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I Fell In Love With You**

I fell in love with you
syllable by syllable,
word by word,
poem by poem
imagining the moon’s
dancing affair with stars,
twinkle by twinkle.
And then
all at once
like the explosion
of a super nova
affecting distant galaxies
and down to my very soul.
I fell in love with you gently,
the way a dew drop
glistens in the morning sun,
the way a flower often opens
to a moonlit song.
But like all love worth holding,
it turns to fire-
wild and consuming;
you have become the flames
dancing across my skin,
smoldering brightly
within my heart
turning me into the sweet smell of ash.
I fell in love with you
then quickly,
the way a meteor flashes
as it skims across the night sky
or hearts melt
within an ******* sigh.
I fell in love with you.

Aztec Warrior 12.4.15
forgot to add the music.. enjoy
 Dec 2015 Arielle Dawn
You are like the rarest of metals,
found on Mars.
Bright green and deep purple
Like the most beautiful stars.
The boring affairs on planet Earth,
Left far behind.
Always moving our perception,
changing our states of mind.
Like all lovers,
we pretend the galaxy moves around us.
I'm Homerus and you be my Venus.
Loving you makes inspiration easy,
Maybe thats why i had to write something cheesy.
 Dec 2015 Arielle Dawn
The first time i saw my moon and stars,
was when you let me take a glimpse beyond your scars.
 Dec 2015 Arielle Dawn
 Dec 2015 Arielle Dawn
My heart,
shaped by the waves
A severly damaged pearl
Because nothing hurts more,
Than the tears of a girl
it's 2 am and the only thing on my mind
is how sweetly my name rolls off of your lips
it's 2 am and all I can think about is you
how you held me so carefully; stole me with one kiss

one kiss led to another and another and another
until I was completely and utterly lost in you
needing you, craving you, missing terribly
and if only you knew what your hands can really do

dreaming of you caressing my body; holding me tight
kissing away my worries, my fears, my sadness
pulling me closer till there's no space between us
whispering sweet nothings till the pain passes

you'd take my hand and kiss it gently
and promise to take care of me from now till the end
even if that meant leaving me all alone
cause you think it's better to just be my friend

but I know for a fact that we were meant to be
even if you don't see how perfect we could be together
I would love you unconditionally and irrevocably
baby please, our love would be forever
 Nov 2015 Arielle Dawn
Asim Javid
I woke up this morning and my name flashed on T.V.
They said i blew up places , they said i killed masses .
Men , women & children I murdered them all.
Who am I ?
I am a muslim and i am taking this fall.
They used my name and spread the terror.
I am not them , it surely is an error.
We, muslims, are the holders of peace , we spread love.
Why am I being  represented by their false actions.
I am a person, with different notions.
World will now brand me a terrorist.
Don't judge me by their actions , I insist.
I am not them, they pilfered my name.
They inflicted libel , and my religion to defame .
I have been robbed , robbed of my name.
I am a muslim , human like you , all the same.
My name has been robbed , my identity stolen
I deprecate the terror and mourn for fallen.
There are millions like me and humanity lies in our depths.
But we are all victims of Identity Theft* ...............
We Muslims condemn  the Paris attack.
I want to make you happy, make you think, make you ***
I want to take all your pain and make you numb
You the ruler of my heart, of my mind
Destroying my thoughts and making them kind
Full of love laughter and a careless abandon
Not another situation would I have wished to be land in
Your eyes your lips
Your hands grasped tightly on my hips
Oh Daniel how can this be true
A mirror reflection of my soul in you
Transcendental more than my body or mind
More than anything I had ever hoped to find
Cant be real must find the flaws
Nothing but fields, where used to be walls
Life and death, flowers and bugs, friendly and sweet
Can feel my breath that much more every time that we meet
Please say its not in my head
That you feel it too, that my heart isn't dead
Quintessential elation
Followed by a drug induced sedation
One that leaves you calm and well
Your face in my heart, as it starts to swell
Overcome with love, yes I'm falling
All this self doubt lay claim to the stalling
Please love me back
Please tolerate all that I lack
All the poison I contain
Take this madness and make me sane
Darkness pervades; an empty whole.
Tears fill this broken bowl.
The nectar too salty to quench the thirst
A brutal reminder of what came first

A Blackness, a Void. God illuminated into being.
Beauty, Belief, Faith - a false way of Seeing.
The futile attempts to make the hole whole,
but it's Loneliness that resides in our Soul.

In every being sprung into existence
the Romantic effort of Man's resistance
is Love, hailed as the Cure.
But ask yourself, "Are you sure?".

At a life with Loneliness by our side
Love's importance becomes amplified.
But Love is just a wishful lie
it is Loneliness that embraces us as we die.
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