I run over my last thought
with my last thought
with my last thought
driving on and
burying with
endless wheels
delivering black weight
and flowers for prayers
learning my last thought
died with first thought
318 · Jan 2016
B Wasserman Jan 2016
recall those nights
where we would help ourselves silly and drink ourselves full of unremembrance

how with unbridled fury we would paint a black umbrella in the sky that would rain black rainbows and dull all our memories, from here to then and back

and in our blindness we would forget
that past could never be repented, that we may never escape

that as hard as we may grimace and wish that this life that may remove us, will may never blink out of existence, but endure.
303 · Jun 2016
B Wasserman Jun 2016
I attack
I venge
I yearn
I attack all foes
all high and low alike
I venge against
betrayers of good faith
I yearn to repair
my name to good repute
All the donned blows
fail to extinguish
the lamp that retains
the rage which
empowers the burn
for my god
carries on belligerent
men pretend to know me
they are more in tune
with their own doubts
their own trepidations
I neither doubt
nor insult
nor injure
nor disarm myself
303 · Aug 2016
Magnets and Us
B Wasserman Aug 2016
Between magnets and us
what is else is there besides
the hunger that drives our bones to thirst?

Ignorance calls me to drown the waves
that impel my pangs

I break and rejoin when the humble doors
are down
savagery need not be savage
if called sweet

wind and grain
opportunity beckons
me to cultivate again
no, no I must not think,
thoughts brings inertia to the plow

be still and meditate
I allow ease and ease to flow
I must not ask, for asking impedes
the growth
303 · Jun 2016
It is a matter my dear
B Wasserman Jun 2016
It is a matter my dear
to unloose your head upon
your actions undivided by
thought and not consumed
by thought for tempests
are blind and empowered
by you and as you breathe
the clouds breathe and
extract some part of you
and as you break
the storm fortifies and you collapse,
you are heaved into the thunder
of the storm, for like rain
you have become
and like rain you shall remain.
302 · Aug 2016
B Wasserman Aug 2016
The gleams
that bloom from
the boundaries of your
feet to the altitude of your hair
their glow multiplies in
soft husks of your beauty
though you possess
no pearls
though you are not as
apathetic as silver
you grow as the crops grow
wealthy in surplus
you stand as a monarch
majestic beside them
as ****** bread rises
so do you
I must confess
my lust
remains locked
below in the reserves
of the earth
the black waves
eager to meet
the combustion of a
I desire your tender
body of bread for which
I consecrate and devour
your wheat is born of the morning strands of light
whose anthems sings
as loud and high as  factories

fire instructed you
how to trust both your instinct and
your blood
you learned well of your holiness
from flour and from bread
lastly you learned
how to clearly
admit your desire even
to your heart
301 · Feb 2016
B Wasserman Feb 2016
Gilded sun, black hole me
endless thoughts-endless weeds
the more these men burn
through my shaking sands of hand
the less it hurts to burn

Ripe old earth, what
what stories may you tell
what of pain, what of heaven
what of war, what of hell?
My story is being written
in every ****** road I walk
along a liar's web of arsenic
and milk white chalk.

There is one thing true to me
and that is being a fraud,
as waters bear witness
below to shadow of
a false god

The only thing that helps
is to burn, burn in pleasure
when the hour suits,
be pleasing to strangers
to seem familiar, and
strange to be invincible.
292 · Jun 2016
B Wasserman Jun 2016
Telescope walks
through the universe
to discover itself

distorted by suns
seated on your head
like your future
you give no thought
you just want your eyes
to tunnel through
and wade through
all past is left
for the telescope
no answers here
no closure
284 · Jun 2016
Unreturned Love
B Wasserman Jun 2016
I tumble down
a well to find you
candle's out
drought weighs
hard and hungry
as does the knife
in my heart

you left uncalled
the morning bare
my appetite bare
everywhere turned
up grinning with
broken teeth since
you left

I could drown in a delta
filled with nails
fill the tributaries
with blood
with sorrow

Alas my heart pursues
where the trails yawns black
my head swamped by smoke
I beg you to cancel the flames
I beg you to take the torch out

I am slowly going out
lands and leaves
canyon wounds raise red hells
all my hells ring and lament
I shout and bang and reverbrate
your name to every cave

I carry on with dynamite
in my hands and your torch
in my head.
275 · Jun 2016
I shall not cover
B Wasserman Jun 2016
I shall not cover
and hide my
thousand displays of love.

