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Anecandu Sep 2016
Today is the day
A day to wait ones life for
What other conclusion then,
Today we are more than friends
A new beginning where a twisted path ends

My desire is to be yours
Next of Kin
Strings played together in a violin
That makes beautiful unchained melody from within

A symphony to the rhythm of time
With life’s beautiful waltz
Or a Tango, eyes focused, frozen as if paused
So take my hands
I'll take yours gladly in promise
take my heart, it belongs to you forever.
Anecandu Sep 2016
Sunrise on your face like a warm caressing hand
Your surrounded by friends, a tired but merry band.
No hooks or ropes needed just your backpack and your aching feet
Your taking longer drinks now to stave off the heat.

Its so contrasting, your hot when its frigid cold
This moment you'll remember, this memory is Gold
Its about achieving what you thought impossible at first
Something good for the soul, not just the hunger, but a thirst.

You fill your bottle from natures *****
eating your fill from among earths blossoms
Berries, nuts, roasting on ember lit nights.
the eyes consume the bounty of sights.

But the sunrise on the crimson dawn
while stretching your tired frame at being reborn,
So near so high you can touch the vanilla sky
You promise yourself to be back, but alas you lie......
Anecandu Sep 2016
Someone said your eyes were like crystals
I say they are exquisite diamonds that make you sparkle
For even though my station of poverty is cruel,
You are now and always my most precious jewel

To be beholden by your golden charms at leisure
Brings me daily so much pleasure,
Each time you glide into view
As an angel on gilded wings of air.

You persuaded me illicitly with your smile
So captivating it entrapped and dangled keys to a cage of fate,
Where I grin beyond its iron gates,
Here I am yours truly, the world’s happiest prisoner.

For this prison of fate holds and subjugates
My fickle heart to your powers innate,
At any time you could with one wink command me to remain
Enslave me with your iridescent eyes to tame, in your domain

When you speak,  little bells register in my head and echo in my heart
Striking me sharper than Japanese swords... your romantic words
And love, our hearts greatest reward, comes forward so delicately,
Shored and anchored by respect.......... pure in every aspect

Treating your fickle heart as gently it deserves,
Yet how cruel thou art to taunt me this way,
To withhold thy love until now........ all this bliss I missed,
Knowing you could transform my world with a kiss.

Thus you pulled my heart from an Abyss,
Stripping me and burnishing my feelings with happiness,
The freedom of innocence and youth come back as the only truths,
The truth is I would give it all to have just only you.
Anecandu Sep 2016
I wanted to call you again,
Your voice I know will numb the pain,
These heart beats, pounding aloud in my head,
Are they my telephone keys punched instead?

The dial ringing in my ears are like Iron Bells,
Tolling for the loss of our intimacy, me losing your spells,
I carefully grip the receiver cord tightly in my hands,
Like a rock climber dangling from fraying rope strands.

But then when you finally said hello?
My world shattered by that one blow,
My mind fragmented, suspended in multi dimensions,
As our hearts released, like rain, floods of mixed emotions,

I’ve waited so long for you to say three precious words,
Expensive words from those firm sweet lips I once kissed.
Yet now you speak, and your words are amiss,
Because I hear music instead of your voice,
Beautiful to hear, but condemning is your choice,

I’m sentenced to live without your electric impulses,
The loss makes me convulse, as part of me dies
Your heavy breathing and sighs.... replace once gratified cries,
I fail miserably with the charms of my best lies...............

I want the chance to speak to your heart,
Through these cold metal wires rekindle a spark,
To defeat the consuming fate that kept us apart,
Bringing once again love to the fore, to just love you more..........
Anecandu Sep 2016
To the keeper of the city's big gate,
Gives an encouraging smile even when I'm late,
I'm looking forward and around in the traffic, the lane,
Trying to mask my disappointment, of missing you again.

For another face is at the window, surrounded by Blue,
And the next day and the next day after that times two,.
I've almost given up this pact,
Gave up on searching, handed my last and just laid back.

This time I got out early,
Cruising up, mind else where, just 7:30,
Can scarcely believe my eyes,
But there you are, I’m hypnotized.

Reaching out, I'm devoid of what to say or think,
Our time is up in only a blink,
And my dry lips fumble, from ogling, long enough to say,
Sounded something like, “enjoy the rest of today”!.

But if I'm lucky you reward me with another "Casa Blanca" smile,
The kind frozen in time and space of my mind for a while,
As I can only lean and gaze,
Finally rolling away bewildered and dazed.

To nibble on that morsel of memory tucking away what remains,
In the farthest reaches of my over ecstatic brain,
“We’ll always have Paris” I silently strain with refrain,
Until tomorrow when I look for you again.
  Sep 2016 Anecandu
Dark Delusion
Taking one step out of the door.
My anxiety is getting worse.
Why isn’t it me they ignore.
Why won’t anyone just disperse.

Can’t escape the cold eyes.
The judgement follows you.
Humanity is not something you can customize.
Everyone sees me as taboo.

I wish I could just disappear from people’s eyes.
I wish I couldn’t hear because everything is too loud.
Then people won’t notice my cries.
When they do I’ll just be hiding in the crowd.
  Sep 2016 Anecandu
Anonymous Freak
I'm having tea with Life,
And his band of Disappointments.
They dine at my expense,
And they're a hungry bunch of guests.

Tea turned into Supper,
Where the Disappointments drank
My finest wine,
And Life wiped his cruel mouth
On my tablecloth.

You can't have supper without dessert,
So they ate up more of my
Food for thought.
And if you stay for dessert,
You may as well spend the night.
So they did
And burgled my pantry of hopes
For a midnight snack.

One night was lovely,
So Life cackled, "Why not stay two?"
And two turned to a week,
And a week turned into
My sickeningly merry guests
Moving into my dreams,
And inviting in Doubt,
To live with them too,
And of course
Pay no rent.

So I watch my chaotic household
Of a skull,
Where Life has made himself at home
And brought all of his friends.
I stare dully at my ruined
Dining room of thought,
Which they have dominated.
And look wearily for a spare idea
In my raided cupboards.

I've never been one
To evict friends,
So I suppose they're here to stay.
But learn a lesson from me,
And don't ever
Have Life over for tea.
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