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 Mar 2020 Zia
I don't know how to let you back in.
Nothing I want more than to surrender to the thought of happiness in your arms.
But you dont know how to stay.
Time and time again, you've proven what I didn't want to accept.
No more open doors.
We pushed eachother away, but you won.
 Mar 2020 Zia
 Mar 2020 Zia
When you look back at your life
Will you wonder where you went wrong
Or will you smile knowing
That even though the days were long
And times got tough
You gave enough
People will say they give it their all
But when I say I give it enough
I feel that I won’t lose myself
We give our all and we have a tendency
Of losing ourselves in the process
Or becoming a victim to dependency
Living your life free of need
It doesn’t have to make you bleed
Loving hard but not giving it all away
Don’t give up on you for love
Knowing that you can give enough
And that in itself is enough
That’s when you’ll know
You have it right
 Mar 2020 Zia
Small Details
 Mar 2020 Zia
The small details of things
Are often ignored
They remind me of me
Not exactly abhorred.

They may not be hated
But nobody notices them
They are often equated
To a single cent.

No one pays attention to pennies
Or any types of coins
Because no one cares to see
They’d rather avoid.
Rhyming is fun
 Mar 2020 Zia
Dr Peter Lim
 Mar 2020 Zia
Dr Peter Lim
I love your laughter
more than words can describe
you draw me nearer
your very beauty I imbibe
 Mar 2020 Zia
Edmund black
We all strive
To be our best version
Of a perfect self

We all want
The perfect body
The perfect things
The perfect poems

But the funny
Thing is

It’s always
The quirk
The flaw
The ingenuity
That always stands out
 Mar 2020 Zia
that was quick
we both become weak
give in for a week
hope this don't leak
i like how you call
i like how you fall
the moment you sit
and our eyes meet
you touch
we kiss
i lick
we dig in
few moments
shared breaths
hope this don't stop
let's have these strings

 Mar 2020 Zia
Dr Peter Lim
Empty bench in park
still wet after heavy rain
bird perches to sing
 Mar 2020 Zia
Dr Peter Lim
Sudden thunder storm
  farmer and wife dash homeward
  kids greet them with cheer
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