You are a furnace for the
music of my sweet language
you weigh remorse in the
funnel of your throat

families of the departed
curse and chase
false images dressed
in false images

a man misinterprets my love
I talk to him bring him
waters of patience to drink

I take, because
I take what I can love

promiscuous? Yes, I am
greatest of lovers
orchard of gems
all in my reach
all in my debt

man is a horrible weather man
weather is greater
more incendiary
man is doubt
wrapped over by skin
skin that leaps back
into a forest after a lifetime.
270 · Jun 2016
Strangers and Stranger
B Wasserman Jun 2016
I am both an exhibitionist
part of a transaction
and response
people gather like clothes
and depart like names
vessel of dirt
permeated by a lost soul
lost to the world
lost to society
lost in experience

I extract horses and the horses
fall from the tracks of my head

All my travels burn in mouth
delicacies of unbroken air
falling on horses
falling on twilight

pushing me from you
and pushing me remote
my heart rises,
hums and returns again
tomorrow it will
arrive as it was before
it left from water
charged and discharged
with life and ropes of water
now it retires
sold to waters.
269 · Aug 2016
Years ago...
B Wasserman Aug 2016
Remember the old mill
set against the reflections
of flowers dancing in the waves
waves that have now since gone
I'm still ravenous but alas
you cannot bottle the moments
of the past
the bows that shouts
your name drills dangerous
and far into paths of the old forest
and sweeps like an owl around my heart
recall how the shades roamed sharp
and fast as horses
and the light bred and mingled
sweet as honey upon
our skin and lips
those days are forgotten
and pale to an immensity of forest
no stretch of sky may bear the
tale long
264 · Feb 2016
B Wasserman Feb 2016
If you take away
pain, what's a slave?
If you take away perceptions,
what's a cave?
If you take away a shadow, it's some
other emptiness seated on a throne.
If you move one boulder, theres an even heavier misconception
weighing on your own.
If there is one whole truth, it is true to be you, in everything you answer, ask or do.
No matter how
worthless, selfish, or crude.
256 · Jun 2016
B Wasserman Jun 2016
Away! depart
never come back
no more and yes never

you should be grateful
that I was gratious
your head spared
from the sport of
a knife

you should be honest
since your lying tongue
remains perched in
your lying mouth

you will remain
forgotten: your deeds
buried by your own hand,
your ventures
invented, stirred up
under a false cloud

As long as sunshine
basks fair over
rivers and hills alike
shall you never
entreat my presence.
256 · Jul 2016
B Wasserman Jul 2016
This pain
could run into
the triumph of
my head
burn and torment
alas for the tune
is worth a thousand pains
sail on sweet pain
curse me
navigate endlessly
through my hearing
till the clouds
till the bird
songs shine
till everything
is eclipsed
by great
throws of nothing
253 · Aug 2016
False Beast
B Wasserman Aug 2016
If there is one
tall lie filling the high
channels of the sky
it is clear for everyone
to hear
that there ever
was a beast
called devil
devil called the
beast that is,
that resides within
and throughout
the contagion worthy of you
and your disease
better to convince yourself
you are more natural
than you know
cast that idle
thought from your cliffs
so the ground
may drop behind
and the air
more easily abide
your wings
251 · Aug 2016
B Wasserman Aug 2016
Even if by your glances
you were not the pale
specter of the moon
complete with
a whole day's
industry and fire
even if you were frozen
in the air and did not move
at all like the air
even if you lacked
the splendor of an hour
no the splendor of a week
for why it is like
the very flash that
contaminates the
and trees with autumn
you, who I behold with
all my reverence
how could you doubt
my love so
when I embrace you
I embrace an entirety
of vastness
for all of you lives
and persists through me
and sustains me
endures within
and through out me
From Neruda's Hundred Love Sonnets
250 · Aug 2016
falcon's pursuit
B Wasserman Aug 2016
curling around
on the breath
of my beak
men men men
more than I could
ever spare
through persistence
through gravity
through air
249 · Aug 2016
B Wasserman Aug 2016
chase me
to an uncharted land
marooned, I wander
compounded by pain
and madness
no roses for me
only thorns to bandage
my festering wounds
chase me as if I were rattling
on the verge of death
and all but one eye
was blind to my dying
I heard you mutter
chase me as though you
had purged all but
one lust from
your habits
those black geysers
gush from the deep habits
of the earth and
in my mouth I relish
wine and conflagrations
of both blood and carnage
both terrestrial and burnt
from Neruda's Hundred Love Sonnets
234 · Jun 2016
B Wasserman Jun 2016
My world revolves in mystery, day breaks from waves and vanishes into graves.
233 · Jul 2016
bone and mirror
B Wasserman Jul 2016
Drop a little bone
in dusty drawer
the dust leap
and electricity leaps
like suffering released
from worries

bones and shakes
such cowardly snakes

fear is cultivated by
you and tended by you
wont you dare to admit
that even to yourself

your fears are less than real
than your pain
all more real inside the tulips
of your head

The branches of your brain
hang low. Why then must
you purge those
apples so?
231 · Aug 2016
B Wasserman Aug 2016
we all prefer to escape
in various manners
obsess with crystals and
foods forbidden to us
call my obsession false
and I shall hate you for it
although your observation
is quite right
allow me to run deep
and high in my fantasies
I prefer to traverse
heights impossible and strange
229 · Jun 2016
The River
B Wasserman Jun 2016
A river received me well
my head floated
a bit,
my eyes sailed
I saw other floating

As long as I believed
that the river
was real
then the river would flow
and I would be buoyant
upon its shoulders

I sail on vast reflections
I could sink under the tapestry
of my youth and sleep there
I grant these images passage
wrapped in the bows of transmitted
light on the backs of mirrors.

