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 Mar 2020 Zia
Dr Peter Lim
City is empty
hours are long past midnight
violin notes drift by
 Mar 2020 Zia
Dr Peter Lim
Flight of morning birds
   against blanket of blue clouds
   a new day is born
 Mar 2020 Zia
Dr Peter Lim
Grandpa smokes his pipe
  he seems lost sitting on bench
  grandma is long gone
 Mar 2020 Zia
ache (10w)
 Mar 2020 Zia
i've run out
of ways to say:
i miss you
i need you
 Mar 2020 Zia
Salmabanu Hatim
Dear Society,

           This is to remind you I am your creator and I am in control.
You forgot about me in your euphoria to control the world.
             I always forgive.I am giving you a rare gift to put your house in order. I am giving you time to spend together as families. Time to slow down.
              For years the society is weary and exhausted crying out to me. Mental illnesses  and cases of suicides have increased.
               Rest, play and work at home. Build relationships. Work on projects at home you had dreamed about. Most important learn to be clean. Toilet rolls and sanitizers are not necessary. Clean water and good hygiene is important.
                    You have dirtied mother earth till it had no place to breathe.I warned you.I sent earthquakes, Tsunamis, El Ninos,
Climate Change and fires but, you never listened.
                      Now,distancing you from socializing and putting a stop on industries and staying  at home has done wonders. Mother Earth is breathing again.
                      I hope you have woken up and REMEMBER ME I AM YOUR SAVIOUR.
 Mar 2020 Zia
Entry V
 Mar 2020 Zia
You are chaos
In the heart of stillness,
I want to be part of your soul
And so chaos I become.
March 19, 2020
 Mar 2020 Zia
The great Mother breathes
her skies clearing
her soil resting
Creatures sighing relief.
 Mar 2020 Zia
Dr Peter Lim
 Mar 2020 Zia
Dr Peter Lim
How often is indeed
demonstrated in deed?
* a Shakespearean idea
 Mar 2020 Zia
Make sounds
 Mar 2020 Zia
Clouds don’t usually make sounds
but they make the sky look silently beautiful.
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