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 Oct 2016 Anna Stvictor
There once was a friendship

A friendship that grew strong

One that was durable and could survive all that went wrong

The people in this friendship loved each other

through blood, tears, and depression

They stood by each others sides through

Spite, anger,and loss of affection

They fought for each others beliefs

Held each other when one felt weak

Trusted one another with everything

But eventually the day came

When their friendship wasn't the same

And they ran

Having each other to blame

For the once proud friendships decay

There once was a girl who yearned for what was lost

She wanted her friendship no matter the cost

So she gave up her pride

With a plead and a cry

She waited patiently for old friend to oblige

But to her surprise her friend still insisted she had lied

On the outside she shrugged and said at least I tried

But on the inside she knew the pain would not subside

That the friendship would be broken even after the day she died
Baggy sweatshirts
Faded cologne
Pass the pipe
So I don't feel alone

Crinkled letters
Miles apart
Take a shot
To ease my heart

Foggy memories
Dreams of you
Pop some pills
I won't feel so blue

Drugs and distractions
My mind isn't clear
But my biggest high
Comes from you, my dear
You were the first hit.
The sting of the needle.  
The hole rips into the pale, white forearm flesh leaving a constant reminder that I said "This is the last time."
When it wasn't.
I just wished I never picked you up.
I wish I never held you so dearly.
I wish you were as safe as drugs.
They are our ESCAPE

our Fantasy

Our Ecstasy.

Our way out.
I often hear rants about drugs and peoples nasty opinions of them. I listen carefully and I agree with a few things people say about drugs and the damage it could cause, and is causing, but people have to think of why drugs are being used in the first place. It's not the 'drugs' it's LIFE! Life is the motherf#%*er who makes us rebel.
people say that drugs help with the pain
but  do they
i guess they make you feel good for a while
or is that a mind trick
but are they worth getting kicked out of school?
 Oct 2016 Anna Stvictor
 Oct 2016 Anna Stvictor
I would like
To be on drugs
Just for one day
Not to get addicted
Just so i can let loose
Show a different side of me
Allow me to see the world differently
Allow me to forget my pain, and sorrow.

However I am conflicted
Drugs may make me loose my mind
I may end up rotting in prison
I may harm myself
I may harm others
I may shorten my lifespan
when i was younger,
i was afraid to step in quicksand.
jumping from cushion to cushion,
don't fall off the cliff!

when i was younger,
i was afraid to sleep without light.
covers folded under my feet
don't let the munsters get at me!

when i was younger,
i was afraid the day was too short.
indignantly holding onto my book
but mom, this is the good part!

but now?

i am clinging onto the cliff,
aching to let go.

i am surrounded by my monsters,
they're my only friends.

i am sure good parts don't exist,
that genre's called fantasy.

they said the biggest fear is death,
**so why am i so unafraid?
a lil' quick one. it's late at night and the munsters are creeping back into the covers with me so i decided to write.

— The End —