I am a page
surrounded by a book
the eyes of chapters penetrate
consume and look
the whole essence of brilliance
is to celebrate
and to wrap
my voice and celebrations
and muffle my rationality-out!
229 · Jun 2016
You could
B Wasserman Jun 2016
You could jump into a well,
You could cast your feet to hell,
You would return again to me
You could take your life and stab
it through my head
But you cant subdue the sea
You could break my eyes
and scatter seeds of glass
crops miserably sown in past
You and me, we could
sing for the mountains
and walk for the trees
navigate like shadows
drunk on the night
with moonlight on our lips
228 · Aug 2016
remaining true
B Wasserman Aug 2016
Ever since I
broke loose of home
I'll never break
the bond we made
as long as my senses stand
I'll hold my head high and keep
my heart and name for you

storms wake
and bullets flare
between all things mad
I still pledge my name and heart
for you

Shot in the leg
other man shot down
my oath still strong
still true

I am soon to dock
dearly awaiting your
yearning to wed
you soon

I came walking
with joy near my heart
to see us join once more
though sadly I learned
death wrote you down
in his looks and locked
you down there gone and good

never shall I seek
never shall I answer
but to your name
your heart and road alone

as long as my days race
and my lungs last
for my heart lifts and dives
only and only for you
228 · Jan 2016
B Wasserman Jan 2016
Why is it that a
form of a bird,
comes so natural to me?
I can't draw my own face-
is my face foreign?
Other animals seem foreign too-
do they not speak to me?
Wings, bird, insolence,
that is the form that
speaks to me.
The grasp of the horizon
and the majesty of wind.
226 · Aug 2016
False Talk
B Wasserman Aug 2016
Through pyramids and hieroglyphs
I call to you through hours and smoke
rising from false fires, falsely believing
you hear my words

dreams curl through fog, fog creeping over
windows, windows over my eyes
night shore exhaling waves over waves of night
my star sleeps till morning
you may discover me in a universe
spread along my bed

patiently I bide and stay
soon my homecoming arrives
though I may not know it yet
225 · Jun 2016
B Wasserman Jun 2016
Oak: attended by insects and disease
tug tight and called my name for me
it asked to be carved out

I've polished and removed
more than all the efforts
of former years could

the sea invited
the tides imparted
the tides bathed
and sanctified
we went till the head
of the lake

the boat professed
and yearned that now
since two hundred
grand years past
that if it could once
now and ever more

I removed a plug
and the waves buzzed
belched the breeze up

the boat sank free
rotting gullets filling up
the pipes rendered mute
by the powers of the waves

free from hunger
not free from touche
at the grip of the hands
of lake
now consigned to the lockers of waves
224 · Aug 2016
B Wasserman Aug 2016
hours stubborn and fast
refuse to return to the face
from whence it came
nor shall these feelings
sprout from the same bush

vainly I bring bouquets of false promises
I am a fool to expect changes
life grows bitter in my cup
209 · Aug 2016
B Wasserman Aug 2016
The South drips out
with cries of rain
and a subtle squeeze
of earth
feathers bless
over the earth of birds
and dirt reminds itself
of *******
your embrace gives
me sustenance
gives me wealth
fertility and water
mend and plant your mouth
along the sails
that ship merrily
into the harbor of my
lets deck some whiles
while your fragrance
multiplies and blooms
while I still and admire
and paint
my patience is stone
among stones
nor time or other times
a bird calls us
to gather
like pages
drawn to the adventure
of a book
the pores of life move
I move
you move
the south sets and sleeps
toward the moon
the day sows and prepares
in a host of eyes that sweep
cross the earth
208 · Aug 2016
pain is all math
B Wasserman Aug 2016
widen road dark
deep dead and lost
you should eat
away my pain

told me you hate
any old part more
when its lost
im lost and I hate
myself more

drove myself crazy
crazy i drove myself into a ditch

pain is all math
you cant give what
others took back
head over shoulders
head between a
i fall slow and slowly to ash

torch in a cave
roasting my heart
more heartless
each day
no ones
deserves days
like this
all the deception
built by a kiss
broken and crushed
drowned by the river with worms in my mouth
I'll wash my pain out
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