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 May 2020 Ashley Rodden
 May 2020 Ashley Rodden
It's hard to see
It's easy to hear the
We each fight our own
But why don't we walk hand in
It seems like we only
But there is so much
The light is just inside
And together we'll fly like
 May 2020 Ashley Rodden
“Remember our cigarettes & the oil rigs. City lights, and drunken nights.
Remember the scabbed lips and 1:00am road trips. Races and white long sleeves.  Christmas Eve burn outs, empty parking lot makouts. Piggy back rides, and best friends forever. Remember the kissing and love making. Shirtless & in love, punches in the face, followed with forgiveness. Unfairness and regret. How I see you and seem not to forget.“
Best friend turned lover, turned stranger
like a popular song once said

She couldn't remember a time
when she felt needed

So she wrapped the
blanket around
her and cried while biting her

oh, but it wasn't entirely
correct. In the other room
the old man kept
shouting her name
and knocking on the wall
He'd soiled his
again and needed help changing

She was very
needed now. She'd been needed ever
since mother left
for the last time and father followed
drunk as he was
and rolled the car down the hill. He wanted
to hit mother and her
new man with the car
and missed
And now his legs wouldn't work anymore
and his imbecile daughter
didn't take care of him
the right way

"The right way..." she said. "Is to
let you rot. Let your
body match your soul, old man..."
She placed the
pillow over her head
and closed her eyes
and remembered
the song

If love was red
then she was...
Some things can never
be put back together
after they’ve been
taken apart

No matter how much
willpower is involved

One of those things,
she now knew for sure,
was a marriage

Like the one
she was presently fleeing,
flying down the highway
like a fiend or a bat out of hell

Another such thing
could be her right hand
resting severed on the seat
there beside her

Though she wasn’t so
sure about the hand
Maybe if she made it
to the hospital in time?

 May 2020 Ashley Rodden
 May 2020 Ashley Rodden
Eyes barely open
Sun breaks through
The blinds
It’s time to wake up
Mend your broken wings
Don't give up
You still have a purpose
To fulfill before it's your
Time to fly up
Up to aurora's heights 
Take this needle and thread
Sew them back
It’s time to mend
It’s time to heal
Your body
Your mind
Your soul
And take some time
To find your spirit
and become whole
Smile and don’t let go
Let it in and hold it close
Never let it fade away
It's time to have
Some faith
We are all
Human after all
Sometimes we fall
Only to fly again
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