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i remember those days when we would walk for hours and hours under the hot, beating sun with no destination in mind. nowhere to go, no one to see. just you, me, and the sun.

our bones were brittle, our cheeks were flushed, our bodies were sore. but we didn’t care. we had stopped caring about the little things.

we would laugh until our lungs burned and wake up every day thinking, “god, this really is a beautiful world if you make it one.”

we would smile until our cheeks hurt and pray that it would rain so we could dance in it.

we would sing until our throats were like sandpaper and lie down in the grass at night and look up at the stars.

we were wild.

we were beautiful.

we were free.

we were lost, but god, we were free.

one day you woke up and something shifted inside your heart and you said that you didn’t believe this was a beautiful world. you didn’t believe in you, or me, or us.

you didn’t want to laugh until your lungs burned or smile until your cheeks hurt or sing until your throat was like sandpaper.

you didn’t want to dance in the rain or look up at the stars.

one day i woke up and you were gone.

no note. no explanation. no goodbye. just gone.

you are gone, and i am still here.

i am still here, but now i wake up every morning wondering how i could have ever seen this world as beautiful.

i only like the rain now because it makes the sun a little more bearable (i’ve stopped dancing in it).

i don’t pay much attention to the stars anymore. all i know is that they make me feel just a bit less lonely.

it’s just me and the sun now, though sometimes i can feel you lying next to me and i reach over to grab your hand or look at you or say something but all i have is the sun.

not you.

we were never lost, you know. we just didn’t want to accept that we had always been found.

 Sep 2014 Avery Greensmith
 Sep 2014 Avery Greensmith
gay gay gay gay gay
gay gay gay gay gay gay gay
gay gay gay gay gay
have a nice gay
I will always remember,
The way you held me tight,
And wished to stay the night,

I hated every moment,
That you thought about,
The girl you can't live without,
The man I wrote the last one about came and visited me on his birthday, this is all I could think.
 Sep 2014 Avery Greensmith
youve been alive for twenty-one years and youre just ******* worn out
you havent slept in twelve but thats okay right
because sleeping means the nightmares and youre already living one
you cant get out of your own mind and neither can he
and honey you grew up a soldier
didnt know a pipe dream from a semi-automatic
and he looks at you and says "you could have been a great machine"
 Sep 2014 Avery Greensmith
just because it says
"non toxic" does not mean that
it is edible
I ate a lot of things people are not supposed to eat
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